What Is Content Optimization (And How to Do It) (2024)

Content optimizationis a part of every successfulcontent marketing strategy. When you get content optimization right, your wholecontent marketingfunction is successful—alltypes of content marketing, from text-based articles (like this one) tovideo content marketingcampaigns can and should be optimized.

No matter whether you’re creating content forbrand awarenessor performance marketing KPIs, there are multiple ways to tackle content optimization. The most important is optimizing for search engines, otherwise known as SEO.

How to Create Genuine Native Content

What is Content Optimization?

Content optimization is the the process of ensuring that content is written, published and technically built so that it reaches the largest audience possible. The process includes the inclusion of relevant keywords, meta and title tags, links, headers and sub-headers, on-site speed, calls-to-action (CTAs), image sizes, and many other factors.

Why is Content Optimization Important

Content marketing optimization is important because without it, your content is unlikely to found by your audience. Think about it—search-based queries aren’t the only way people find content, but they are the most powerful way people can find your contentwithout you directly sending it to them,like you do on social media, or with ads. When you optimize your content for search engines, people, and potential customers, find you on their own.

You should optimize content to:

  • rank on search engine results pages (SERPs)
  • earn links
  • educate an audience
  • drive social engagement
  • increaselead generation
  • increasetop of the funnel leads
  • And many more

What is the difference between creating content and content optimization?

Content is for readers, content optimization is for machines.

When you’re creating content, your audience should be top of mind, and providing them valuable information should be your north star.

How you present that information should be appealing to the algorithms that surface content to the audience it’s valuable for in the first place. Search algorithms will rank content that’s highly optimized higher on a search page than one that’s not optimized.

How Content Optimization Works

Content optimization works by making changes to your content’s copy, structure and metadata so search engines receive strong signals that it’s useful.

For example, to separate an article into different sections, you might make section titles throughout bold. Alternatively tagging them as and actual header (h2, h3, h4, etc.) provides stronger signals to a search engine, and will move it up the ranks.

There are many technical examples like this one, but each of these small tweaks makes an impact on your content’s visibility.

How to Optimize Content

There are several factors to keep in mind when it comes to optimizing your content, including tweaks for text, images and social sharing, and new strategies, which we’ll walk through in detail.

But the first and most important stages are defining your goal, and researching what it takes to reach that goal.

For example, a pet food company might be looking to rank for the term, “healthy dog food” which according toGoogle Keyword Plannergets 10K – 100K searches a month on average. Before you start writing, you should ask yourself:

  • What’s the search intent for this keyword?Search for it yourself, and check out competing articles to see what people have already deemed relevant.
  • Can you improve on the content that’s already ranking for the term?Do you have better information, a unique perspective, or unseen data to share?
  • What types of content are there?Are they videos, photo galleries, infographics or text-based articles? Which should you create?

These three basic questions should give you a foundational outline for your content, before you start production. Once you’ve drafted your initial piece, you can dive into the following list to optimize it.

Optimizing Text

The copy on the page itself goes a long way when providing signals to search engines to improve your rank for a specific keyword.

1. Write Great Content

There are no shortcuts to a high search engine rank—in order to get there your content has to be good. I break downhow to write good content here, but the best way to illustrate how to do this is to illustrate how not to do it.

For example, A company that sells kitchen appliances might be looking to rank for the keyword, ‘best dishwashers.’ To do so, they decide to publish an article on their blog titled ‘The Best Dishwashers of 2020.” Their first paragraph looks like this:

The best dishwashers of 2020 are all listed here. We’ve selected the best dishwashers to make your selection process simple. The best dishwashers are all selected by professionals who know the best dishwashers inside and out—ranked by price and functionality—to ensure you get the best dishwasher for your needs.

In two sentences, I used their target keyword five times. This is one example of a bad practice known askeyword stuffing, and should be avoided.

The article thatactually ranks for this keywordintroduces the article with new research, and clearly lays out their top choices, all of which they’re transparent about selling themselves.

2. Keep New Content Coming

Search engines love new content—the fresher it is the better. If you’re consistently publishing new content, the more likely it is that your site will achieve better search rankings.

Another way to accomplish this is by updating older content, so that it stays relevant and fresh—just tell search engines that you’ve updated it. We do this at Taboola by marking each blog post with the date originally published, and the date in which we last updated the post:

What Is Content Optimization (And How to Do It) (2)

3. Optimized Title Tag

A title tag tells search engines the title of your web page. This is what’s displayed as the clickable headline for every given search result.

