How to Use H1 Tags in 2021 (With Examples) - Granwehr (2024)

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A website without heading tags to organize content is like a store without signs or labels to organize products in aisles. Without heading tags, your website becomes hard to navigate and customers will leave out of frustration. Use of a main heading, known as the “H1 tag,” is an important part of successful search engine optimization (SEO).But what exactly are H1 tags and how can you use them to improve your digital marketing strategy?

Turn rankings into revenue Intent SEO can boost search traffic revenue by 700%. How much revenue are you missing out on?

What is an H1 tag in HTML?

An H1 tag is a snippet of code that tells the search engine your page’s headline. The type of code that webmasters use to make headings is called “hypertext markup language” (HTML). You can identify the H1 tags as the large text which appears at the top of the page:

How to Use H1 Tags in 2021 (With Examples) - Granwehr (1)

When you view source code for a web page, H1 heading tags look something like this:

How to Use H1 Tags in 2021 (With Examples) - Granwehr (2)They are separate from the title tag. H1s show up only on the page itself, while the page title tag shows up in the search engine results pages (SERPs), browser tabs, and social media thumbnails.

Sometimes, when a website owner hasn’t created a title tag, the search engine will use the H1 in its place. After the user clicks on the link in the SERPs, however, an H1 represents the title of the page. The search engine will use this to determine the main topic of the page and categorize the page in its content database (index).

H1s are HTML elements that play a crucial role in any technical SEO strategy. Implementing them has been a staple of SEO content marketing since the very beginning.

Why are H1 tags so important?

When search engines rank content, their number one priority is locating and displaying the pieces which best serve users. This is why H1s are consistently considered one of the most important ranking factors. Heading tags by nature are intended to make content easier for users to navigate.

By formatting your web page with these tags, you are making it easier for crawlers and users to understand and navigate. Organizing your content this way also improves the overall quality of your content. Careful planning of what you’re going to create and how you’re going to frame the information ultimately produces more thoughtful content that readers can see.

Many marketers use headings to improve their rankings. Simply changing the page’s H1 tag can have a major impact on SEO performance. For example, when one website changed the H1 tag on a web page, its organic traffic increased by 85% in three days.

Can you use multiple H1 tags?

Historically speaking, the SEO community frowned upon using multiple H1 tags for a single piece of content. The theory was that adding more than one H1 tag would confuse the search engine and make it hard for them to understand the overall theme of your content.

Today, however, you can use more than one of these elements if it makes sense for your content structure. The Google algorithm has become increasingly sophisticated. Its current HTML5 software can understand semantic search terms and use context clues to determine the main topic of a web page, even if there are multiple H1 tags.

Only use more than a single H1 tag if it improves the user experience. Headings should correspond to the topic’s importance. Multiple H1 tags are often used when the web page is a long-form, in-depth discussion of a topic which is broken down into several large sections.

How to create the best H1 tag for SEO

Because the H1 is the main heading and star of the show, you need to put some thought into it. Once a user is on your site, the headline can either entice them to keep reading or make them want to immediately return to the search results. There are several ways to create H1 tags which improve the overall performance of your on-page SEO strategy.

Use H1s to set up a hierarchy

Using a hierarchy of header tags is an effective and common way to organize web content. There are six different heading levels that rank in importance:

How to Use H1 Tags in 2021 (With Examples) - Granwehr (3)

H1 is at the top because it represents the entire piece. H2 tags then break the larger topic down into smaller sections, following with H3 tags all the way to H6 tags. While you can have up to six levels of heading tags, you don’t necessarily have to use them all.

You may simply opt to have your main H1 tag and a couple of H2 tags after that. When creating your content, you might find it helpful to write down an outline of your information by hand. Then, after figuring out the various sections, you can convert them into subheadings.

Describe the topic of your page

Users typically use the H1 tag to decide whether they should keep skimming for relevant information. For many, this is a jumping-off point where they decide to stay on the page and browse or revert back to the search results.

Your header should explain what the content is about. Readers should know when they pull up the page whether the information will be useful to them or not.

Answer user intent in your H1

There are four main types of user search intent which tell you more about why a person would be searching for your keywords. Understanding what users are looking for before you create your content is important for SEO because it saves you time. From the get-go, you have made a web page that does exactly what the user needs.

When it comes to creating a page title, you want the heading to touch on multiple questions that the user might have about your content. So, before you write your tag, it’s a good idea to think about the type of resource you’re creating.

