Garamsythe Waterway - Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age (2024)

Garamsythe Waterway

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Important Items:N/A
Enemies:Dire Rat, Steeling, Ichthon, Razorfin (Rare Game)
Notable Steals:Dire Rat - Potion (3%)
Steeling - Potion (3%)
Ichthon - Eye Drops (10%), Phoenix Down (3%)

Area information for the Garamsythe Waterway of Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age

Once you’ve obtained the Sunstone it is time to head back to Old Dalan in Lowtown. Take the exit to Lowtown in the Southgate of Rabanastre to arrive close to Dalans House. As you approach, Penelo will leave the party, make sure you’ve done any of the side portions of the game mentioned in the prior area that you wanted to complete.

Head in and speak to Dalan, he’ll explain how to enter the Palace. We need to make our way through the Garamsythe Waterway to enter the Palace. As you leave the house, you’ll trigger a scene.

Head northwest to find the entrance to the Garamsythe Waterway marked on the map. Through the doors, Kytes will unlock the way forward for us. Head down and into the Waterway.

As you enter the Waterway you’ll find a save crystal, return here if you need healing at any point during the dungeon. Take the west path into the Northern Sluiceway. There are a bunch of chests that can spawn around here, but none really contain anything of note. Fight your way through the rats and other encounters until you reach the exit to the North Spur Sluiceway. In this area you’ll begin to fight Ichthons, these shouldn’t cause you any trouble either. There is a chance on this map for one of the Ichthons to be replaced by the Rare Game called Razorfin. If you should encounter him you can likely take him down, just make sure to keep an eye on your HP. Continue to head northwest to eventually end up at the entrance to the Palace.

The Royal Palace of Rabanastre

The first area you’ll enter is called the Cellar Stores, in here you can find a map of the area in the Green Urn, as well as a Save Crystal. Head through the exit into the Cellar area, here you’ll find six chests around the edges of the room. Collect them all and then head toward the stairs to the north to trigger a scene. Afterward, try to go upstairs once more, talk to the nearby Palace Servant to get a little help sneaking past the guard. Head upstairs and into the next area called the Lower Halls.

Lower Halls

Up here you need to find the Lion Signet. If you get too close to a guard you’ll be forced back to the start of the area, so be careful. All of the guards are in fixed positions but can be moved by yelling at them. Head straight through the first intersection to the Hawk Signet on the ground, move forward towards the guards in front of you, and then yell to get their attention. With them chasing you, head back to the intersection and this time take the south passage.

Follow the passage east, from here there is a chest with another Orrachea Armlet to the south you can reach if you hug the wall farthest from the guards along the way. Grab it then continue north, on the third intersection you can head west to find the Lion Signet. Interact with it to light the secret passage location.

You now need to get all of the guards to go to the eastern side of the passages. To do this, head to the northmost passage and call the guards to you, then repeat this process on each of the passageways as you head south. Once all of the guards are to the eastern side of their routes, you can now take the bottom passage to the west and then proceed north all the way to the Secret Passage entrance that was illuminated earlier.

In this secret passage area, if you continue to head west, along the southern wall at the very end you’ll find a hidden switch that you need to press in order to continue moving forward. Activate it to be able to enter through the nearby door. Inside this new chamber, grab the Goddess’s Magicite and then take the stairs up. Continue heading up until you trigger a Cutscene.

Garamsythe Waterway

Head straight down the stairs to trigger a Tutorial on the Gambit system, now that we have a full party to set up. Once that is done, set up your Gambits, and then use the Save Crystal on the upper level.

Set Fran to cure any ally below 70% HP and Balthier to use a Potion on any ally below 50% health, set the same Potion gambit on Vaan as well but make his a lower threshold like 30%. These gambits should ensure that your party remains healthy for the time being, and prioritizes using Fran’s spells instead of running through your Potion supply. You can then set the attack gambit for Vaan to attack the nearest enemy visible, and everyone else’s secondary gambit to attack the party leader’s target. Once we’re back in town we’ll need to purchase more gambit options from the shop in order to set up some more powerful strategies.

Don’t forget to assign jobs for both Fran and Balthier at this stage. Remember that visiting the Clan Hall will allow you to respec if you desire later on. If you completed the earlier Dustia Farming then chances are you’re going to have a ton of LP to assign as well. As you inherit party members, their levels are based on what level Vaan is currently. Meaning that since we boosted him early game with the Dustia Farming that all the party members we gain after that also benefit from a significant level boost. Having said that, by the time we leave Rabanastre, the enemy levels will likely have caught up, so the boost from the early leveling doesn’t last long.