It’s coded like this:<head><title>Example Title</title></head>.

According toMoz, a well known search authority, it should be between50-60 characters longand written like so:Primary Keyword – Secondary Keyword | Brand Name.

Here are some examples I found ranking for the keyword ‘hiking snacks.

What Is Content Optimization (And How to Do It) (3)

You can test your title tag using these tools:

It’s important to note that the title tag does not have to match the title of your article or the web page. This is otherwise known as the H1 tag.

4. Optimized H1 Tag

An H1 tag indicates your webpages heading, and helps search engines understand what content is on that page.

It’s coded like this: <h1>TITLE</h1>

Header tags are all snippets of code that tell your website how to display content. Headers have the same hierarchy as a basic outline—headers nest underneath one another as the get smaller. The H1 tag is the most important for search engines to determine what your content is all about.

Here’s an example fromreliablesoft.net‘s extensive guide on H1 tags:

What Is Content Optimization (And How to Do It) (4)

A good H1 tag should follow these rules:

  • Be the same or only marginally different from the page title
  • Include your target keyword
  • Used only once per page

5. Optimized H2 Tag

The H2 tag is the next level heading, after the H1 tag, and typically appears as the main section headers of the article or webpage.

It’s coded like this:<h2>SUBTITLE</h2>

Pretty much everything that applies to the H1 tag applies to the H2 tag except for one—don’t overuse them. Every time they appear, they should be valuable and clearly communicate relevant information to your audience.

6. Optimized Meta Description

The meta description is the short snippet of text that appears in search engines underneath the title tag.

It’s coded like this: <head> <meta name=”description” content=”Text that will appear in search results”></head>

Mozstates that they should be between155-160 charactersand sufficiently descriptive of the webpage they lead to.

You should think of your meta description like ad copy—it should compel people to click on your listing and visit your site. You can even include emojis.

Here are some examples I found for the keyword, ‘cheap pens.’

What Is Content Optimization (And How to Do It) (5)

You can use these tools to test your meta description:

7. Target Keyword in First Paragraph

The main target keyword for your piece of content should appear in the first paragraph of your article in a relevant and natural way.

Here’s an example from nerdwallet, which I found searching for the keyword, ‘financial planning’:

What Is Content Optimization (And How to Do It) (6)

8. Search Engine Friendly URL

The URL of your webpage also provides search engines with descriptive information about your content. It should be straightforward and meaningful—and yes, also include appropriate keywords.

This also means your URL might not be exactly the same as the title of your article or page. Here are some examples I found for the keyword, ‘social selling tips’:

Optimizing Images

The images on your page can’t speak to algorithms themselves, but they can speak to people. Just like copy, images should be valuable and engaging first and foremost.

Once they’ve been selected, they should be tagged properly to ensure they’re noticed by search engines.

1. Alt Tags

Funny enough, the widely used term alt tag is actually incorrect—it should be ‘alt text,’ ‘alt attributes,’ or ‘alt descriptions.’ These describe your image’s function or appearance, to let search engines let them know what they’re all about.

Their coded like this: <img src=”kittenonbed.gif” alt=”Sleepy Kitten”>.

This is another place to avoid keyword stuffing—alt tags should accurately and sufficiently describe the image.

Let’s use this image of a pasta dish, as an example:

What Is Content Optimization (And How to Do It) (7)

FollowingMoz‘s principles, here are examples of the okay, the good, the bad and the ugly for this image:

  • Okay: <img src=”spaghetti.png” alt=”spaghetti”>
  • Good: <img src=”spaghetti.png” alt=”plate of spaghetti with homemade meat sauce topped with melted asiago cheese”>
  • Bad: <img src=”spaghetti.png” alt=””>
  • Ugly: <img src=”spaghetti.png” alt=”spaghetti pasta meat sauce meatballs best dinners easy dinners italian recipes pasta recipes homemade pasta”>

2. Image Tags

Image tags indicate the words that appear when you hover over an image and help the user understand its context.

It’s coded like this: <title=”homemade spaghetti with meat sauce”alt=”plate of spaghetti with homemade meat sauce topped with melted asiago cheese” img src=”pasta.jpg”/>.

Just like alt text, it should contain relevant keywords and avoid keyword stuffing.

