The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (2024)


  • Alchemy in The Witcher 3 offers powerful decoctions with unique effects that can turn the tide in tough battles.
  • Certain decoctions like Arachas and Leshen offer benefits that contradict their in-game descriptions.
  • Players can strategically utilize decoctions like Ekhidna and Archgriffin to enhance Geralt's combat abilities in challenging encounters.

The Witcher 3 is one of the best video games ever made, filled to the brim with content spread across a beautiful open world along with a cast of amazing characters that have become a legendary part of video game culture in their own right. From everyone's favorite protagonist in the form of Geralt, all the way to the rebellious spirit of Cirila — The Witcher 3's impact on gaming as a whole is quite apparent, and the fact that it's getting a next-gen upgrade means that more people can get into this masterpiece.


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There are several gameplay mechanics in The Witcher 3 that can be utilized for a whole host of benefits, but one particular avenue that a lot of players don't really check out is that of alchemy. Sure, making potions and decoctions might be useful, but most players feel there's enough loot present in the open world to rely on instead of wading through more menus. However, some decoctions that Geralt can brew in the game are helpful and more than useful enough to justify using alchemy.

Updated on March 2, 2024 by Ritwik Mitra: The Witcher 3 features a wealth of alchemical decoctions that players can use to make things easier for themselves. Sure, ingesting these potions can raise Geralt's toxicity to dangerous levels, but it's a small price to pay for a major bonus in battle that can help turn the tide against tough enemies who can rip the Witcher apart if he's not careful, especially when it comes to the enemies in the DLC. These decoctions come with all different sorts of effects, and require all kinds of ingredients to craft. As such, more of them have been added to this list to ensure players know which decoctions will suit their Witcher 3 playstyle the best.

15 Arachas Decoction

More Weight Carried And Heavier Armor Leads To The Player Taking Less Damage (Despite The In-Game Description Stating Otherwise)

The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (2)
  • 1 Dwarven spirit
  • 1 Arachas mutagen
  • 1 White myrtle petals

The Arachas are some of the toughest enemies in The Witcher 3, and most players ignore the decoction formed by these monsters because they don't wear light armor. So, players will be delighted to know that there's actually a mistake in this description.

The Arachas decoction increases the player's damage based on the weight they carry, which is the complete opposite of what is stated in the game text. This blooper may make players think that the Arachas decoction is a waste of resources when it's anything but.

14 Leshen Decoction

A Portion Of The Damage Dealt By Enemies Is Reflected Back At The Attacker

The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (3)
  • 1 Dwarven spirit
  • 1 Leshen mutagen
  • 1 Moleyarrow
  • 1 Pringrape

Leshens are powerful monsters who need to be defeated using a combination of Signs and strong attacks. The Leshen decoction that players can create from its mutagen is pretty useful and does a great job of turning an enemy's attack against them.

Of course, players whose main priority is to avoid damage altogether may find this decoction to be somewhat counter-productive. Still, this shouldn't take away from the sheer enjoyment players can enjoy from watching an enemy perish at the hands of their own attack, courtesy of this decoction.

13 Alghoul Decoction

Adrenaline Points Are Generated 50% Faster Than Normal Until The First Successful Enemy Attack

The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (4)
  • 1 Dwarven spirit
  • 5 Lesser red mutagen
  • 1 Alghoul bone marrow
  • 1 Buckthorn

Adrenaline is a vital resource that players need to generate in battle time and time again if they wish to enjoy the benefits of higher damage values while also unleashing powerful moves of their own. Initially, these points are generated rather slowly in battle... but there are ways in which players can hasten this recovery rate in battle.


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For starters, the Alghoul decoction increases the generation of Adrenaline Points by 50%, but players have to be mindful to avoid damage as much as possible. Given how wonky the hitboxes of the game are, it's easy to see why this decoction can be quite tricky to make the most use of during a hectic battle with numerous enemies.

12 Chort Decoction

Provides Complete Resistance To Stagger, Knockdown Effect Is Reduced To Stagger

The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (6)
  • 1 Dwarven spirit
  • 1 Chort mutagen
  • 1 Puffball
  • 1 Cortinarius

A Chort is a huge and powerful enemy that cow-killers in The Witcher 3 are intimately familiar with. This foe is no slouch to beat, but undertaking these battles is worth it simply because of the decoction that players can brew afterward.