After making all your selections be sure to use the Save Crystal again. At the bottom of the stairs, you can interact with some injured soldiers. Head through to the next area to reach the East Waterway Control. Here to the east you’ll find another Urn with a map for the Garamsythe Waterway inside, be sure to grab it. Continue to head south to transition into the No. 11 Channel area. This area is fairly straightforward, so make your way through and into the next section which is the East Sluice Control.

East Sluice Control

Use the Save Crystal before heading down the stairs to trigger a scene and a small battle against four soldiers. They shouldn’t give you any trouble at all. After the battle, you’ll get another scene. Adjust Fran’s Gambits here so that she cast’s Fire instead of attacking enemies. The upcoming enemies are susceptible to Fire Magic, and you now have a guest to take over the additional healing, so that Fran can focus on damage. With that done, continue to head west and through to the next area called the Southern Sluiceway. Here as you approach the center of the area you’ll trigger another battle, this time against four Flans.

Boss Battle: Flan (x4)

Elemental Weakness:Fire
Status Effect Weakness:Stop, Doom, Confuse, Reverse, Sleep, Blind, Poison, Silence, Oil, Disease, Disable, Immobilize, Sap, Slow, Berserk, Libra
Sagittarius Gem

Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age - Flan Boss Battle

As mentioned above, these Flans are weak to Fire Magic, so Fran should rip through them if you adjusted her Gambits. Try to steal from them before they die, but if you can’t don’t worry about it. These Flans can heal each other and are highly resistant to regular attacks, so with an underleveled party, this can be quite a slog to fight through. Don’t forget to set Fran’s Gambits back to Attack instead of Fire after the battle.

Head west into the next area, and continue on. Take the north exit into the No. 10 Channel, continue north and then take the eastern path to another Save Crystal. Make sure to heal up and double-check your Gambits (if Fran is still using Fire, you’re going to have a bad time) as continuing past here will trigger the next Boss Battle:

Boss Battle: Firemane

Elemental Weakness:Water
Status Effect Weakness:Stop, Blind, Silence, Oil, Disable, Immobilize, Sap, Slow, Berserk, Libra
Resistances:Fire (Absorbs)
Phoenix Down
Grimoire Togail

Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age - Firemane Boss Battle

Firemane will absorb Fire damage so make sure you don’t use it. One of the tricks to this fight is luring the Firemane into the water on either side of the arena. If you can do this, it will stop casting its constant Fire magic. It also won’t target anyone in the water with its Fire magic. Its large AOE spell, Bushfire is also used much less frequently if you can lure the Firemane into the Water. Other than that, be sure to keep some Antidotes handy to cure the Poison status that Bushfire can inflict as well. If you can stay on top of the healing and get either it or your party into the water, then this fight shouldn’t take too long either. After the battle, you’ll trigger some scenes and eventually regain control of Vaan in the Nalbina Dungeon.

Nalbina Dungeons

Important Items:Map of Nalbina Dungeons
Enemies:Daguza, Galeedo, Gwitch, Imperial Swordsman, Imperial Marksman, Imperial Magus, Imperial Hoplite, Imperial Pilot
Notable Steals:N/A

Area information for the Nalbina Dungeons of Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age

Watch the scenes in the Dungeon and then exit the room, here in this first area you can find four chests scattered about. Each of these contains a Knot of Rust. This is an item you can use in battle to inflict some damage. Grab them all and then head to the Save Crystal in the north.


Head through the doorway past the Save Crystal to arrive in the Arena. You’ll trigger a scene here and then be thrown into a fight with three of the Seeq’s. Luckily Balthier will offer to help, you can also throw the Knots of Rust at them here to deal some heavy damage.


You’ll trigger more scenes at the end of the fight and be taken to a new area, the Confiscatory. Here when you attempt to move towards the Save Crystal you’ll trigger another scene which will lead to all your gear being returned and gaining a map of the Dungeon area. Grab the three chests inside, save your game, and head through the next door.

This next area is littered with chests and enemies, take your time and explore around as you make your way to the northernmost room. Here to move on to the next part you need to trigger a scene showing the guards leaving through a doorway, head to the center of the north wall in the north room to follow them. Then take the door to the south and follow the Guards. You’ll trigger another scene here. When you regain control of Vaan we’ll be in the Barheim Passage.

