Lightroom oder Lightroom Classic? Der große Vergleich - Stefan Schäfer (2024)

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Lightroom oder Lightroom Classic?

Der große Vergleich

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Lightroom oder Lightroom Classic? Diese Frage bekomme ich sehr häufig per Mail oder bei Instagram und Youtube gestellt. Welches Programm sollte man denn nun verwenden? Oder aber Nutzer sind erstaunt, dass ihr Programm ganz anders aussieht, als das, was ich in meinen Videos nutze. Das liegt an den zwei unterschiedlichen Versionen von Lightroom, die Adobe anbietet. In diesem Video möchte ich auf die Unterschiede etwas genauer eingehen.

Lightroom ist die neuere Variante der Produkte und kann auch auf dem Smartphone oder Tablet benutzt werden.

Lightroom Classic hat insgesamt ein paar mehr Funktionen

LR Classic bietet eine Desktop Version mit der es einige Funktionen mehr gibt. Oben in den Reitern finden sich dort zum Beispiel noch Möglichkeiten, Fotobücher, Diashows und Karten zu erstellen. Lightroom dagegen verzichtet auf diese Funktionen und beschränkt sich mehr auf die Bildbearbeitung. Auch die Katalogfunktionen sind in der Classic Version umfangreicher, so dass man seine Fotos besser sortieren und katalogisieren kann.

Wie die Programme deine Fotos speichern

Der größte Unterschied ist die Speicherung deiner Fotos. Während Lightroom Classic alle Fotos in einem Katalog mit Referenzen auf einer normalen Festplatte speichert, arbeitet Lightroom mit einer cloudbasierten Speicherung. Deine Fotos werden also ins Internet geladen, damit du sie auf allen Geräten jederzeit abrufen kannst. Dabei werden die kompletten RAW Dateien hochgeladen. Nicht jeder ist davon aber begeistert, seine Fotos in eine Cloud hochladen zu müssen. In Lightroom Classic besteht die Möglichkeit, mit Smartvorschauen in geringerer Auflösung zu arbeiten, auch wenn die entsprechende Festplatte, auf dem die originale RAW Datei liegt, nicht angeschlossen ist. Für den Export muss diese aber vorhanden sein. Lightroom hat den großen Vorteil, dass immer automatisch Backups in der Cloud angelegt werden. Diese Backups muss man in der Classic Version noch manuell erstellen lassen. Du siehst, beide Systeme haben gewisse Vor- und Nachteile. Da musst du für dich selbst entscheiden, welches System dir eher liegt.

Möglichkeiten der Bildbearbeitung fast gleich

Wenn wir uns die reine Bildbearbeitung anschauen, so ist der Funktionsumfang inzwischen fast gleich. Einige Kleinigkeiten, wie Luminanzmasken sind in Lightroom noch nicht vorhanden, aber alle Basic Tools findet man auch in beiden Varianten. Lightroom Classic hat aber insgesamt deutlich mehr Vorteile, besonders dann, wenn man lokal arbeiten möchte.

Schau dir das obige Video gerne nochmal an, um alle Unterschiede zu sehen.

Lightroom lernen

Du möchtest Lightroom lernen? Lightroom für Anfänger oder Lightroom für Fortgeschrittene sind tolle Videokurse, die du direkt bei uns im Shop kaufen und sofort herunterladen kannst!

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Lightroom oder Lightroom Classic? Der große Vergleich - Stefan Schäfer (2024)


Which one is best, Lightroom or Lightroom Classic? ›

Lightroom Classic uses a more complex system of Catalogues and Collections. These can be shared to other devices selectively. But, only low resolution Smart Previews will be available. Once you are done editing, Lightroom Classic gives you more options and flexibility for exporting your images.

What is the best version of Lightroom for beginners? ›

Lightroom CC is the ideal program for beginners and professional photographers on-the-go.

Which version of Lightroom is best for me? ›

Which Version of Lightroom is Right for You?
  • Lightroom Classic is designed for people who will use the software to its full potential, without exporting to Photoshop for more complex work. ...
  • Lightroom CC is designed for people who need easy access to their photo library across all of their devices.