Consider answering these questions:

  • What type of content is this? (guide, how-to, template, list, etc.)
  • Who is this content for? (moms, kids, young adults, etc.)
  • What is the search term you’re targeting? (keyword or phrase)
  • Does your content have important multimedia elements? (charts, graphs, videos, etc.)
  • How much content is included? (number of list items, stats, etc.)
  • What does the reader need the content for? (learn, cook, style, research, etc.)

These questions will give you individual pieces that you can use to form the perfect headline. For example, imagine that you run a food blog and are making a listicle for moms who need bake sale treat ideas:

  • What type of content is this: list
  • Who is this for: busy, possibly stressed out moms
  • What search terms am I target: bake sale ideas
  • Are there multimedia elements: how-to videos
  • How much content is included: ten different ideas
  • Why does the reader need it: to be less stressed about making bake sale goods

So, a good headline for this content might be:


In just 51 characters, you’ve addressed your content’s format, angle. type, target audience, and keywords while acknowledging the reader’s pain points. Great H1s are able to answer multiple questions in one seamless line of text.

Think of the user experience first, not SEO

When it comes to improving your SEO, putting the user first is always the right approach. Google search results are intended to display the very best resources for users, so if you don’t consider your audience, you most likely won’t rank highly for your keywords.

As you implement H1 tags, you need to decide on a structure that makes the content flow smoothly. Adding too many headers can sometimes disrupt the natural flow of the piece, so keep this in mind as you plan your layout.

Consider adding an H1 tag any time you:

  • Need to introduce a large topic with several points beneath it
  • Have long content that needs breaks
  • Want to break up a long-tail keyword into multiple sections

Crawlers use these HTML code elements to understand your content, but new technology like screen readers also use it to improve accessibility for visually impaired users. While using H1 headers can improve your SEO rankings, they are mostly designed for the reader. That’s why the organization and structure you choose should ultimately be based on user experience.

Include a keyword

One of the hallmarks of a successful white hat SEO strategy is the effective use of keywords. You should include a keyword in your page header because the search engine uses it to categorize your content.

Consider this header from Good Housekeeping which ranks number one for “best dog breeds:”

How to Use H1 Tags in 2021 (With Examples) - Granwehr (4)

Imagine that the author had written “Top 20 House Pets for Kids and Families to Adopt Straight Away.” If the author had substituted use of the keywords “best dogs” for “top house pets,” this article most likely wouldn’t have ranked for the search term.

Why? Because the search engine crawlers might think that the content is about a variety of animals to adopt, not specifically the best dogs. This is why you should always include your target keyword in your H1 tag. If you don’t, your content will likely become lost within the SERPs and receive very little (if any) traffic for your intended purpose.

Stay within the character limit

You want to maximize the space you have for a header without including unnecessary details. The length for H1 tags is somewhere between 20 and 70 characters, however, sticking somewhere between 30 and 60 is probably the best.

If you go over 60 characters, your header is too long and probably isn’t doing anything to improve user experience. You can still include plenty of detail in the header without going significantly over this limit.

Get help with H1 tags Want help optimizing your H1 tags for SEO? Talk to a proven consultant.

Make your tag stand out

Formatting your H1 heading to stand out will improve the overall appeal of your content. You want to draw attention to the title. Make your title pop off the page by:

  • Bolding the text
  • Increasing the text size
  • Using a different font than your body content
  • Using special characters like asterisks (***) and exclamation points
  • Incorporating numbers
  • Making it a bright color

If, for example, your H1 tag is easily confused with H2 tags or H3 tags, it will make it hard for users to figure out how each heading is related to the other. H1 tags should stand out more than any other header on the page.

Whichever style you use, ensure that users will notice the title right away. While H1 tags are considered web development elements, they’re not just for crawlers. You need to design them to stand out for users, too.

H1 tag examples

Before you write your header tag, search for your keywords on Google and look at some of the top-ranked pages. What information do they include in the HTML headings?

This will give you a better idea of which types of H1s seem more relevant to the search terms, and which are more appealing to users and Google’s search algorithm. Here are some examples of great headlines that rank in the top three for their target keywords on Google:


How to Use H1 Tags in 2021 (With Examples) - Granwehr (5)This H1 which ranks in the top three for “renovate old bathroom” promises to be unique by spilling trade secrets, is specific about the quantity of information, and uses keywords “renovating” and “bathroom.”

Rotten TomatoesHow to Use H1 Tags in 2021 (With Examples) - Granwehr (6)

From this heading, it’s obvious to the reader that the content is going to address all 20+ Marvel movies and how they’re being ranked (using the site’s Tomatometer system).

Meal Prep on Fleek

How to Use H1 Tags in 2021 (With Examples) - Granwehr (7)You can see from this header that the page content is most likely organized in a list and it makes good use of the long-tail keyword phrase “recipes for people who hate cooking.” It also clearly answers the question: “Who is this for?”


