How To Keep Fat From Coming Back After CoolSculpting (2024)

Even fit and healthy individuals can struggle to lose those last few pounds and keep them off. For many men and women, this stubborn fat develops as a result of aging, pregnancy, hormones, or genetics and becomes resistant to traditional diet and exercise. It can, understandably, be frustrating to not get the results you want after consistent work in the gym and with your diet. Fortunately, cosmetic procedures – such as liposuction – may be an alternative.

For patients who aren’t interested in the expense or downtime associated with surgery, however, noninvasive fat reduction treatments can provide a fantastic solution for getting the slimmer, tighter contour you deserve when diet and exercise fail. Board-certified internist Dr. Dale Prokupek and the expert team at Aesthetic Body Solutions are proud to provide the advanced CoolSculpting® fat reduction treatment system in Beverly Hills, CA. Discover the life-changing benefits of CoolSculpting here, and learn what you can do to maintain your gorgeous results for years to come.

How does CoolSculpting work?

CoolSculpting fat reduction uses completely noninvasive cryolipolysis technology to effectively “freeze” and destroy fat cells without the need for needles, incisions, or anesthesia. During a CoolSculpting session, which may take about an hour depending on the area being treated, the advanced device pulls the fat toward the skin’s surface using gentle suction and cools the fat cells to a precise temperature. The fat cells ultimately die and are expelled from the body through natural functions. Most patients can return to their normal daily routines immediately following a CoolSculpting session and typically experience only mild side effects, such as bruising, redness, or itching, which resolve on their own within a few days.

Where can CoolSculpting be used?

CoolSculpting is an FDA-cleared fat reduction treatment that is completely nonsurgical and can be used in a variety of areas, including:

  • Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Flanks
  • Love handles
  • Under the butt
  • Upper back/bra line
  • Male chest
  • Under the chin

While the results of CoolSculpting can certainly be stunning, Dr. Prokupek's patients should already be at or near their goal weight and have exhausted traditional methods before considering CoolSculpting fat reduction.

How many CoolSculpting treatments do I need?

The number of CoolSculpting sessions needed at Aesthetic Body Solutions can vary from patient to patient depending on the area being treated, the amount of excess fat, the patient’s goals, and other factors. In many cases, a single CoolSculpting session is enough to produce the patient’s desired outcome, while other patients may need 2 – 3 sessions spaced a few months apart. On average, patients can expect about a 20 – 30% reduction in fat cells in the treated area after one CoolSculpting session. Keep in mind, the results of CoolSculpting can take up to 3– 4 months to become fully apparent as the fat cells deteriorate and leave the body.

How long does CoolSculpting last?

The fat cells that are destroyed through CoolSculpting are eliminated and will not return to the body. However, new fat cells can be generated, and the remaining fat cells can still swell with subsequent weight gain. With proper CoolSculpting aftercare and a consistent lifestyle, many patients can enjoy their CoolSculpting results for years to come.

How do I maintain my CoolSculpting results?

To maintain and preserve your Beverly Hills CoolSculpting results for as long as possible, one of the most critical things you can do is to avoid subsequent weight gain. Gaining weight after CoolSculpting can cause fat cells to grow and can even stimulate the generation of new fat cells. In order to prolong your CoolSculpting results, use these beneficial tips:

  • Avoid weight fluctuation
  • Wait until you are done having children to get CoolSculpting
  • Maintain a healthy diet
  • Exercise regularly

Say goodbye to unwanted fat with noninvasive CoolSculpting in Beverly Hills, CA

If you are frustrated by stubborn fat that won’t seem to respond to your best efforts in the gym, CoolSculpting may be the solution you’ve been searching for. Call the knowledgeable team at Aesthetic Body Solutions to schedule your private consultation with board-certified internist Dr. Dale Prokupek today, and learn how you can finally rid yourself of those last few pounds and get the stunning figure you’ve always wanted in as little as one Beverly Hills CoolSculpting session!

How To Keep Fat From Coming Back After CoolSculpting (2024)


How To Keep Fat From Coming Back After CoolSculpting? ›

Here are some tips for maintaining your CoolSculpting results: A balanced diet: A diet primarily of grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and beans helps people remain slim and fit. Avoid fried foods, snacks, and heavily processed foods as much as possible, and stay hydrated.

How do you keep fat off after CoolSculpting? ›

Here are some tips for maintaining your CoolSculpting results: A balanced diet: A diet primarily of grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and beans helps people remain slim and fit. Avoid fried foods, snacks, and heavily processed foods as much as possible, and stay hydrated.