Barheim Passage

Important Items:Map of Barheim Passage, Mage Masher, Capella, Buckler, Rod
Enemies:Battery Mimic, Zombie, Steeling, Seeker, Tiny Battery, Flan, Bomb, Specters, Skull Defenders, Mimic, Tiny Mimic, Suriander, Mimic Queen
Notable Steals:Seeker - Iron Sword (10%)
Skull Defenders - Bronze Chestplate (3%)
Mimic - Iron Sword (3%)

Area information for the Barheim Passage of Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age

Grab the chests in the branch path to the right before continuing down the stairs and using the Save Crystal. Examine the nearby structure in the center of the room to have Balthier explain that the Fuse is busted and is likely the reason for the lack of lighting. Continue to the very bottom to speak to the merchant here, he’ll give us the new Fuse Tube to install, as well as give us access to his wares. You can buy some new Gambits from him, the most useful of which is “Foe: HP = 100%” grab this gambit and then set up Vaan with an automatic stealing Gambit. Use the following: “Foe: HP = 100%” followed by the “Steal” action. This ensures that every enemy that you encounter will first be stolen from by Vaan. Stealing is one of the primary ways to unlock new items and make money in this game so it is well worth it. You should also set up another party member with the Gambit “Foe: HP = 100%” followed by the action “Attack” this means they will attack first each enemy with full hp which will then cause Vaan to stop stealing from them. While you’re here, buy any weapons and armor your party might need.

Next, press the switch next to the merchant, nothing will happen. Head back up to the center relay and install the new Tube Fuse. Then back downstairs and hit the switch again, which will open the gate. Head through, into the area OP Sector 29, to trigger a scene with a Mimic. Chase it down and defeat it to regain your charge. Make your way into the next room and down the stairs to find another Mimic draining battery charge, defeat it then head east into the Great Eastern Passage area.

Great Eastern Passage

Take out the first Mimic directly ahead of you and head south to chase the next one. At the fork in the road take the western passage to find the Mimic. Take the eastern branch of the fork to continue south, at the next fork in the road take the eastern path to find another Mimic, defeat it, and then take the other path to continue south. At the next intersection take the north passage, this will lead to a chest containing a Map of the Barhiem Passage. Then continue south to find another Mimic and exit to the west into the area called OPS Sector 36.

OPS Sector 36

You’ll find two Mimic’s in this area, one nearby where you entered and the other down on the bottom level. There are three chests in this area, these are worth exiting and re-entering until they show up so that you can grab the weapons and armor they contain. On the top level at the very end is a chest with a Battle Harness inside, give this to Vaan, it will allow him to counterattack, this chest will only spawn once. There is another chest that can spawn on the top level near where you entered that has a chance to contain a Rod, and a third chest can spawn on the low level near the center of the area containing a Buckler. Vaan can most likely take advantage of the Buckler as well. Once you have the gear, head back to the previous area and continue heading south.

Special OP Sector 3

In this new area, continue heading south and defeat the nearby Mimic. A gate blocks you from going any further here so for now take the path to the west. Defeat the Flans that fall from the ceiling, don’t forget they are extremely weak to Fire, continue onto the next Mimic, and finally take the stairs up to the west to get to the next area, OP Sector 37.

OP Sector 37

To the left of where you enter you’ll find a Mimic, take it out and then head down the stairs and east. This will lead you to the next Mimic. From where you defeated the second Mimic you can head west and up the stairs to find a Gate Switch. This will raise the gate that was blocking the way back in Special OP Sector 3. At the very end of this platform as well there is a chance to spawn a chest containing a Mage Masher. You’ll likely need to rezone a couple of times to get the item from it though, it’s highly worth it for this point in the game. This area’s chests all have a reasonable chance of holding gear including, Bucklers, Pointy Hat, Oak Staff, and the Mage Masher. So open them all as you keep trying for the Mage Masher, which will help to build out your equipment options for other party members as well. To the north of where you enter this area is a small ledge with a high chance of spawning a chest that also has a high chance of containing an Ether. It’s worth stockpiling a few of these here as well.

North-South Junction

Once you’re done, head back out of the area and continue heading south through the now open gate. The next area is called the North-South Junction and holds our next Save Crystal. You’ll also trigger a scene here.

Great Central Passage

Head south into the Great Central Passage, you’ll find another Mimic to the south. Most of the chests in this area will turn out to be Mimics, grab what you can and continue south to the next area called the Zeviah Subterrane.

