Shared Memory & Docker (2024)

Shared Memory & Docker (1)

The shared memory device, /dev/shm, provides a temporary file storage filesystem using RAM for storing files. It’s not mandatory to have /dev/shm, although it’s probably desirable since it facilitates inter-process communication (IPC).

Why would you use /dev/shm instead of just stashing a temporary file under /tmp? Well, /dev/shm exists in RAM (so it’s fast), whereas /tmp resides on disk (so it’s relatively slow).


You can create temporary files in shared memory directly from BASH. First let’s check what’s currently under /dev/shm.

ls -l /dev/shm
total 0

Nothing. Cool, we’ll write the current date and time to a file under /dev/shm.

date >/dev/shm/date.txt

Check if the file is there.

ls -l /dev/shm/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wookie wookie 29 Nov 8 05:40 date.txt

Indeed it is. The file can then be accessed from another process.

cat /dev/shm/date.txt 
Mon 08 Nov 2021 05:40:20 GMT

So the shared memory behaves just like a normal file system, but it’s all in RAM.

A shared memory segment is a chunk of memory that is shared between multiple processes.

Many applications make use of shared memory. We can delve into this using the ipcs command. We’ll start by looking at the shared memory segments.

ipcs -m
------ Shared Memory Segments --------key shmid owner perms bytes nattch status 0x00000000 1376256 wookie 600 7802880 2 dest 0x00000000 1277954 wookie 600 851968 2 dest 0x00000000 1277956 wookie 600 851968 2 dest 0x00000000 1277958 wookie 600 77824 2 dest 0x00000000 1671189 wookie 600 36864 2 dest 0x00000000 1179651 wookie 600 8011776 2 dest 0x00000000 1703959 wookie 600 524288 2 dest0x0001eaea 557069 wookie 666 16384 0

There are six shared memory segments of various sizes. They have permissions of either 600 (read and write for user) or 666 (read and write for user, group and other). How do those segments relate to processes?

ipcs -pm
------ Shared Memory Creator/Last-op PIDs --------shmid owner cpid lpid 1376256 wookie 268958 1923 1277954 wookie 6254 2858241277956 wookie 6254 285824 1277958 wookie 6254 285824 1671189 wookie 6139 504020 1179651 wookie 24234 285810 1703959 wookie 282127 479099 557069 wookie 125674 125674

The cpid column gives the PID of the process that created the shared memory segment, while the lpid column reflects the PID of the last process which interacted with it.

Those shared memory segments were created by four distinct processes. If we look up the PIDs this is what we find:

 268958 /usr/lib/rstudio/bin/rstudio 6254 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox 6139 /opt/google/chrome/chrome 24234 /usr/lib/thunderbird/thunderbird 282127 /usr/lib/slack/slack 125674 /usr/share/dbeaver-ce/dbeaver

Many desktop applications (for example, Slack, Firefox, RStudio, Thunderbird and DBeaver) use shared memory. Some applications (like Firefox) use multiple segments of shared memory.

Now it stands to reason that if these applications are using shared memory on my desktop then they will probably want to use it in a Docker container too. So we need to ensure that there is shared memory available in a container.

What about Docker?

Docker containers are allocated 64 MB of shared memory by default. We’ll fire up an Ubuntu container to test.

docker run --rm -it --name ubuntu ubuntu

Now we can check the characteristics of that container using docker inspect.

docker inspect ubuntu | grep -i shm
"ShmSize": 67108864,

Nice: 64 MB is precisely 67108864 bytes!

Can we change the amount of shared memory allocated to a container? Sure we can! Use the --shm-size option.

docker run --rm -it --name ubuntu --shm-size=2gb ubuntu

Inspect the container again.

docker inspect ubuntu | grep -i shm
"ShmSize": 2147483648,

Aha: 2 GB is exactly 2147483648 bytes.

In both of the cases above the container is getting its own /dev/shm, separate from that of the host. To confirm, let’s check on its contents.

ls -l /dev/shm
total 0

It’s pristine: no sight of the file we created in /dev/shm on the host.

Mounting Host /dev/shm in a Container

What about sharing memory between the host and a container or between containers? This can be done by mounting /dev/shm.

docker run --rm -it --name ubuntu -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm ubuntu

Now we can see the file we created earlier from within the container.

cat /dev/shm/date.txt 
Mon 08 Nov 2021 05:40:20 GMT

I make rather extensive use of Selenium Docker images. For anything but simple applications these have a tendency to be rather memory intensive.