How to Use H1 Tags in 2021 (With Examples) - Granwehr (8)

This is an example of a simple yet effective H1 tag. It clearly states the focus of the web page for search engine crawlers and links two important topics for the user: social media use and mental health. It is the top-ranking post for “impact of social media.”


How to Use H1 Tags in 2021 (With Examples) - Granwehr (9)

Another great example of writing headers for long-tail keywords, this H1 tag contains a lot of relevant information. Users know that it’s for beginners, is recent (2021), and acts as an overall guide. The words “how to” always communicate education. The visitor knows they’ll learn how to do something once they’ve consumed the content.

How to add H1 tags in WordPress

If, like a third of all websites, you are using WordPress to publish content, there are two primary ways to add an H1 tag to your content.

  • Use the WP Editor: Depending on the version of WordPress that you have, there are two different types of built-in editors you would use to change header tags.If you are using the classic editor, you can go to the “Paragraph” drop-down menu and decide which type of heading you want to add. By selecting “H1,” the code for any text you enter will automatically be tagged.For anyone using the new Gutenberg editor, you simply add a new content block and select “Heading.” From there, you will be able to select the type of HTML tag you want.
  • Use a plugin: You can also download a WordPress SEO plugin like Yoast SEO to add H1 tags without coding. These tools have editing blocks where you simply add the title of your web page and they update the code for you. If you get confused, you can always find a step-by-step tutorial to follow.

Get a complimentary SEO audit

As the most important heading on your web page, the H1 tag should be well-written and thoughtful. Your primary focus while writing this headline should be answering user pain points and questions about the content. If you do that, you will also be giving important context that search engine crawlers can use to understand and rank your content.

Want to see how you’re doing with SEO? Get an instant SEO audit below. Or, schedule a free consultation to see how intent SEO can boost search traffic revenue by 700%.

How to Use H1 Tags in 2021 (With Examples) - Granwehr (2024)


How do you use H1 tags? ›

Your h1 tag should be at the top of the page content (above any other heading tags in the page code). If your site is divided in to columns the left column may appear “higher” in the code. Be sure it does not contain any h1 tags as most likely the center column contains the main content of the page.

What is a H1 tag example? ›

It is used as the name of the page or publication. H1 tag example: <h1> The name of your page or post </h1>. The H1 tag takes the first place in the hierarchy of headings, which can be tagged from H1 to H6 depending on the degree of importance in the content.

Is it the best way to include H1 heading? ›

It is good pratice to inlcude H1 heading only once and to use H2-H6 heading in others areas.

How do you write a good tag? ›

12 tips for the perfect description tag
  1. Use no more than 155 characters. ...
  2. Use keywords you want to score with for that page. ...
  3. Don't create false expectations. ...
  4. Tell the user what to expect. ...
  5. Think about your target audience. ...
  6. Write properly. ...
  7. To the point. ...
  8. Don't just repeat the page title.

How do you write a best tag? ›

The Top 10 Tips for Writing an Effective Title Tag
  1. Make sure to stay within the 50-60 character limit. If your title tags are too long, Google will truncate them – cut them off after a certain number of characters. ...
  2. Stick to regular capitalization. ...
  3. Target a primary keyword. ...
  4. Consider including a long tail keyword.
Feb 11, 2022

What is a good H1? ›

Your H1 Should Describe the Topic of Your Page

At the most basic level, the H1 should describe what the content is all about. Often, the H1 tag will be similar or the same as your title tag. Usually, the H1 tag will be the title of your blog post or article.

Why is H1 tag is important for a website? ›

H1s are a good indicator of what the most important text on a page is. As they are usually the most visually notable content on the page, a good H1 can ensure clarity for the reader. It's important to remember that SEO can often be about user optimisation as well as optimisation for search.

How many times we can use H1 tag? ›

“You can use H1 tags as often as you want on a page. There's no limit, neither upper or lower bound. Your site is going to rank perfectly fine with no H1 tags or with five H1 tags.” Google has even published a video on this specific topic to dispel the idea that Google recommends only one H1.

How do I align text in h1 tag HTML? ›

Heading tags in HTML have <h1> to <h6> tags. To set the heading alignment in HTML, we use the style attribute inside an HTML element. The attribute is used with the HTML <h1> to <h6> tag, with the CSS property text-align for setting alignment for an element.

Is it OK to have multiple h1 tags? ›

"You can use H1 tags as often as you want on a page. There's no limit — neither upper nor lower bound. H1 elements are a great way to give more structure to a page so that users and search engines can understand which parts of a page are kind of under different headings, so I would use them in the proper way on a page.

