Inspecting Page File Usage in Performance Monitor (2024)

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Do the following steps to inspect page file usage in Performance Monitor:

  1. Via the Windows start menu, open Administrative Tools, and then open Performance Monitor.
  2. Expand Monitoring Tools.
  3. Click Performance Monitor.
  4. Right-click on the graph and select Add Counters... from the context menu.

    Result:The Add Counters dialog is opened.

  5. From the Available counters list, select Paging File.
  6. Click on the down-arrow icon to the right of Paging File.
  7. Select % Usage under Paging File and then click the Add button to add the counter on the Added counters list.
  8. Click OK to close the Add Counters dialog.
Inspecting Page File Usage in Performance Monitor (2024)


Inspecting Page File Usage in Performance Monitor? ›

Do the following steps to inspect page file usage in Performance Monitor: Via the Windows start menu, open Administrative Tools, and then open Performance Monitor. Expand Monitoring Tools. Click Performance Monitor.

How do I check page file performance? ›

Do the following steps to inspect page file usage in Performance Monitor: Via the Windows start menu, open Administrative Tools, and then open Performance Monitor. Expand Monitoring Tools. Click Performance Monitor.

How does page file affect performance? ›

Page files enable the system to remove infrequently accessed modified pages from physical memory to let the system use physical memory more efficiently for more frequently accessed pages.

What is Pagefile usage? ›

Pagefile. sys is the Windows paging (or swap) file used to manage virtual memory. It's used when a system is low on physical memory (RAM). Pagefile. sys can be removed, but it's best to let Windows manage it for you.

What causes high page file usage? ›

If the program requires more memory than is available in physical RAM, the Operating system may use a page file to store some of the program's memory on the hard drive. Problem identification: Identify which applications are currently running on the server and which demand high RAM usage.

What pagefile size for 16gb RAM? ›

On most Windows 10 systems with 8 GB of RAM or more, the OS manages the size of the paging file nicely. The paging file is typically 1.25 GB on 8 GB systems, 2.5 GB on 16 GB systems and 5 GB on 32 GB systems.

What is a good paging file size? ›

A system managed Page File will be adequate is most use cases, unless you are experiencing problems. The Page File should be approximately 1.5 - 2 times the size of your total system memory (RAM). A computer with 4GB of RAM will need a Page File a minimum of 6GB (6144 MB) and a maximum of 8GB (8192MB).

How do I increase paging file for performance? ›

The value following Total paging file size for all drives: is the size in MB of the system's virtual memory.
  1. In the Virtual memory section, click the Change button.
  2. In the 'Paging file size for selected drive' section, select the Custom size option.
  3. Set the Initial size (MB) and the Maximum size (MB).
4 days ago

How do I reduce page file usage? ›

Reduce the size of pagefile. sys
  1. Access the Virtual Memory settings, following steps 1 through 4 in the previous section.
  2. At the hard drive list, select your current system drive.
  3. Select “Custom size” and manually enter a lower value than what's currently set.
  4. Confirm your actions by pressing Set, then OK.
Jan 12, 2024

Is increasing page file good? ›

Increasing page file size makes sense when programs use lot of memory. In Windows page file size is one defining total amount of Virtual Memory available to all running programs. To use it page file must be in a single chunk.

What happens if Pagefile is too small? ›

If your pagefile is too small, you may get a memory. dmp file, but Debugging Tools for Windows won't be able to read it.

Does paging increase performance? ›

Memory Management: Paging provides a way for the operating system to manage the memory used by a process, ensuring that each process has enough memory to run effectively. Improved Memory Utilization: By dividing a process's virtual memory into pages, paging allows the operating system to use memory more efficiently.

How do I calculate paging file size? ›

Your paging file size should be 1.5 times your physical memory at a minimum and up to 4 times the physical memory at most to ensure system stability. Your minimum paging file size can be calculated by 8 GB x 1.5, and your maximum paging file size by 8 GB x 4.

How much pagefile for 8gb RAM? ›

On computers that have 8 GB of RAM, the suggested paging file size is 16 GB.

How do I make a page file faster? ›

You can do this by going to Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced system settings > Advanced tab > Performance settings > Advanced tab > Virtual memory. Here, you will see the minimum, recommended, and currently allocated size for the page file.

Where can I find my Pagefile sys? ›

The pagefile (sometimes referred to as page file or paging file) is a Windows system file whose full name is pagefile. sys. By default, it is located in the root directory of the system drive, typically the C: drive. Figure 1 shows the file on the C: drive as it appears in Windows Explorer.

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