Why did my fat come back after CoolSculpting? ›

Does fat return after CoolSculpting treatment? The fat cells destroyed during CoolSculpting treatment die and cannot return or reactivate. However, remaining fat cells can still swell during subsequent weight gain. If you gain weight after getting CoolSculpting, your body can create new fat cells.

How do you maximize fat freezing results? ›

Here are seven tips on how to improve CoolSculpting results:
  1. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle. CoolSculpting only targets specific areas of fat, not the whole body. ...
  2. Drink Plenty of Water. ...
  3. Massage the Treated Area. ...
  4. Wear Loose Clothing or a Compression Garment. ...
  5. Avoid NSAIDs. ...
  6. Manage Expectations. ...
  7. Attend Follow-Up Treatments.
Aug 19, 2021

How are fat cells expelled after CoolSculpting? ›

Once the cell freezes, it collapses and it triggers the cell to die. During this process, your body excretes the dead fat cells through your lymphatic system. These fat cells then exit the body through fecal matter, urine, and sweat!

How to avoid paradoxical adipose hyperplasia? ›

One of the simplest ways to reduce your risk of developing PAH is to choose a different body contouring procedure such as SculpSure® or liposuction.

How do you tighten skin after CoolSculpting? ›

Though treatments involve minimal downtime, there are ways you can maximize CoolSculpting results and boost potential skin tightening, including:
  1. Massage the treatment area gently after to help flush out the dead fat cells.
  2. Apply warm compresses to reduce pain, swelling, and cramping.
Dec 26, 2023

How fast does fat come back after CoolSculpting? ›

Good news ladies and gentlemen! CoolSculpting does in fact last for the long haul. The fat cells that are frozen in the CoolSculpting process, and then reabsorbed and sloughed off by your body, don't return.

Why is my stomach so big after CoolSculpting? ›

Swelling after CoolSculpting is a common occurrence because the procedure stimulates an inflammatory response as the body works to remove dead fat cells. Swelling can also be your skin's reaction to the cooling applicator.

What is the downside of CoolSculpting? ›

Rarely, cryolipolysis can cause mild or moderate pain afterward. You're also at a slight risk of nerve pain. Sometimes your skin can look less smooth afterward. Less than 1% of people who get it done have a complication called paradoxical fat hyperplasia.

How to speed up CoolSculpting recovery? ›

Staying hydrated also helps reduce any potential side effects of CoolSculpting, such as swelling or discomfort. Drinking enough water aids your body's healing process and reduces any inflammation that may occur.

What happens if you don't massage after CoolSculpting? ›

I've seen that massage can improve your results by about 10% when performed right after freezing. However, you should still see a difference in your figure, even if you didn't receive a massage, of up to 25% fat removal with one session. It's closer to 35% reduction with massage.

Is it good to massage the area after CoolSculpting? ›

After your CoolSculpting session, Zeltiq recommends that your CoolSculpting provider massages the area for about 2 minutes – this will help break down the fat cells and increase blood flow to the area.

Do you pee out fat after CoolSculpting? ›

During the procedure, fat cells are frozen to a specific temperature where they break up and liquefy. These cells die during the process and leave through your lymphatic system (you either urinate or sweat them out).

Does CoolSculpting cause fat in other areas? ›

CoolSculpting is a highly recommend procedure for people who are having trouble losing stubborn fat, after months of working out and eating a healthy diet. If you do gain weight after CoolSculpting, it is because of the fat cells in other areas that have grown, while the frozen ones have shrunken and died off.

What does fat leaving the body look like? ›

The breakdown of fat cells occurs in two primary forms. One is in the form of water, and the fat leaves as sweat or urine. In addition, about 84% of fat leaves your body as carbon dioxide during exhalation.

Is it harder to gain weight after CoolSculpting? ›

The fat cells that are destroyed through CoolSculpting are eliminated and will not return to the body. However, new fat cells can be generated, and the remaining fat cells can still swell with subsequent weight gain.

Is it hard to lose weight after CoolSculpting? ›

It is not intended to be a substitute for diet and exercise. However, weight loss will occur. Once the fat cells in the targeted area have frozen to death, your body eliminates them as waste. This process can take several weeks, so your weight loss will be gradual.

Do you end up with loose skin after CoolSculpting? ›

Though CoolSculpting is not guaranteed to improve skin elasticity (skin tightness), CoolSculpting does not leave sagging skin. If your main concern is excess skin after dramatic weight loss, a cosmetic surgery such as a tummy tuck may be required.

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