Does h1 need an ending tag? ›

These elements are called empty elements. Empty elements do not have an end tag!
HTML Elements.
Start tagElement contentEnd tag
<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>

Should H1 be bold? ›

Bold Font Is Not A Replacement For A Heading

Using formatting elements such as bold or italic should be used to highlight specific sections of your content, but never as a replacement for Titles (e.g. <h1>) or Subtitles (<h2>,<h3>, etc.).

Does H1 need to be on first page? ›

The main heading of a page can be an H1, but it doesn't have to be.

Does H1 length matter? ›

Heading sizes. The further down you go with headings, the smaller the headings should become. The H1 heading should be the largest heading on the page. The H2 heading is a little smaller than the H1 , and in turn the H3 heading is smaller than then H2 heading and so on.

How do you answer tag questions? ›

We can reply to tag questions either with simple yes/no answers (negative tags normally expect a yes answer and positive tags normally expect a no answer) or by using yes/no + auxiliary verb. In these examples, use a rising intonation in the tag.

What is an example of a tag statement? ›

A tag statement is an elliptical statement that follows and echoes a main clause statement. Examples: In English, a subject noun or pronoun followed or preceded by an auxiliary verb as in the following example is a tag statement: He made a good showing, did Bill.

What is an example of a tag? ›

An HTML tag is a special word or letter surrounded by angle brackets, < and >. You use tags to create HTML elements , such as paragraphs or links. Many elements have an opening tag and a closing tag — for example, a p (paragraph) element has a <p> tag, followed by the paragraph text, followed by a closing </p> tag.

How do you put tags in a sentence? ›

Sentence tags are added to the end of a statement. If the auxiliary verb be or have or a modal verb is part of the verb phrase in the sentence, then it is used as the verb in the sentence tag. It isn't raining again, is it? You've seen the programme, haven't you?

What is a good H1 size? ›

H0: 40 pt (45–38pt) H1: 32 pt (30–34pt) H2: 26 pt (24–28pt) H3: 22 pt (20–24pt)

How do I optimize my H1 tag for SEO? ›

H1 SEO tips
  1. Always include an H1 tag.
  2. Use only one per page.
  3. Include the primary keyword for your content.
  4. Avoid populating the tag with too many keywords.
  5. Ensure that your target audience can easily read the H1 tag.
  6. Use up to 70 characters in the tag length.
  7. Make the tag unique.
Mar 21, 2019

What is the effect of h1 tag? ›

The h1 should describe the topic of your page and its content. It's possible that the h1 tag is similar to your title tag. Usually the h1 tag is the title of your post or blog post. Normally, the h1 tag gives the reader an idea of the content of a web page.

What is h1 tag hierarchy? ›

HTML header tags follow a hierarchy, from <h1> to <h6>. H1 tags are used to denote the most important text, such as the main theme or title of a content. H2 and H3 tags are commonly used as subheadings. Finally, H4, H5, and H6 tags may be used to provide further structure within those subsections.

Do H1 tags matter for SEO? ›

H1 tags are an important part of SEO. All of the important pages on your site should have H1 tags to draw in the reader and give a clear indication of the content on the page. When you have great H1 tags, especially when you match them to your title tags, it can make a big difference to SEO performance.

Does multiple H1 tags affect SEO? ›

It has long been considered best practice to use only one top-level heading (H1) on a web page. However, during a recent episode of #AskGoogleWebmasters, Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller explained that the use of multiple H1 tags won't hurt your SEO.

Should titles & H1 tags be exactly the same? ›

Should They Be Different? There is a lot of debate as to whether you need to write unique info for your Title Tag and H1 Tag. However, the general consensus amongst experts (including Rand Fishkin of Moz) is that it isn't dangerous to have your Title Tag be the same as your H1 Tag.

Which of the following is correct in h1 tag for right alignment? ›

The correct answer is <h1 align ="right"> ... </h1>. <h1> defines the most important heading. The align Attribute in HTML is used to specify the alignment of text content of an element.

How do you use h1 H2 H3 tags in HTML? ›

The structure of H1, H2, H3 tags

Here's how Hn tags should be used: For an article or webpage, remember that the H1 title is the most important section. H2 and H3 are used to organize sub-sections, while H4, H5 and H6 are intended to provide additional information, with more details.

How do I align text under text in HTML? ›

To set text alignment in HTML, use the style attribute. The style attribute specifies an inline style for an element. The attribute is used with the HTML <p> tag, with the CSS property text-align for the center, left and right alignment.

