Coca-Cola ist out: Amerikaner haben neues Lieblingsgetränk (2024)

Im vergangenen Jahr trank ein durchschnittlicher Amerikaner "nur" noch 146 Liter Limonade. Dagegen löschte eine Person ihren Durst im Schnitt mit 149 Litern Wasser aus Flaschen. Ganze zehn Jahre zuvor sah das Verhältnis noch vollkommen anders aus. Rund 185 Liter Brause ließ eine Person im Jahr durch die Kehle rinnen, aber nur etwa 105 Liter Wasser.

Als Hauptgründe für den Trend sieht die Zeitung zunehmende Sorgen der Bürger um ihre Gesundheit: Zucker steht zunehmend als schädlich in der Kritik, und alternative Süßstoffe wie Stevia haben den ganz großen Durchbruch noch nicht geschafft.

Die Deutschen sind den Amerikanern bei diesem Trend voraus

Für große Brausekonzerne wie Coca-Cola oder Pepsi ist die Entwicklung allerdings keinesfalls ein Drama. Beide Unternehmen verkaufen steigende Mengen an abgefülltem Wasser. Coca-Cola kommt mit Marken wie Dasani, Glaucéau oder smartwater auf einen Anteil von 18,1 Prozent am Wassermarkt. Pepsi erreicht mit Aquafina und Lifewtr 7,5 Prozent.

Unterm Strich setzen die Konzerne mit Limonaden noch mehr Geld um als mit Wasser. Die Süßgetränke kommen auf 39,5 Milliarden Dollar, Flaschenwasser dagegen nur auf 21,3 Milliarden Dollar.

Im Gegensatz zu den Amerikanern ist für die Deutschen Mineralwasser schon seit Jahren das populärste Kaltgetränk. Sie schlucken 148 Liter pro Kopf. Erfrischungsgetränke liegen mit 119 Litern klar dahinter.

Coca-Cola ist out: Amerikaner haben neues Lieblingsgetränk (2024)


How does Coca-Cola symbolize America? ›

For Standage, Coca-Cola's status as the beverage that symbolizes America in all its glory and weakness began during the Great Depression, when the company ran a brilliant series of ads that depicted co*ke as an “all-American” product, fit for the entire family to enjoy.

What is the short paragraph about Coca-Cola? ›

Coca-Cola is a carbonated, sweetened soft drink and is the world's best-selling soda. A popular nickname for Coca-Cola is co*ke. The Coca-Cola Company claims that the beverage is sold in more than 200 countries. Coca-Cola was first made in Columbus, Georgia.

How did Coca-Cola impact the world? ›

This introduction of the Coca-Cola product increased international demand. With people all over the world craving a taste of American culture, Coca-Cola began establishing partnerships with bottling companies and distributors all over the world. Today, the brand operates in more than 200 countries and territories.

How did Coca-Cola influence America? ›


Its influence can be seen in its presence in our movies, television programs, decorations, vending machines on every corner, and its myriad advertisem*nts. In addition, Coca-Cola has worked its way into traditions.

How did Coca-Cola change people's lives? ›

18.5 million+ people's lives improved through access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene since 2010. Our programs focus on improving community access to water and sanitation, while promoting improved hygiene behaviors to make positive impacts on health and development.

What message does Coca-Cola give? ›

The Coca-Cola Company purpose remains clear: To refresh the world and make a difference. This purpose is uniquely us. It's why we exist, and it's needed now, more than ever.

Why was Coca-Cola so important? ›

On May 8, 1886, Dr. John Stith Pemberton sold the first glass of Coca-Cola. Originally developed as a health cure, Coca-Cola went on to become the most recognized brand in the world. For many, it symbolizes the growth of American business and international expansion.

Who is Coca-Cola owned by? ›

How did Coca-Cola improve society? ›

Coca-Cola's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives focus on four key areas: World Without Waste, Sustainable Packaging, Water Stewardship, and Women's Empowerment. Achievement: Collected and recycled 69% of bottles and cans sold globally in 2021. Impact: Diverted 120 billion bottles and cans from landfills.

Which country owns Coca-Cola? ›

The Coca-Cola Company is an American multinational corporation founded in 1892. It produces Coca-Cola. The drink industry company also manufactures, sells, and markets other non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups, and alcoholic beverages.

How old is Coca-Cola today? ›

For 125 years, we have been refreshing the world. This is the remarkable story about the evolution of an iconic brand and the company that bears its name. Since its birth at a soda fountain in downtown Atlanta, Georgia, in 1886, Coca‑Cola has been a catalyst for social interaction and inspired innovation.

Who is Coca-Cola's biggest customer? ›

MacDonald's is Coca-Cola's biggest customer, and the two companies maintain a symbiotic relationship from 1955. As MacDonald's expaneded globally, it often used Coca-Cola's offices as a base of operations to get up and running. Over the years, the companies created a system for delivery.

Is co*ke better in glass or plastic bottles? ›

The soda's flavor may be altered by some of the acetaldehyde in plastic bottles. and carbonation can even leak out. Glass bottles typically won't change the taste. they keep carbonation and they can be stored longer.

Is co*ke American culture? ›

The Coca-Cola Company is an American corporation founded in 1892 and today engaged primarily in the manufacture and sale of syrup and concentrate for Coca-Cola, a sweetened carbonated beverage that is a cultural institution in the United States and a global symbol of American tastes.

Why is Coca-Cola a symbol for capitalism? ›

It was sold in soda fountains, but it was the business model of providing syrup to franchised bottlers that provided the basis of its success. Its status as a symbol of capitalism, and indeed of America, is helped by the fact that it has made mistakes along the way and corrected them.

How has Coca-Cola impacted society in a positive way? ›

Coca-Cola's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives focus on four key areas: World Without Waste, Sustainable Packaging, Water Stewardship, and Women's Empowerment. Achievement: Collected and recycled 69% of bottles and cans sold globally in 2021. Impact: Diverted 120 billion bottles and cans from landfills.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.