Reheat Rotisserie Chicken in Air Fryer (Leftovers Recipe) (2024)


5 from 7 votes

Reheat rotisserie chicken in air fryer for 3-6 minutes at 400F (200C) if reheating rotisserie chicken pieces. To reheat a whole chicken in the air fryer, preheat the air fryer to 350F (177C) for 5 minutes. Then place the chicken in the air fryer basket and heat for 20 minutes, or until the inside is warmed. This is the best way to reheat rotisserie chicken leftovers because it turns out perfectly, with golden crispy skin!

Reheat Rotisserie Chicken in Air Fryer (Leftovers Recipe) (1)

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Table of Contents
  • ➕ How to Reheat Rotisserie Chicken in Air Fryer
  • 🍗 How Long to Reheat Rotisserie Chicken in Air Fryer
  • ⭐ How do you reheat chicken in an air fryer without drying it out?
  • 📖 Recipe Card
  • 💭 Expert Tips from Dietitian Summer Yule
  • FAQs
  • 🐔 More Rotisserie Chicken Recipes
  • 🥗 Rotisserie Chicken Side Dishes
  • 👨‍🍳 Other Air Fryer Chicken Recipes
  • 💬 Comments

How to Reheat Rotisserie Chicken in Air Fryer

Here are the step-by-step instructions for how to reheat rotisserie chicken in the air fryer:

Warm up whole rotisserie chicken in air fryer

Want to reheat a whole chicken in the air fryer? Here are the step-by-step directions for how to do it:

  1. Preheat the air fryer to 350F (177C) for 5 minutes. Carefully place the cold rotisserie chicken in the hot air fryer basket or tray. (If your air fryer has a spit, you can use that instead.)
  1. Reheat leftover whole rotisserie chicken for 20 minutes, or until the inside of the chicken is warmed to your liking. (Air frying time may vary based on the size of the chicken and your air fryer.)
Reheat Rotisserie Chicken in Air Fryer (Leftovers Recipe) (2)

Warm up rotisserie chicken pieces in air fryer

  1. Place the chicken in a single layer skin side up in the air fryer basket or air fryer tray. You don’t need to separate the chicken from the bones, and keep the skin on to keep the meat from drying out.
  1. Reheat leftover rotisserie chicken for 3-6 minutes at 400F (200C). (Use the top rack position if you have an air fryer oven.) There’s no need to preheat the air fryer and no need for cooking spray.
Reheat Rotisserie Chicken in Air Fryer (Leftovers Recipe) (3)

I use a Ninja Foodi air fryer to reheat chicken, but it's fine to use an Instant Vortex, Cuisinart, Philips, Pampered Chef Air Fryer, Actifry, Cosori, Nuwave, Power Air Fryer, etc. or another air fryer instead.

These reheating instructions are a great way to revive rotisserie chicken while keeping the chicken moist, with skin that’s crisp as crackling. If you’ve been wondering how to reheat cold rotisserie chicken without drying it out, this is the best way to do it. The microwave will get the chicken hot, but the chicken skin won’t crisp back up with microwave heating.

Now you can buy a $5 Costco rotisserie chicken when shopping in the morning, refrigerate it, and have flavorful and delicious hot chicken for dinner.

🍗 How Long to Reheat Rotisserie Chicken in Air Fryer

How long to air fry leftover rotisserie chicken? What temperature to cook leftover rotisserie chicken in the air fryer? Air fry leftover chicken pieces for a total of 3-6 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200C). Air fry cold whole rotisserie chicken for 20 minutes in an air fryer preheated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (177C).

Reheat Rotisserie Chicken in Air Fryer (Leftovers Recipe) (4)

How do you reheat chicken in an air fryer without drying it out?

To reheat roasted chicken in an air fryer without drying it out, keep the skin on even if you’ll remove it later. Also, don’t set the air fryer temp too high if reheating a whole chicken, and don’t air fry it too long.

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Reheat Rotisserie Chicken in Air Fryer (Leftovers Recipe)

Summer Yule

Learn how long to reheat rotisserie chicken in air fryer to get crispy skin and moist meat! It's the best way to reheat chicken leftovers!

5 from 7 votes

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Cook Time 5 minutes mins

Total Time 5 minutes mins

Course Dinner

Cuisine American

Servings 6

Calories 147 kcal


  • 1 rotisserie chicken (cold)

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  • For whole rotisserie chicken in air fryer: Preheat the air fryer to 350℉ (177°C) for 5 minutes. Carefully place the cold rotisserie chicken in the hot air fryer basket or tray. (If your air fryer has a spit, you can use that instead.)

    Reheat leftover whole rotisserie chicken for 20 minutes, or until the inside of the chicken is warmed to your liking.

  • For rotisserie chicken pieces in air fryer: Place the chicken in a single layer skin side up in the air fryer basket or air fryer tray. Keep the skin on to keep the meat from drying out.

    Reheat leftover rotisserie chicken for 3-6 minutes at 400°F (200°C). (Use the top rack position if you have an air fryer oven.)

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💭 Expert Tips from Dietitian Summer Yule

This is a level 1 recipe (may help support fat loss). Rotisserie chicken is a super option if you have a weight loss goal or are just trying to eat healthier. The leanest and most protein dense type of chicken is skinless chicken breast.

Chicken thighs (dark meat chicken) and chicken skin are a little higher in fat and calories. (That said, I’d argue crispy chicken skin is the tastiest part of the chicken and it’s important to enjoy your food!) All are compatible with keto and low carb diets.

How long does rotisserie chicken last?

