How to get last 5 records in SQL? (2024)

Here is the syntax to get the last 5 records of the table in SQL:



FROM table_name




In the above query, we used subquery with the TOP clause that returns the table with the last 5 records sorted by ID in descending order. Again, we used to order by clause to sort the result-set of the subquery in ascending order by the ID column.

If you want to take a course that can provide Instructor-led training and certification, I suggest this SQL Training by Intellipaat.

How to get last 5 records in SQL? (2024)


How do I get the last 5 rows in SQL? ›

1 Answer. ORDER BY id ASC; In the above query, we used subquery with the TOP clause that returns the table with the last 5 records sorted by ID in descending order. Again, we used to order by clause to sort the result-set of the subquery in ascending order by the ID column.

How to get last 10 records in SQL? ›

To get the last 10 rows in SQL, you can use the ORDER BY clause with the DESC (descending) or ASC (ascending) keyword to sort the rows, and then use the LIMIT clause to limit the result set to the last 10 rows.

How to get last 5 data in MySQL? ›

MySQL : how to get last N records using query.
  1. + 5. First way: SELECT * FROM tableName ORDER BY columnName DESC LIMIT 1; Second way: SET @variableName = (SELECT MAX(columnName) FROM tableName); SELECT *FROM tableName WHERE columnName = @variableName; ...
  2. + 4. ...
  3. + 3. ...
  4. + 3. ...
  5. + 2. ...
  6. you can use the primary key.
Nov 19, 2022

How to find last 5 records in SQL using Rownum? ›

Select * from EMP a where 5 > (select count(*) from EMP b where a. rowid < b. rowid ); sql.

How to print last 50 records in SQL? ›

SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 50;Note that this assumes that the table has a column named "id" that is used to order the records. If your table has a different column for ordering, you should replace "id" with the appropriate column name.

How to get last records in SQL? ›

We can use the ORDER BY statement and LIMIT clause to extract the last data. The basic idea is to sort the sort the table in descending order and then we will limit the number of rows to 1. In this way, we will get the output as the last row of the table. And then we can select the entry which we want to retrieve.

How to get the first 5 records in Oracle? ›

SELECT date, id_user, c1, c2, c3 FROM (SELECT u. *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id_user ORDER BY date DESC) as seqnum FROM table_users u ) WHERE seqnum <= 5; When you use rownum , then it returns that many rows from the result set. ROW_NUMBER() is different.

How to get 10 records in MySQL? ›

Explanation: SELECT * FROM Customers ORDER BY Order_val DESC LIMIT 10: This is a subquery that selects all columns (*) from the Customers table, sorts the records in descending order (DESC) by the Order_val column, and limits the result to the top 10 records (LIMIT 10)

How to get last 7 days data in MySQL? ›

How to grab the last x days in MySQL Table
  1. select * from `table`
  2. where `date` > CURDATE() -7.
Jun 9, 2021

How to get last 3 records in Oracle? ›

SELECT * FROM (select * from suppliers ORDER BY supplier_name DESC) suppliers2 WHERE rownum <= 3 ORDER BY rownum DESC; Notice that although you want the last 3 records sorted by supplier_name in ascending order, you actually sort the supplier_name in descending order in this solution.

How to delete first 5 rows in MySQL? ›

How to Delete in MySQL. To delete rows in a MySQL table, use the DELETE FROM statement: DELETE FROM products WHERE product_id=1; The WHERE clause is optional, but you'll usually want it, unless you really want to delete every row from the table.

How to get 10 records in Oracle? ›

Get the top-N rows per group
  1. Statement 1. Get the 10 most recent orders select * from co.orders order by order_datetime desc fetch first 10 rows only. ...
  2. Statement 2. Add a row number for each customer select o.*, row_number () over ( partition by customer_id order by order_datetime desc ) rn from co.orders o. ...
  3. Statement 3.
Jan 12, 2021

How do I select specific rows in SQL? ›

To select rows using selection symbols for character or graphic data, use the LIKE keyword in a WHERE clause, and the underscore and percent sign as selection symbols. You can create multiple row conditions, and use the AND, OR, or IN keywords to connect the conditions.

How to get latest record using ROW_NUMBER in SQL? ›

This can be done by assigning the ROW_NUMBER() function to each row of data and then using the Partition clause to group the data by a specific value. The Nth highest value can then be determined by using the ORDER BY clause to sort the data in descending order and determine the value of the Nth row.

How do I select the last 10 rows in MySQL? ›

The following is the syntax to get the last 10 records from the table. Here, we have used LIMIT clause. SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM yourTableName ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10 )Var1 ORDER BY id ASC; Let us now implement the above query.

How to get last row value in SQL? ›

  1. To select the first and last row of a table in SQL, you can use the LIMIT and ORDER BY clauses. ...
  2. For example, to select the first row of a table named "customers", you can use the following query:
  3. SELECT * FROM customers. ...
  4. To select the last row of the table, you can use the following query:
  5. SELECT * FROM customers.
Oct 10, 2022

How do I select the last two records in SQL? ›

To select last two rows, use ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 2.

How to get first 5 rows in Oracle SQL? ›

Get the top-N rows per group
  1. Statement 1. Get the 10 most recent orders select * from co.orders order by order_datetime desc fetch first 10 rows only. ...
  2. Statement 2. Add a row number for each customer select o.*, row_number () over ( partition by customer_id order by order_datetime desc ) rn from co.orders o. ...
  3. Statement 3.
Jan 12, 2021

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