Being staggered is one of the most annoying parts of The Witcher 3, and this decoction completely negates this effect! Players can simply tank through attacks and land powerful combos that will slice and dice the toughest foes without too many issues.

11 Archgriffin Decoction

Strong Attacks Consume Stamina And Reduce The Struck Foe's Vitality For An Additional 5%

The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (7)
  • 1 Dwarven spirit
  • 1 Archgriffin mutagen
  • 1 Ribleaf
  • 1 Blowball

The Archgriffin is a fearsome foe, and not many of them can be encountered in the game. Players who fight against these winged beasts need to be careful of their every move, especially since Geralt's health bar can be shredded to ribbons if players aren't careful enough. Defeating this enemy is worthwhile simply because of the decoction that can be obtained after defeating them.

The Archgriffin decoction is the perfect alchemical solution that players will need during the two tough-as-nails DLCs. Both Hearts of Stone and Blood & Wine up the challenge to the max, making it important for players to use this potion to enhance their damage output against the many enemies in this expansion who can genuinely feel like health sponges. Using this decoction against bosses is also a great way to increase Geralt's DPS, but players should be aware of the fact that this increase in damage comes at the cost of Geralt's stamina being depleted with each strong attack.

10 Ekhidna Decoction

Performing Actions That Consume Stamina Regenerates Vitality

The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (8)
  • 1 Dwarven spirit
  • 1 Ekhidna mutagen
  • 1 Ribleaf
  • 1 Berbercane fruit

Stamina is another thing that players need to keep an eye out for during combat in The Witcher 3. Signs, blocking, and sprinting are all governed by it, and players can use this mechanic to aid them with the Ekhidna decoction.


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After getting a mutagen from this enemy, Geralt can brew a potion that restores health whenever he expends Stamina. Casting Signs and restoring health at the same time is a pretty substantial bonus, especially against tough opponents who can only be left vulnerable with magic.

9 Ancient Leshen Decoction

Each Sign Cast Increases Stamina Regeneration For The Remainder Of The Fight

The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (10)
  • 1 Dwarven spirit
  • 1 Ancient leshen mutagen
  • 1 Mandrake root
  • 1 Ginatia petals
  • 1 Honeysuckle

Players who cast Signs frequently in combat will be more than appeased with what the Ancient Leshen decoction achieves. It enhances Stamina Regeneration with each Sign cast, allowing players to absolutely decimate their foes with a flurry of blows and magic.

Players who use up a lot of Stamina with the many special moves in the game will be well-serviced by this decoction. It's a great way to minimize the Stamina loss from spells and let players diversify the wealth of combat actions they can perform in an encounter.

8 Water Hag Decoction

Damage Dealt Is Increased By 50% When Vitality Is At Its Maximum

The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (11)
  • 1 Dwarven spirit
  • 1 Water hag mutagen
  • 1 Berbercane fruit

Players who use the Water Hag decoction need to be masters at avoiding damage since the benefits are truly astronomical. At full health, Geralt's overall damage is increased by a whopping 50%!

Of course, players will need to kill a Water Hag to net the mutagen required for this potion, which is no mean feat. Thankfully, players should be able to deal with this foe as long as they manage its ranged attacks and dodge its blows without too many problems.

7 Ekimmara Decoction

10% Of Damage Dealt To Foes Regenerates As Vitality

The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (12)
  • 1 Dwarven spirit
  • 1 Ekimmara mutagen
  • 1 White myrtle petals
  • 1 Mandrake root

The Ekimmara is a lower vampire that can be pretty challenging for players who struggle in dealing with fast foes who hit like a truck. Proper dodging and timing of Geralt's attacks are the need of the hour to defeat this foe.


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The decoction made from this fiend's mutagen is quite effective, letting players regenerate Vitality for every foe they defeat in combat. It lasts thirty minutes, which is more than enough for Geralt to get through mobs of enemies while having a ton of health in the process.