According to the USDA, rotisserie chicken lasts:

  • Up to 1-2 hours at room temperature,
  • Up to 3-4 days in the fridge (keep it in an airtight container),
  • Or you can freeze leftover chicken in freezer bags with the air pressed out. Use frozen rotisserie chicken within 4 months for the best texture and quality.

Leftover rotisserie chicken can safely be eaten cold or reheated (USDA). The general rule for leftovers is that they must be reheated to a minimum safe internal temperature of 165F (74c) using a meat thermometer. However, if you can safely eat cold rotisserie chicken, I don’t see how heating it briefly before immediate consumption would make it unsafe.

Reheating a whole rotisserie chicken to 165F (74C) may dry it out on the outside before it reaches the safe temp inside. If you are immunocompromised and want this extra layer of precaution, I recommend cutting the chicken into pieces before reheating. Otherwise, you’ll likely need to add another 10-15 minutes to the whole rotisserie chicken reheat time.

Nutrition information is for 4 ounces (113 grams) of Costco rotisserie chicken breast (per Cronometer).

nutrition info disclaimer

All recipes on this website may or may not be appropriate for you, depending on your medical needs and personal preferences. Consult with a registered dietitian or your physician if you need help determining the dietary pattern that may be best for you.

The nutrition information is an estimate provided as a courtesy. It will differ depending on the specific brands and ingredients that you use. Calorie information on food labels may be inaccurate, so please don't sweat the numbers too much.

"To taste" means to your preferences, which may have to be visual to follow food safety rules. Please don't eat undercooked food x


Calories: 147kcalProtein: 28gFat: 3.3gSaturated Fat: 0.67gIron: 5.3% DV

Keywords air fry leftover rotisserie chicken, air fryer leftover rotisserie chicken, cold rotisserie chicken air fryer, how to reheat rotisserie chicken air fryer, leftover rotisserie chicken air fryer, reheat cold rotisserie chicken air fryer, reheat cold rotisserie chicken in air fryer, reheat leftover chicken in air fryer, reheat rotisserie chicken air fryer, reheat rotisserie chicken in air fryer

FREE air fryer mini course!Go from air fryer beginner to pro!

Burning your air fryer recipes?Here's how to fix it!


Can I reheat frozen rotisserie chicken in air fryer?

Yes, you can! Use my directions for frozen chicken thighs in air fryer to reheat frozen rotisserie chicken.

How to reheat shredded rotisserie chicken in air fryer?

Reheat shredded rotisserie chicken in an air fryer set to 350F (177C) for 2-5 minutes. Alternatively, reheat the shredded chicken in the microwave on high for 1-2 minutes.

How to reheat rotisserie chicken in microwave?

Reheat rotisserie chicken in the microwave on high for 1-2 minutes. The exact cooking times depends on your microwave and the size of the chicken pieces. Reheating a whole chicken in the microwave is not recommended, because it warms unevenly.

How to reheat rotisserie chicken in the oven?

Preheat the oven to 350F (177C). Put the chicken in a roasting pan and add some broth to cover the bottom of the pan. Cover the pan with foil and heat for about 20-25 minutes. Remove the foil and roast an additional 5 minutes to help crisp up the skin.

How to reheat rotisserie chicken on the stovetop?

To reheat leftover rotisserie chicken on the stove, cut the chicken into bite-size pieces. Heat a couple tablespoons of oil in a skillet over medium heat, and add the chicken. Heat, turning frequently, until the rotisserie chicken is warmed to your liking. It should only take a few minutes.

Why did my chicken not brown in the air fryer?

This recipe will only re-crisp the skin on the chicken that was already crispy and brown. If your rotisserie chicken did not start out with crispy skin, this reheating recipe won’t fix the issue. Sometimes using a little cooking oil spray on the chicken can help with browning.

Reheat Rotisserie Chicken in Air Fryer (Leftovers Recipe) (6)

🐔 More Rotisserie Chicken Recipes

How to use leftover rotisserie chicken? Leftover rotisserie chicken is wonderful in a variety of dishes, from sandwiches and salads, to Instant Pot Stir Fry, soups, and casseroles. Here are some more ways to use rotisserie chicken leftovers:

  • Canned Whole Chicken (salad recipe)
  • Chick-Fil-A Kale Crunch Salad
  • Summer Berry Salad

And why not use the leftover chicken bones to make Bone Broth?

Reheat Rotisserie Chicken in Air Fryer (Leftovers Recipe) (7)

🥗 Rotisserie Chicken Side Dishes

What to serve with rotisserie chicken? This time I served chicken with roasted potatoes and a side of broccoli. Here are some other side dishes for rotisserie chicken:

  • Air Fryer Frozen Vegetables
  • Air Fryer Garlic Bread
  • Butternut Squash in the Air Fryer
  • Air Fryer Baby Potatoes
  • Air Fryer Frozen French Fries
Reheat Rotisserie Chicken in Air Fryer (Leftovers Recipe) (8)

👨‍🍳 Other Air Fryer Chicken Recipes

Want even more air fryer recipes for chicken? Check these out:

  • Air Fryer BBQ Chicken Breasts
  • Air Fryer Frozen Chicken Tenders
  • Trader Joe’s Orange Chicken (Air Fryer)
  • Air Fryer Rotisserie Chicken
  • Air Fryer Frozen Chicken Wings

And if you’re here for air fryer reheat recipes, don’t miss How to Reheat KFC Chicken as well!

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Reheat Rotisserie Chicken in Air Fryer (Leftovers Recipe) (9)

Summer Yule

Hello! I'm Summer, a registered dietitian and home chef who loves to cook, eat, and create high quality content for you! Every recipe on this site has been tested by me to help ensure your success in the kitchen. All eaters are welcome here 🙂

Reheat Rotisserie Chicken in Air Fryer (Leftovers Recipe) (2024)
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