Guild Wars 2: The First Year – (2024)

So much has happened in the past twelve months that sometimes it’s hard for me to believe that it was just one year ago today that we launched GuildWars2 in North America and Europe.

CreatingGuildWars2was an enormous undertaking — two hundred developers working for five years — but releasing it was even more so. You may have heard it said that “building a successful MMO isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon.” I think that’s true – you have to adopt the long view – but sometimes the challenges after launch are so varied that it really feels more like a triathlon.

Guild Wars 2: The First Year – (1)

Those first few months were a time we’ll never forget. The game sold so far beyond our expectations that we decided to stop selling it for a while to avoid overwhelming the servers. Even then, some aspects of the game were bursting at the seams, and we worked around the clock to address everything. Here’s an example: for a while we had a regularly scheduled security meeting every night at midnight. It was all a hell of a lot of work, but it was worth it.

“We’re now updating GuildWars2 about five times as often as the typical MMO.”

But those first few months were only the start of the adventure. The real challenge is in evolving the world over time. And I think the real mark of a success of an online world is how that world grows and evolves, and the extent to which players can take the world and make it their own.

To plan how we’d evolve the world, we went back to our roots.

Those of you who have been with us from the beginning will recall that our first goal with GuildWars2 was to make a truly dynamic world where the actions of players change the world around them. We had railed against traditional MMO mechanics like quest chains that force the world to be static and unchanging, and instead had built a world full of dynamic events where players working together can actually change the state of the world.We knew we wanted to use live updates to make the world even more dynamic. And we knew that in order to really succeed at that, we’d have to be able to ship new content into the world at an unprecedented scale.

Guild Wars 2: The First Year – (2)

So in this first year we’ve ramped up to make GuildWars2 the best-supported, most-updated online world in the industry. And if you ask me what stands out most about our first year, I’ll tell you, I think the number one thing we accomplished was reorienting our company to be able to update the game so much. In the first eight months after launch we shipped eight major releases, and then in the subsequent four months we shipped eight more major releases. We’re releasing new content every two weeks. Think about the power of that. We’re now updating GuildWars2 about five times as often as the typical MMO.

Guild Wars 2: The First Year – (3)

As we start to hit our stride with these releases, and as millions of players log in to participate in these world-changing events, you can see a kind of magic start to happen. The line between dynamic events and live updates starts to blur. The world really is changing all the time, and there’s always something new to see and do. Players join forces by the hundreds to answer each challenge, whether it’s the invasion of Scarlet’s army or the onslaught of Tequatl the Sunless or the fight over Stonemist Castle.

Guild Wars 2: The First Year – (4)

We want to involve you in shaping these world changes. Recently you elected Ellen Kiel to the Captain’s Council, along with her promise to research a Fractal dungeon about the Thaumanova Reactor Explosion. That means you directly decided what content ArenaNet is building for GuildWars2 for release later this year. In the coming year you’ll see more and more how your choices and actions in Tyria will permanently change the world.

It’s exciting.With so many forces at play, who can predict how the world of Tyria will have changed by this time next year? I can’t wait.

Thank you all for joining us for this journey. We hope you’ve enjoyed seeing the world of Tyria and this game we love grow and evolve so much over the past year.

Guild Wars 2: The First Year – (5)

If you haven’t joined us yet, there’s never been a better time. Whether you’d rather wage war in epic battles with hundreds of players, test your skills against fellow players in our competitive PvP scene, or just explore a vast world that offers new surprises every time you log in, I invite you to check out GuildWars2 today.

I’ll see you in-game.

The First Year of GuildWars2
by the Numbers

Guild Wars 2: The First Year – (6)

Guild Wars 2: The First Year – (2024)


Is Guild Wars 2 worth playing in 2024? ›

Yeah, it's probably worth it. GW2 is one of these games where old content is not always abandoned content, you still see really many players alking around in the older expansions, simply since it's still worth doing them. So the age of the game is not really a disadvantage.