6 Nightwraith Decoction

Geralt's Maximum Vitality Is Increased By 50 With Each Foe Killed

The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (14)
  • 1 Dwarven spirit
  • 1 Nightwraith mutagen
  • 1 Mistletoe
  • 1 Sewant mushrooms

Nightwraiths are challenging yet fun enemies that players need to use the Yrden spell to defeat. Defeating these specters nets a mutagen that players can use to create a pretty useful decoction.

The Nightwraith decoction increases the maximum Vitality of Geralt with each kill, which is useful for obvious reasons. Coupling this with good health regeneration means that players can power through waves of enemies and tank through attacks with their heightened Vitality!

5 Grave Hag Decoction

Each Foe Slain Accelerates Vitality Regeneration For The Duration Of The Battle

The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (15)
  • 1 Dwarven spirit
  • 1 Grave hag mutagen
  • 1 Longrube
  • 1 Cortinarius

Regenerating Vitality may be a slow burn, but it's definitely worth it if the effect stacks and players are able to dodge and block hits with skill. With the Grave Hag decoction, players can slay multiple foes to increase the rate of their health regeneration with each foe killed.

That being said, defeating a Grave Hag isn't an easy task in the slightest. They're fast and have damaging attacks, so players should try their hardest to avoid these blows and land some good counters of their own to secure victory.

4 Troll Decoction

Regenerates Vitality During And Outside Of Combat

The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (16)
  • 1 Dwarven spirit
  • 1 Troll mutagen
  • 1 Crow's eye
  • 1 Honeysuckle

Vitality regeneration is a great way to easily gain health in the middle of combat with a slightly passive strategy. With the Troll Decoction, players can attain a ton of Vitality regeneration both inside and outside of combat with ease.



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Killing a troll to get its mutagen is worth it just for the benefits of this decoction alone. These foes might be quite sturdy and damaging, but players who are patient and choose their attack windows wisely will be more than happy with the result.

3 Forktail Decoction

Combining Attacks Grants A Bonus That Increases Attack Power Or Sign Intensity

The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (18)
  • 1 Dwarven spirit
  • 1 Forktail mutagen
  • 1 Moleyarrow
  • 1 Bryonia

Players who love mixing their combat skills with both melee attacks and Signs will gain a ton of mileage from the Forktail decoction. This potion gives Geralt a substantial boost to either his Sign or his basic attack if he's alternating between the two.

It's a great benefit that encourages combat, although players will have to take down the tough Forktails to get the same. The combination of a crossbow and combat skills should ensure that Geralt is victorious against these beasts.

2 Succubus Decoction

Attack Power Grows Over The Course Of A Fight Until Reaching A Maximum Threshold

The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (19)
  • 1 Dwarven spirit
  • 1 Succubus mutagen
  • 1 Green mold
  • 1 Allspice

Succubi are demonic entities that use physical intimacy as a way to leech energy from their target. For what it's worth, most succubi can be talked down in the game...but if a battle is inevitable, then players should be wary of their close-combat skills and fiery magic.

Using a Succubus mutagen to create the relevant decoction nets a pretty impressive buff. It slowly increases Geralt's attack power during a fight, allowing him to deal a ton of damage the longer a fight goes on until this buff reaches a particular threshold.

1 co*ckatrice Decoction

All Alchemy Creations Can Be Used One Additional Time

The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (20)
  • 1 Dwarven spirit
  • 1 co*ckatrice mutagen
  • 1 Crow's eye

co*ckatrices are some of the toughest foes in The Witcher 3, with this draconid hitting for a ton of damage. However, this battle is worth undertaking simply for the decoction that is obtained after taking this foe's mutagen.

The co*ckatrice decoction lets players use an alchemical potion more than once, which can be used to buff Geralt up more than usual. As long as his toxicity levels are managed, this means that Geralt can become an absolute beast in combat with the right combination of potions.

The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (21)

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The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (22)
The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (23)
The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (24)
The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (25)
The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (26)
The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (27)
The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (28)
The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (29)
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt




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May 19, 2015
CD Projekt Red
The Witcher 3: The 15 Best Decoctions (2024)
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