Optimizing Videos

Search engines aren’t just for articles, they’re for videos too. YouTube is the world’s largest, but other sites like Vimeo and Dailymotion also surface videos to people using a search function.

Much like images, the way you describe your video content to search engines matters for their visibility, but the most important signal for video search engines is engagement.

Remember—value first, optimization second. Always seek to provide the best types of content to engage readers, and then seek to optimize it for search algorithms.

1. Video Titles

Your video title is just one factor that signals to search engines whether or not your video is relevant to a person’s search query. Insert your keyword naturally into the video title to increase your changes of being seen.

For example, I searched for ‘fastest race cars’ on YouTube and got the following:

What Is Content Optimization (And How to Do It) (8)

Notice that the second result doesn’t include my search term—but it’s likely there because it’s a highly engaged with piece of video content.

2. Video Descriptions

Video descriptions are essentially the video equivalent of a meta description. They should accurately describe your video content, naturally include your target search keyword, and compel people to click.

Remember, treat them like ad copy—they’re your front lines for those choosing which video to watch.

Here are some examples I found for the search term, ‘school supplies’:

What Is Content Optimization (And How to Do It) (9)

Again, the second recommendations description doesn’t include my search term, although it is included in the title. It’s notably video content from a verified contributor, and likely highly engaged with.

3. On-site Optimization

Hosting your videos yourself serve an SEO purpose—doing so allows you to collect more video rich snippets on search engines for your domain, customize your video player and build backlinks to that content.

To clarify, a video rich snippet is the video equivalent of the title tag and meta description we talked about for copy-based articles. I searched for ‘how to do a pushup’ and got the following results:

What Is Content Optimization (And How to Do It) (10)

The top results happened to be YouTube videos—in fact, there’s some controversy over whether or not Google prioritizes YouTube content—but a click on the ‘More videos…’ button at the bottom led me to results from other sites:

What Is Content Optimization (And How to Do It) (11)

To optimize the video content you’re hosting yourself for search queries, keep the following in mind:

  • Have other media types on the page—accompanying text or photos will suffice.
  • Keep it to one video max.
  • Allow other people to embed it
  • Create a CNAME for your video files
  • Don’t embed your content using iframe—use HTML5, Javascript or Flash instead
  • Have social sharing buttons
  • Submit a video sitemap to Google and other search engines

Social media activity really helps to optimize content for search engines. Simply posting the link isn’t enough—you need to build relationships with other users, interact with them, and build a high amount ofsocial signals, or human interaction metrics, to build credibility.


Whether or not other people find your content valuable has a lot to do with how well it ranks for certain keywords, and one way search engines decide whether or not your content is valuable to other people is the amount and value of the links included within it, to it and leading away from it.

1. Outbound

When people link from their sites to your site, and when you link from your site to other sites, it’sconsidered an outbound link. The more authoritative the sites coming to and from your site, the better.

Keep these best practices in mind when linking to other sites:

  • Only include links that are relevant to your content, and provide value for the reader
  • If you have to link to a non-authoritative site, use a nofollow link. It’s coded like this: <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>TEXT</a>
  • Know who’s linking to your site, using Moz’slink explorer
  • Keep anchor text descriptive and relevant

Keep these best practice in mind when seeking to get backlinks from other sites:

  • Produce high-quality content that people want to link back to and reference
  • Seek backlinks from authoritative pages
  • Try to increase your backlinks with time
  • They should be a healthy mix of follow and nofollow
  • Seek backlinks from sources that drive high-quality traffic to your site

Check out Mo’s deep dive intolink buildingfor further information.

2. Internal Links

You’ll also need to keep links between your own site’s pages in mind. Strategically linking to your own content can increase your visibility in search engines as well as links to and from other sites.

Good internal links should always have the mindset of the person consuming your content in mind. If they’re reading article A, what sort of other content on your site would follow? Use that question as a guide to link to articles B, C, D, and so on.

These are the main steps you’ll need to follow to get started with internal linking:

  • Understand the user’s buyer journey
  • Map the pages on your website based on that user journey. This example from Coggle.it shows what that could look like:

What Is Content Optimization (And How to Do It) (12)

  • Link together the sub-pages that you’ve mapped in groups, and link together the main pillar pages at the top of the mind map.

