Side Effects of Laser Skin Therapy - Dr. Cory Torgerson (2024)

Laser Therapy Enables The Skin’s Own Collagen Production

Minimize Facial Imperfections

Laser skin therapy is just one of the facial cosmetic procedures that Dr. Torgerson offers at his Toronto laser clinic. Using controlled heat, lasers are able to tighten sagging skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and minimize facial imperfections. Laser therapy enables the skin’s own collagen production, which continues to produce a glowing complexion long after the treatment.

For over half a century, lasers have been used for cosmetic purposes. The technology has advanced and the laser machines are so improved that the side effects of laser skin therapy are basically insignificant. It is recommended that you read articles about laser therapy and ensure that you take time for a consultation prior to undergoing any laser treatment. Although side effects are minimal, Dr. Torgerson highly recommends that you understand what to expect and have a realistic expectation of the outcome. All of these things can be discussed in a consultation.

ClearLift and AFT laser therapies are both considered light-weight treatments. They are recommended for rejuvenating a dull complexion, tightening fine lines, and dealing with superficial facial flaws. Immediately following one of these procedures, the face will feel tight, similar to being in the sun for too long. The pigmentation of the skin may turn slightly pink and appear swollen. This is due to the laser heat being administered to underlying skin tissue and is considered normal. Within 24 to 72 hours, the swelling will be gone and the skin tone will return to normal.

Side Effects of Laser Skin Therapy - Dr. Cory Torgerson (2024)
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