Is Lightroom beginner friendly? ›

The program is very easy to familiarize oneself with, but it is deep enough that continual training will help users consistently improve their skills with the program. Both Noble and Adobe offer free video tutorials on Adobe Lightroom to help students pick up the basic skills required to start using Lightroom.

Do I need Lightroom Classic if I have Lightroom? ›

Depending on what package you buy from Adobe, there's a good chance that you'll have both Lightroom Classic and Lightroom available to download. But that doesn't mean you should be using both of them. Despite some similar features, these programs are quite different from one another.

What is the difference between Lightroom Classic and Lightroom for beginners? ›

The Main Differences

Lightroom stores them online, so you need enough cloud storage. Organizing Photos: Lightroom helps you find photos fast with automatic tags. Classic requires you to organize things yourself but gives you more control.

How to get Lightroom Classic for free? ›

New customers can start a seven-day free trial of Lightroom any time. Here's how you sign up: Click Start Free Trial and select For Individuals, For Students and Teachers, or For Teams and Businesses. Select your plan and how you'd like to be billed.

Can I buy Lightroom Classic outright? ›

Can you own Lightroom permanently? You can no longer purchase Lightroom and own it forever. To access Lightroom you'll need to subscribe to an annual plan.

Can I buy Lightroom without a subscription? ›

Can I purchase and install Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom without subscribing to CC? You can no longer buy Lightroom as a standalone program and own it forever. To access Lightroom, you must subscribe to a plan. If you stop your plan, you will lose access to the program and the images you have stored in the cloud.

Which app is better than Lightroom? ›

If you're satisfied with basic editing features and less precise edits, Snapseed (Android, iOS) is a great app that's more intuitive than Lightroom. It's totally free, with no premium paid tier and no ads. It's owned by Google, but it doesn't require that you upload your photos to edit them.

Which Lightroom version is free? ›

Lightroom for mobile is a free app that gives you a powerful, yet simple solution for capturing, editing and sharing your photos. And you can upgrade for premium features that give you precise control with seamless access across all your devices — mobile, desktop and web.

Can I just download Lightroom Classic? ›

How do I download and install Lightroom Classic? You can download your app from the Creative Cloud website. If prompted, sign in to your Adobe account, then click either Download or Install for your app.

What is the disadvantage of Lightroom? ›

What are the disadvantages of Adobe Lightroom? Adobe Lightroom has very limited functions of editing separate image parts, as well as adding or deleting various elements. Besides that, Adobe Lightroom does not allow creating new images and works only with a limited number of file formats.

Can I buy Lightroom permanently? ›

Like all of Adobe's Creative Cloud apps, there's no way to buy the software outright, so you will need a subscription.

Is Lightroom worth it for a hobbyist? ›

Is Lightroom worth it for a hobbyist? Yes, if a hobbyist is serious about their photography and wants an efficient workflow for editing and organizing photos.

Is Lightroom Classic worth it? ›

Most of the older app's features are in the newer app, but Lightroom still lacks local printing, tethering, and plug-in support, so veteran pro users will want to stick with Lightroom Classic, an Editors' Choice award winner. For full-on photo-editing power, our Editors' Choice is Photoshop.

Why is Lightroom Classic better? ›

Choose Lightroom Classic if:

you want Lightroom Classic's full suite of advanced tools. you want full control over your files – where they're stored, how they're backed up, etc. you work primarily on your desktop or laptop. you work with large amounts of images and don't want to pay for cloud storage.

Should I upgrade to Lightroom Classic? ›

There's nothing wrong with continuing to use Lightroom 6 for now and upgrading to Lightroom Classic CC in a year or two when the difference between the two is much greater. You also need to be aware of the effect it will have on your workflow if you buy a new camera whose Raw files aren't supported by Lightroom 6.

Why should I use Lightroom Classic? ›

Lightroom Classic offers professional photographers powerful ways to import, organize, and correct everything they shoot. Its unmatched feature set and design earn it a rare five-star rating and our Editors' Choice award for photo workflow software.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

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Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.