German income tax calculator (2024)

This tool calculates your German net income, after taxes and social contributions. It’s your take-home salary. It’s the money you keep every month.

{{ showExtraQuestions ? 'Hide options' : 'Show options' }}

Health insurance

Your private health insurance costs per month.

Public pension

Public pension insurance pays for your pension when you retire.

Your employer pays

You pay

Unemployment insurance

Unemployment insurance pays for unemployment benefits if you lose your job.

Your employer pays

You pay

Income tax

This is the income tax you pay directly from your paycheque. It's missing some {{ childrenCount > 0 ? 'big ' : '' }}tax deductions. When you file a tax declaration, you can get {{ childrenCount > 0 ? 'a lot of ' : 'some ' }}money back{{ childrenCount > 0 ? ', especially when you have children' : '' }}.

Taxable income

Income tax rate

Solidarity surcharge

If you pay more than /year in income tax, you must pay a solidarity surcharge. It's a percentage of your income tax.

Solidarity surcharge is {{ formatPercent(taxes.solidarity.milderungszoneRate * 100) }} of all income tax above .

The solidarity surcharge is {{ formatPercent(taxes.solidarity.maxRate * 100) }} of your income tax.

Church tax

Your church collects a church tax. In {{ germanStates[germanState].englishName }}, the church tax is {{ formatPercent(result.churchTaxRate * 100) }} of your income tax.

Your income is too low to pay income tax, so you don't pay church tax.

You pay {{ formatPercent(100 - disposableIncomeRatio) }}

This is what you pay for all taxes and social contributions.

You keep {{ formatPercent(disposableIncomeRatio) }}

This is your net income. It's how much money you keep after taxes and other deductions. It's your money. You can spend it.

How taxes work in Germany➞

Compare salaries in Germany➞

German income tax calculator (2024)
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