How do I reduce space between two h1 tags? ›

HTML heading tags have some default CSS values applied in most browsers. Following are the values of h1 and h2 that are applied to them by default, so you need to override the margin-bottom of h1 and margin-top of h2 if you want to decrease the spacing between your h1 and h2 . Save this answer.

Does Google care about H1 tags? ›

H1s Help Search Engines Understand Content

Google's John Mueller has stated, “if you write content that you want to rank for, then being able to understand that content better does help us.” The more descriptive your H1, the better.

Does the order of the H tags matter? ›

How you order headings dictates how a screen reader will navigate through them. As you go down a level, the number should increase by one, like a numbered list within an outline. If headings aren't used in the proper order, it makes it harder for someone using a screen reader to understand the content.

Can you skip H tags? ›

Always use headings in sequential order within your content. You may skip heading ranks when closing subsections of your content. For example, you can skip from <h4> to <h2>, but you shouldn't skip from <h2> to <h4>.

Is it OK to have h2 before h1? ›

No. If you put an h2 tag somewhere on a page, there has to be a h1 tag somewhere before.

Can h1 be rejected? ›

What Is the Rejection Rate of H-1B? Reports from recent studies show a steady rise in the rate of H1B petition denials. From past studies, the denial rate of the H1B petitions has never been more than 6%, but it increased by double to a 12 percent rate in 2018 and 18% in 2019.

What happens if h1 is rejected? ›

A rejection means an error with your filing or fee payment that can be resolved. Denial is a complete dismissal of your petition. If rejection occurs, your employer can file a new I-129 to rectify the previous mistake. However, if your H1B petition is rejected, you'll need to file an AAO appeal.

What happens if h1 is not selected? ›

Apply in cap-exempt H1b jobs

Cap-exempt employment is always a good option for individuals who are not selected in the H 1b lottery. There are jobs in the US that do not fall under the H 1b quota, such as : Institutions of higher education or its related/affiliated nonprofit entities.

What is the correct heading order? ›

Headings should follow a sequential, descending order, and shouldn't skip a level. Numbers are used to represent the heading level where 1 is the highest level and 6 is the lowest subsection. Most technologies, including screen readers, are limited to six levels of headings.

What are the 6 types of headings? ›

HTML defines six levels of headings. A heading element implies all the font changes, paragraph breaks before and after, and any white space necessary to render the heading. The heading elements are H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6 with H1 being the highest (or most important) level and H6 the least.

How long should an H1 heading be? ›

How long should an H1 tag be? H1 tags can be as long as you like but as most CMS' use the page title for both the H1 and title tag, it's best to keep page titles short (<70 characters) to avoid title tag truncation.

How do you write H1 tags for SEO? ›

H1 SEO tips
  1. Always include an H1 tag.
  2. Use only one per page.
  3. Include the primary keyword for your content.
  4. Avoid populating the tag with too many keywords.
  5. Ensure that your target audience can easily read the H1 tag.
  6. Use up to 70 characters in the tag length.
  7. Make the tag unique.
Mar 21, 2019

How do you write H1 and H2 tags? ›

To break it down, remember:
  1. H1 = Main keywords and subject matter, what the overall post is about.
  2. H2 = Sections to break up content, using similar keywords to the H1 tag.
  3. H3 = Subcategories to further break up the content, making it easily scannable.
Apr 12, 2022

How many H1 tags are appropriate? ›

“You can use H1 tags as often as you want on a page. There's no limit, neither upper or lower bound. Your site is going to rank perfectly fine with no H1 tags or with five H1 tags.” Google has even published a video on this specific topic to dispel the idea that Google recommends only one H1.

Do H tags have to be in order? ›

How you order headings dictates how a screen reader will navigate through them. As you go down a level, the number should increase by one, like a numbered list within an outline. If headings aren't used in the proper order, it makes it harder for someone using a screen reader to understand the content.

When should an H1 tag be used? ›

The H1 tag is an HTML heading that's most commonly used to mark up a web page title. Most websites use CSS to make the H1 stand out on the page compared to lesser headings like H2, H3, etc.

Is it OK to have 2 H1 tags? ›

The Truth About Multiple H1 Tags and SEO. Our conclusion is that while it's fine to stick with one H1 per page, multiple H1s can be used as long as they are not being overused to the point of spamming, and the H1s fit contextually within the structure of the page.

Can you use multiple H1 tags? ›

"You can use H1 tags as often as you want on a page. There's no limit — neither upper nor lower bound. H1 elements are a great way to give more structure to a page so that users and search engines can understand which parts of a page are kind of under different headings, so I would use them in the proper way on a page.

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.