Pros and Cons of Multifocal Lenses for Cataract Surgery - Danny Lee, MD (2024)

March 14th, 2017

Pros and Cons of Multifocal Lenses for Cataract Surgery - Danny Lee, MD (1)

While monofocal lenses are still considered standard for cataract surgery, many patients cannot help but consider multifocal lenses. Although these lenses have not been around nearly as long as monofocal lenses have, they still offer some unique advantages that are worth exploring. It is important to look at the advantages and disadvantages before moving forward. Then, discuss what you want with your Huntsville, Alabama cataract surgeon.

Advantages of Multifocal Lenses

Multifocal lenses improve vision at near, far, and intermediate distances. Many people who used to wear corrective lenses no longer need them after having multifocal lenses during cataract surgery. They can see far awayand easily work on the computer without their glasses or contact lenses.

Unlike contact lenses and glasses that require new prescriptions on a yearly basis, most patients receive lasting results with these lenses. Because these lenses are planted in the eye, no upkeep is required. That means that you do not have to soak them like contacts or replace them after getting scratched, as you would with glasses. That can save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

Disadvantages of Multifocal Lenses

There are some disadvantages that you need to keep in mind, as well. Weigh these disadvantages against the advantages before moving forward with cataract surgery. That way, you will not face any surprises after having lens replacement surgery. While multifocal lenses improve near, far, and intermediate vision, many people still have difficulty seeing up close. Although they can see the computer screen, their vision is blurry when trying to read a book. However, this can be corrected with reading glasses.

Some people also report issues with contrast after receiving multifocal lenses as part of cataract surgery. This makes reading in dim light difficult. Of course, it is important to understand that you should never read in dim light anyway. This is bad for your eyes, and obviously, you want to protect your vision as much as possible. Therefore, be sure to turn the lights on whenever you read. Of course, you may not have this option in every scenario, such as trying to read a menu in a dimly lit restaurant.

In addition, a small number of patients who receive multifocal lenses experience glares and halos around lights after dark, which can make driving at night difficult. If you plan to drive at night, especially if you expect to drive often, you might be better off getting a monofocal lens replacement.

Most insurers are less likely to pay all of the costs associated with multifocal lenses since they are more expensive than monofocal lenses. Typically, insurance companies cap the amount of payment at the cost of a monofocal lens. That means that you can expect some out-of-pocket expenses if you move forward with a multifocal lens.

If you are still unsure which lens is right for you, talk to a cataract surgeon in Decatur, Alabama. Your surgeon can perform an eye examinationand help you decide which option best suits your needs. From there, you can move forward with your surgery feeling confident, knowing that you are getting the lens replacement that fits your lifestyle.

Pros and Cons of Multifocal Lenses for Cataract Surgery - Danny Lee, MD (2024)
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