Here are a couple of things to keep in mind to keep ‘clean’ internal links:

  • Don’t use a plugin
  • Say no to ‘mega’ menus
  • Never use automatic linking
  • Continuously update broken links

SEMRush has afull guide to internal linkingthat is a good resource to go deeper on this subject.

Mobile-First Design Layout

Mobile traffic now outpaces desktop traffic according toGoogle, and whether or not your website is optimized for mobile traffic has an impact on your search engine visibility.

In fact, in April of 2015, Google released an update which many people deemed ‘mobilegedon’ which increased the visibility of mobile-friendly pages in mobile search results. If your page isn’t mobile-friendly, mobile traffic won’t see it.

Here are some best practices to keep in mind to ensure your site is friendly for mobile users:

  • Have separate URLs for desktop and mobile traffic. These often look like this:
    • Dekstop: brand.com
    • Mobile: m.brand.com
  • Use dynamic serving to show different HTML/CSS code depending on device
  • You design should be responsive

Backlinko runs through exactly how to optimize your current site in thismobile SEO guide.

Optimize Page Speed

The faster your page loads, the better the user experience. I know I never wait longer than a second for a page to load before clicking away, and I’m not alone—47% of people wait two seconds or less.

Because of this, search engines prioritize sites that load faster than others.

Here are some general best practices to improving site speed:

  • Get a server with good response time
  • Compress your images so they’re not so big that they take forever to load
  • Structure your page’s HTML and CSS structure so that the most important items load first
  • Practice minifacition and script compression—basically, take any unnecessary information out of your site files
  • Caching is when browsers store information about your website for a user, so when they return it loads faster. Choose the right cache policy for your website, based on how frequently it’s updated.
  • Use the least amount of plugins possible

Cognitive SEO dives deep into site speed with thisfull guide.

Social Share Buttons

Social share buttons help to boost traffic from social media sites by giving site visitors an easy way to share your content. Implement them on your blog or other important pages to increase traffic from social media sites:

The buttons on our blog site begin at the top of the article, and follow you down the page:

What Is Content Optimization (And How to Do It) (13)

There you have it—optimizing your content is just as much of an impressive feat as creating good content in the first place, but it’s well worth the effort when audiences find you. Here’s a look at an example article onlanding page optimizationfrom the Taboola Blog, and how it’s been optimized to help our audiences find it:

What Is Content Optimization (And How to Do It) (14)

What Is Content Optimization (And How to Do It) (15)

While this isn’t an illustration of every recommendation we made in this post, it’s represents how multiple SEO tactics can work together in an article to improve site visibility with search engines.

Content Optimization 2020

Google’s major algorithm update in 2018 spurred a new wave of content optimization principles deemed theEATprinciples—content should be at a high level of expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness.

Content optimization is now less a matter of keywords and metadata, and rather focuses on ensuring that the content provides what it’s audience is looking for in the first place.

Following these six rules will ensure that your content is in line with Google’s new requirements for search visibility.

Build Trust

Your content is there to build trust with your audience in the first place, so the best way to build trust is to continually publish relevant and valuable content for your audience—the trust will follow.

In addition, keep in mind the following best practices to buildtrustworthycontent in the first place:

  • Keep in mind MarketingLand’s list oftrustworthy words
  • Use data to back up your claims
  • Use user-generated (USG) content when it’s relevant
  • Use case studies when relevant
  • Use any form ofsocial proof—evidence that other’s find this content credible

Match Intent

When someone types a query into a search engine, they’re looking for something. Theyintendto find the answer to a question, solve a problem, find a product, etc.

You need to anticipate what that intent is before you start writing or producing content, and make sure that your content satisfies it. To do so:

  • Search for the keyword yourself and see what’s there
  • Map how other successful pieces of content are acheiving rank for that keyword
  • Make better content than theirs, following all of these practices

Create Quality

You’ve heard of quality content over and over again until you were blue in the face—but what does that actually mean?

First, it’s authoritative and matches user intent, which we just discussed. Second, it has the following:

  • No grammar or spelling mistakes
  • A clear narrative
  • The length is appropriate—there’s no fluff
  • It stays on topic
  • It’s formatted in a way that makes it easily scannable

Establish Authority

This one takes awhile, and is why SEO experts and digital marketers often proclaim that SEO is a ‘long game.’ It’s made up of many small efforts that help you build authority over time.

You can check your website authority for free withthis toolfrom Ahrefs.