How many hours does it take to complete Guild Wars 2? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Guild Wars 2 is about 89 Hours in length.

Is GW2 good without expansions? ›

F2P/no expansions is cool when starting out but once you decide that you really like the game, investing in expansions is the best you can do. as a player that has played since launch, it will definetly feel a little dated, but it does introduce you to a lot of really cool stuff.

Does Guild Wars 2 respect your time? ›

Guild Wars 2 is not a game about constantly moving the player power goalposts, but rather expanding the game and making a fun game with a good story. Unless you ignore pvp and dont like hard farming for convininces . The game will respect your time for awhile . So many things you can get , explore and story is crisp .

Will Guild Wars 2 have a 4th expansion? ›

Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure is the fourth expansion pack for Guild Wars 2. It was announced on March 22, 2022, and the title, features and trailer were revealed on June 27, 2023. The release date was Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 09:00 UTC-07:00.

What is Max level in Guild Wars 2? ›

The level cap in Guild Wars 2 is 80. Characters will have their power scaled down in areas designed for lower level players, to keep content somewhat challenging. All characters are scaled up to maximum level while participating in PvP.

What is the max crafting level in Guild Wars 2? ›

Each discipline has a maximum level of 500, except Jeweler and Scribe, which cap at 400. Generally, every 75 levels, access is granted to a new tier of recipes.

What is the longest range weapon in GW2? ›

Weapons by rangeEdit

The most common ranges are 130 (for most "melee" attacks) and 1200 (for most "long-range" attacks). The only weapons in this table with more than 1200 range are the Ranger's longbow and Deadeye's rifle (while Kneeling), with 1500. (The engineer Elite Mortar Kit also has 1500 range.)

Will Guild Wars 2 end after end of dragons? ›

Despite the expansion's name, it has been stated by the developers and the Studio Director that End of Dragons is not the end of the Guild Wars 2 storyline nor the end of the game development.

How old is Guild Wars 1? ›

The first campaign, Guild Wars Prophecies (originally named Guild Wars), was released on April 28, 2005. The Prophecies storyline is situated on the continent of Tyria and revolves around the Flameseeker Prophecy, a prophecy made by an ancient dragon named Glint.

Are Guild Wars 1 and 2 connected? ›

Guild Wars 2 is an entirely new game set in a different era from the original Guild Wars: with new professions and races, new technology, and expanded gameplay. As such, it is not possible to continue using an original Guild Wars character in Guild Wars 2.

Which expansion should I play first GW2? ›

If you want to go for "mostly in order except for a QoL feature or two," I would suggest starting the first Path of Fire episode and play through until you get your Raptor. Then leave PoF, go back and play the thing in its "proper" order, if that's what you're mostly interested in doing.

Do worlds matter in GW2? ›

World is the term used to indicate the group of players on the same team in World versus World; it has no impact on open world PvE experience.

What is the max level in Guild Wars 2 free players? ›

If you decide to play as a free to play player, you will have access to everything in the base game. That means everything except content introduced with expansions. You will be able to reach max level 80 and play every profession (class) excel for Revenant which was introduced in Heart of Thorns expansion.

Do people still play Guild Wars 2? ›

Guild Wars 2 has approximately 300,000 to 500,000 daily active players. active players Guild Wars 2 is no doubt one of the most popular games of 2023.

Is Guild Wars 2 P2W? ›

GW2 is generally a pay to play kind of game; You pay for content to experience it. You can pay to speed up things, such as boosters and transferring gems to gold and buy gear that way, but it doesn't grant you advantage over others.

How much does Guild Wars 2 cost per month? ›

Guild Wars 2 will never require a monthly subscription or any other fees to play! Whether you decide to play on a free account forever or make a one-time purchase to upgrade your account with the latest expansion(s), you have the freedom to continue playing the game without ever spending another dollar.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.