Is there a dungeon finder yet? (2024)

10 hours ago, firedragon.8953 said:

There is a lfg tool with a dungeon tab.
I sometimes see people running dungeons (including stories for new players).
You can also create your own groups. From my experience it takes a few minutes to form a party.

The LFG tool works well.

People are too shy about starting a group in it, self included. But when someone lists something in there it tends to fill pretty fast. There are a few exceptions for a couple of things people tend to avoid, but even this will fill in short order as if you need it, there's a high chance a lot of others do as well (Honor of the Waves story for example).

With EoD launch I made 4 new characters - 2 were remakes of old characters on new races. One was to swap having 2 mesmers for instead having 2 warriors, and the last was just because.

I like to have every character on my account able to 'open the door' forany explorable dungeon - even my WvW dedicated character (which was one of my remakes). So I ran all the story modes on 4 new characters and managed to do it very quickly. Finding groups was trivially easy.

I also do fractals all the time, and one of the re-made characters is intended to eventually become my fractal main. So I've run a lot of those recently and again the LFG tool works to make finding groups very easy. Even more so than Dungeons in Fractals there's almost always a crowd of people waiting for someone else to list a group first... so if you list, you tend to find people that didn't seem to be around suddenly joining you.

  • Is there a dungeon finder yet? (1)2
  • Is there a dungeon finder yet? (2)1
  • Is there a dungeon finder yet? (3)2
Is there a dungeon finder yet? (2024)
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