Here are some of the pillars of establishing website authority:

  • Create trustworthy, quality content that matches user intent over and over again
  • Have authoritative authors contribute to your website
  • Contribute content to other authoritative sites

Produce Calls-To-Action

After consuming every piece of content you create, the user should clearly know what to do next. Many companies accomplish this with various types of calls-to-action (CTAs) like these:

  • In-line links included in the copy
  • Pop-ups when users go to leave a site or scroll a certain depth
  • Side-bar CTAs (like the one following you down the page on this blog)
  • Header CTAs that sit next to the navigation

Hubspot has pulled together amaster list of CTA-typesfor you to ponder.

Optimize Engagement with Visuals

Finally, your site needs engaging visuals. If your content isn’t engaging for people when they land on your site, they’ll bounce, and your content won’t accomplish anything we’ve discussed here today.

Engaging visuals can take the following forms:

  • Moving GIFs that explain a complicated topic
  • Infographics that visualize data or a process
  • Example screenshots or photographs to illustrate a point


Content is only valuable if it’s seen, and one of the most beneficial ways to be seen is through search engines.

Here’s a breakdown of the highlights:

  • Create optimized and engaging copy
  • Make sure metadata is updated and relevant
  • Have a logical site structure
  • Work to improve your site’s technical performance
  • Don’t forget about optimizing videos
  • Keep EAT principles in mind

This list of content optimization techniques, when executed well, will improve the chances that your content is visible on search engines.

What Is Content Optimization (And How to Do It) (2024)


What is content optimization? ›

Content optimization is the process of making sure content is written in a way that it can reach the largest possible target audience. The process of optimizing content should include making sure associated keywords are present, adding meta and title tags, and relevant links.

What are the keys to content Optimisation? ›

Content Optimization Guide: What Are The Keys To Content Optimization
  • Create Trust & Optimize Content.
  • Website Content Optimization.
  • Content Marketing Optimization & Images.
  • Focus on Content Quality.
  • Establish Domain Authority Vital For SEO Content Optimization.
  • Add Relevant CTAs.
  • Optimize with Visual Material.
3 Sept 2021

How do I check content optimization? ›

How it works
  1. Submit your page. Enter the URL of the content you want to review and the keyword you want to optimize for.
  2. We analyze the top 10 results. We scan the top 10 search results for your keyword and identify what makes them great.
  3. Discover what is missing.

Why content optimization is important? ›

Content optimization is important because it ensures search engines and users can understand your content easily. The benefits of content optimization are high quality, search engine-friendly content that is easy to use and easy to find.

What is optimization strategy? ›

Optimization strategy is used to search and optimize the transform parameters for the maximization of the similarity value between the warped source image and the target image.

How do you optimize social media content? ›

How to Optimize Social Media
  1. Identify Your Social Media Goals. ...
  2. Fill Out Your Profiles in Their Entirety. ...
  3. Use Hashtags. ...
  4. Create Valuable Content That Solves Your Followers' Problems. ...
  5. Use Images. ...
  6. Include Calls-to-Action. ...
  7. Use Attention-Grabbing Headlines. ...
  8. Be Active on Social Media Sites That Add Value to Your Business.

What is SEO content optimization? ›

Essentially, content optimization, or SEO (search engine optimization), is the process of optimizing your content to make sure that it's more visible through the web. Search engine robots will rank highly optimized content higher on a search engine page than non-optimized content.

How do I write SEO friendly content? ›

Writing tips for SEO-friendly blog posts
  1. Think before you write! ...
  2. Devise a structure for your post. ...
  3. Use paragraphs and headings. ...
  4. Use transition words. ...
  5. Use related keywords. ...
  6. Optimize the length of your article. ...
  7. Link to existing content. ...
  8. Let other people read your post.
9 Feb 2022

Why content optimization is important for SEO? ›

SEO content improves your visibility on search engines which drives traffic to your website and encourages people to purchase your products/services. By investing in SEO content, you can add real value to your business' bottom line.

How could you Optimise image? ›

Here's how to optimize images for the web:
  1. Name your images descriptively and in plain language.
  2. Optimize your alt attributes carefully.
  3. Choose your image dimensions and product angles wisely.
  4. Reduce the file size of your images.
  5. Choose the right file type.
  6. Optimize your thumbnails.
  7. Use image sitemaps.
30 Mar 2018

What is key content? ›

(video games) A downloadable content file that unlocks items, characters, levels, or other content that was included with a video game but not immediately accessible (if at all through normal gameplay).