Launch Selenium/Firefox and allow access to 2 GB of shared memory.

docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --shm-size=2gb selenium/standalone-firefox:3.141

Launch Selenium/Chrome and volume mount the host’s shared memory.

docker run -d -p 4444:4444 -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm selenium/standalone-chome:3.141

Chrome can be particularly resource hungry, so I often disable its use of shared memory via the --disable-dev-shm-usage option.

from selenium import webdriverfrom selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilitiesfrom import Optionsoptions = Options()options.add_argument("--disable-dev-shm-usage")driver = webdriver.Remote( command_executor="", desired_capabilities=DesiredCapabilities.CHROME, options=options,)

Cleaning Up

Just to keep things neat and tidy, we’ll delete the files that we created in /dev/shm.

rm /dev/shm/date.txt
Shared Memory & Docker (2024)


Does Docker use shared memory? ›

Docker containers manage their shared memory in a different way as their whole appeal is their broad compatibility across even the cheapest smart toasters. This means that instead of allowing the shared memory space to grow to fill any and all available memory, it has an artificial limit placed on it.

How to increase shared memory limit in Docker? ›

How to change Docker shm-size?
  1. Firstly, launch the Ubuntu container. docker run --rm -it --name ubuntu ubuntu.
  2. Now confirm the shm-size using Docker inspect. docker inspect ubuntu | grep -i shm. ...
  3. In order to change the Docker shm-size, run the below command: ...
  4. Finally, to confirm the change, run the below command:
Oct 24, 2022

Does Docker consume a lot of memory? ›

When starting the docker engine (integrated with WSL2 backend), it immediately consumes 3GB of memory on idle.

How do I allocate memory to a container in Docker? ›

Memory Swapping in Docker

To enable memory swapping for a container, use the –memory-swap flag when starting the container. The –memory-swap flag should be set to a value greater than the –memory flag. This will start a container with a memory limit of 256 megabytes and a memory swap limit of 512 megabytes.

How to check Docker shared memory? ›

Docker has a built-in stats command that makes it simple to see the amount of resources your containers are using. Just drop $ docker stats in your CLI and you'll get a read out of the CPU, memory, network, and disk usage for all your running containers.

How much memory does a Docker container use? ›

You should run the container with only as much memory as it requires by using the --memory argument. In the example above, the container is started with a memory limit of 256 MB. Default Value: By default, all containers on a Docker host share their resources equally and no memory limits are enforced.

What is the default RAM limit for Docker? ›

By default, Docker Desktop is set to use all the processors available on the host machine. Memory limit. By default, Docker Desktop is set to use up to 2 GB of your host's memory. To increase the RAM, set this to a higher number; to decrease it, lower the number.

How to make Docker run faster? ›

Speed up Docker Desktop
  1. Increase Docker Desktop resources. By default, Docker Desktop uses a certain amount of system resources, including CPU, memory, and disk space. ...
  2. Use caching. Caching is a powerful technique for improving Docker Desktop performance. ...
  3. Optimize your Dockerfile. ...
  4. Use Docker Compose. ...
  5. Use a VPN.
Mar 7, 2023

What is the shared memory limit in Kubernetes? ›

The shared memory (shm) of pods created in Kubernetes is automatically set to 64 MiB in size and is mounted to the /dev/shm directory. The size cannot be modified.

How do I monitor Docker memory usage? ›

You can use the docker stats command to live stream a container's runtime metrics. The command supports CPU, memory usage, memory limit, and network IO metrics. The docker stats reference page has more details about the docker stats command.

What happens when a Docker container hits the memory limit? ›

Within this setting, if the kernel memory limit is lower than the user memory limit, running out of kernel memory causes the container to experience an OOM error. If the kernel memory limit is higher than the user memory limit, the kernel limit doesn't cause the container to experience an OOM.

How to increase memory in Docker? ›

Memory limits can be set using the --memory parameter. This parameter sets the maximum amount of memory that a container can use, in bytes. You can also use the --memory-swap parameter to set the maximum amount of memory and swap that a container can use.

How do you restrict the memory utilization of a container? ›


To set a hard memory limit, use the --memory option with the container run child command. Docker doesn't allow a container to use more than a given amount of user or system memory after setting this limit. In the above output, we can see that Docker has applied a memory limit of 256 MiB.

Does Docker use local storage? ›

Docker isolates all content, code, and data in a container from your local filesystem. By default, containers can't access directories in your local filesystem. Sometimes, you may want to access a directory from your local filesystem. To do this, you can use bind mounts.

Do Docker containers share the same OS? ›

Each container shares the services of one underlying OS. Docker images contain all the dependencies needed to execute code inside a container, so containers that move between Docker environments with the same OS work with no changes.

Does Docker share resources? ›

Docker's flexible resource sharing allows multiple Docker containers to share the resources of a single host machine, such as CPU, memory, and disk space, while still maintaining isolation between the containers.

Does Docker Swarm need shared storage? ›

You have to create a shared storage volume housed on a storage server. This volume should be accessible to all containers in the cluster, doesn't matter of which node they are running on. And it should contain the Apache configuration file, and should be mounted to each of the containers replica.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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