How do I check my content quality? ›

Content Quality Check Step by Step
  1. What Does Quality Content Mean?
  2. Step 1: Check Your Quality Content Score.
  3. Step 2: Check Your Content for Originality.
  4. Step 3: Check Your Content for Grammar and Spelling.
  5. Step 4: Check Your Content for Brand Consistency.
  6. Step 5: Check Your Content for Reliable Sources.
13 Nov 2018

What is content optimization software? ›

Content optimization is the process of understanding content performance and finding ways to optimize content to engage with audience intent, rank higher in Search Engine Results Page (SERPs), and improve your content's readability.

What is Semrush SEO tool? ›

Semrush is an SEO tool that does your keyword research, tracks the keyword strategy your competition uses, runs an SEO audit of your blog, looks for backlinking opportunities, and lots more. Internet marketers all over the world trust Semrush. It is also used by a number of businesses, big and small.

How do I check keyword density? ›

How do you calculate keyword density? The formula is straightforward: Divide the number of times a keyword is used on your page by the total number of words on the page. Multiply this by 100 to get a percentage, which in this case is 1%.

Why content is the king? ›

Content is king because it helps you give your audience something they haven't seen before. Providing them with the same old content that they can get with everyone else won't serve to your benefit. Give them unique content and you will wow your audience. For this, you have to research and understand your audience.

What is optimization and its types? ›

In optimization of a design, the design objective could be simply to minimize the cost of production or to maximize the efficiency of production. An optimization algorithm is a procedure which is executed iteratively by comparing various solutions till an optimum or a satisfactory solution is found.

What is optimization and why it is used? ›

Optimization methods are used in many areas of study to find solutions that maximize or minimize some study parameters, such as minimize costs in the production of a good or service, maximize profits, minimize raw material in the development of a good, or maximize production.

How can I improve website optimization? ›

Follow these suggestions to improve your search engine optimization (SEO) and watch your website rise the ranks to the top of search-engine results.
  1. Publish Relevant, Authoritative Content. ...
  2. Update Your Content Regularly. ...
  3. Metadata. ...
  4. Have a link-worthy site. ...
  5. Use alt tags.

Is it important to optimize your social media? ›

The benefits of social media optimization are three-fold: Increase the visibility and reach of your content, resulting in greater engagement (clicks, traffic and so on) Assess the overall ROI and outcomes of your social marketing (think: sales, brand awareness)

How do I optimize Facebook posts? ›

6 Tips to Improve Your Facebook Posts
  1. #1: Create a Posting Road Map. ...
  2. #2: Write Your Text for Skim Readers. ...
  3. #3: Analyze Your Written and Visual Content, Then Optimize. ...
  4. #4: Consider Using Brand Hashtags. ...
  5. #5: Customize Your Facebook Post Descriptions. ...
  6. #6: Experiment With Your Publishing Times.
9 Sept 2015

How do you optimize marketing? ›

How to Optimize Marketing Campaigns
  1. Really understand your target audience. ...
  2. Utilize heat maps and A/B tests. ...
  3. Using landing pages. ...
  4. Don't forget about mobile users. ...
  5. Track your analytics. ...
  6. Focus on conversions instead of leads.
2 Jul 2021

What SEO keywords to use? ›

The best keywords for your SEO strategy will take into account relevance, authority, and volume. You want to find highly searched keywords that you can reasonably compete for based on: The level of competition you're up against. Your ability to produce content that exceeds in quality what's currently ranking.

What are your top SEO tips? ›

The 17 Most Important SEO Tips for Higher Rankings
  • Use Keywords In The Right Places.
  • Keep Users On Your Site Longer.
  • Find “Suggest” Keywords.
  • Delete Zombie Pages.
  • Do An Industry Study.
  • Add Related Keywords to Your Content.
  • Add Text to Infographics, Podcasts and Videos.
  • Update Old Pages.
16 Feb 2022

How can I tell if content is SEO friendly? ›

Check if your webpage URLs are SEO friendly. In order for links to be SEO friendly, they should contain keywords relevant to the page's topic, and contain no spaces, underscores or other characters. You should avoid the use of parameters when possible, as they make URLs less inviting for users to click or share.

Why is image optimization important? ›

Why is image optimization important? Here are the answers - Image optimization helps in improving page load speed, boosts websites' SEO ranking, and improves user experience. Page load speed is the amount of time taken by a web page to load completely.

How do I name my photos for SEO? ›

SEO best practices for naming images
  1. Use keywords you've already identified.
  2. Design for users as well as search engines.
  3. Don't keyword stuff!
  4. Identify all SEO-naming opportunities.
  5. Use URL keyword in image URLs.
  6. Use keyword phrase as image alt attribute.
  7. Use descriptive image captions.
11 Jan 2021

What is the best image file for SEO? ›

While there are many image formats to choose from, the PNG and JPEG are the most common for the web. PNG: Produces better quality images, but comes with a larger file size. JPEG: You may lose image quality, but you can adjust the quality level to find a good balance.

What makes a good content? ›

Good content is original, actionable, and answers a question. It's properly sourced, unique, concise, grammatically correct and is formatted properly. Use this formula to craft content that will increase likes, shares, and will rank well on major search engines. Need more help creating good content?

How do I start content writing? ›

7 Easy Tips for Effective Content Writing
  1. Write a Head-Turning Headline. The headline determines whether audiences will read the rest of your work. ...
  2. Create a Hook That Grabs Their Attention. ...
  3. Do Your Research. ...
  4. Focus on a Single Purpose. ...
  5. Write in a Unique Voice. ...
  6. Optimize Digital Content. ...
  7. Edit Your Work.

What is content optimization software? ›

Content optimization is the process of understanding content performance and finding ways to optimize content to engage with audience intent, rank higher in Search Engine Results Page (SERPs), and improve your content's readability.

How do you optimize social media content? ›

How to Optimize Social Media
  1. Identify Your Social Media Goals. ...
  2. Fill Out Your Profiles in Their Entirety. ...
  3. Use Hashtags. ...
  4. Create Valuable Content That Solves Your Followers' Problems. ...
  5. Use Images. ...
  6. Include Calls-to-Action. ...
  7. Use Attention-Grabbing Headlines. ...
  8. Be Active on Social Media Sites That Add Value to Your Business.

What is a content strategy SEO? ›

A content marketing strategy starts with the target audience and dives deeper into understanding your brand's expertise and unique value proposition. Keyword research is great at uncovering how people talk about topics relevant to your brand, but it is limiting when it comes to audience understanding.

Which is highly effective optimization software tool that is extensively used? ›

Surfer SEO is one of the most comprehensive and effective SEO software on the market. It's a tool that can help you optimize your website and increase your rankings on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others. The tool is suitable for both beginners and experts alike.

What is similar content? ›

SimilarContent (SC) is an SEO tool that helps writers, SEO freelancers, and content marketers to create SEO optimized content thats very likely to appear on the first page of Googles search results.

Is it important to optimize your social media? ›

The benefits of social media optimization are three-fold: Increase the visibility and reach of your content, resulting in greater engagement (clicks, traffic and so on) Assess the overall ROI and outcomes of your social marketing (think: sales, brand awareness)

How do I optimize Facebook posts? ›

6 Tips to Improve Your Facebook Posts
  1. #1: Create a Posting Road Map. ...
  2. #2: Write Your Text for Skim Readers. ...
  3. #3: Analyze Your Written and Visual Content, Then Optimize. ...
  4. #4: Consider Using Brand Hashtags. ...
  5. #5: Customize Your Facebook Post Descriptions. ...
  6. #6: Experiment With Your Publishing Times.
9 Sept 2015

How can I improve my digital optimization? ›

How to Optimize Digital Marketing
  1. Leverage the Power of Automation. Marketing automation tools can help a business save a great deal of time and money. ...
  2. Take Advantage of Data and Analytics. ...
  3. Research Your Target Audience. ...
  4. Harness the Magic of Social media. ...
  5. Make SEO a Priority. ...
  6. Use the Internet to Brand Your Business.

What is a good content strategy? ›

A good content strategy considers a KPI, and then works towards reaching it. It is a roadmap that plans out the exact steps that need to be taken in order to reach that goal. But of course, even with all the best planning and execution, sometimes, content campaigns don't meet their KPIs.

What are keywords for SEO? ›

Keywords are ideas and topics that define what your content is about. In terms of SEO, they're the words and phrases that searchers enter into search engines, also called "search queries." If you boil everything on your page — all the images, video, copy, etc.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.