Zeviah Subterrane

As soon as you enter you’ll see the three Mimics scamper off. One will stay reasonably close so take him down quickly and then head after the second which should be directly south of where you are now. The third will require you to head south until you reach the fork in the road where you can turn north. Follow this path as far north as you can to find the last of the three Mimics for this area. With all three of the Mimics taken care of, we now need to farm some of the chests in this area. In particular to the very south of the area and across the water to the west at the end of the path, past the second Suriander, is a chance for a chest containing the Capella gun to spawn. Clear the area of chests and enemies and then exit to the north and repeat the process until you have a copy of any of the following you might want; Cypress Pole, Iron Hammer, Lightning Fang, and Cherry Staff, they’re all available from chests in this area. The Capella is the most important, but you should get copies of the others from other chests you’ll find along the way as well. Take the exit to the northeast once you’re done farming. Here you’ll find a Save Crystal, use it, and then head south into the Terminus 4 area for a Boss Battle. If the Boss gives you trouble, spend some time grinding a couple of levels in the Barheim Passage.

Boss Battle: Mimic Queen

Boss:Mimic Queen
Elemental Weakness:Ice
Status Effect Weakness:Stop, Confuse, Blind, Silence, Oil, Disable, Sap, Slow, Berserk, Libra
Resistances:Lightning (Absorbs)
Steal:Knot of Rust
Storm Magicite
Rose Corsage

Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age - Mimic Queen Boss Battle

You want to focus your attention on the Mimic Queen and not worry about the smaller Mimic’s she will spawn. If at all possible change your Gambits to only attack the Foe with the Highest Max HP. This ensures your party isn’t going to waste time killing the smaller Mimics. If you picked up Blizzard magic while we were helping out Dantro’s Wife, then this is where you want to use it, the Mimic Queen is very susceptible to Blizzard. Below 20% health, she will start to use some very powerful spells capable of dealing 100-150 damage to all party members, make sure to keep your HP topped up as you approach that threshold.

After the fight, you’ll trigger a scene and be outside of the Barheim Passage, back in the Estersand outside Rabanastre. From here we need to head back to Rabanastre to continue the story.


Walkthrough for Bhujerba and the Lhusu Mines. There are a number of optional hunts to begin undertaking here, as well as an excellent opportunity to stock up on cash to purchase the Monographs.

Hunts covered: Wraith, Cluckatrice, Nidhogg, and Rocktoise.

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Garamsythe Waterway - Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age (2024)


How do I get into the Garamsythe Waterway? ›

The Garamsythe Waterway spans the underneath of the city, and is accessed via Lowtown. After the Esper Zalera is defeated deep within the Barheim Passage, a zoning point to the waterway becomes available.

Is there a point of no return in ff12? ›

Final Fantasy XII

The point of no return is entering the Sky Fortress Bahamut. The game helpfully warns the player while saving in locations they cannot leave before defeating a boss, such as the Dreadnought Leviathan.

How long does it take to 100 ff12 Zodiac age? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is about 40½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 105 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Is there a love story in ff12? ›

Ashe and Rasler – Final Fantasy XII

This selection is more of an indictment on Final Fantasy XII's love stories than anything else. It says something when the most convincing romance of the game was Ashe and the guy who dies in the opening cutscene.

How do I get Karkata? ›

The Karkata is a weapon in Final Fantasy XII. It is the upgraded Blood Sword added to the Zodiac versions. It is obtained from the bazaar Crimson Blade set and by stealing from Flowering Cactoid in Trial Mode Stage 3 (rare).

How do you get the zodiac spear in ff12 ps2? ›

You must give 10 trophies each to the bangaa brothers Atak, Stok, and Blok, and then buy it for 999,999 gil. You may also give more than 15 trophies to Atak, and he will reward you with the Zodiac Spear.

Who does Vaan end up with FF12? ›

Vaan is reunited with Penelo onboard the Dreadnought Leviathan. They find Amalia, who is revealed to be Princess Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca, the rightful heir to the throne of Dalmasca, believed to have committed suicide after her father's murder two years prior.

What job should Vaan be? ›

Vaan - A general all-rounder, but highish HP takes him towards tankier Jobs like the Bushi, Shikari, Uhlan, Knight and Foebreaker. Ashe - High Magic Power (MP), making her suited to the mage Jobs.

Who does Ashe end up with FF12? ›

Final Fantasy XII[edit] The only child of King Raminas and sole heir to the Dalmascan throne, Ashe is introduced marrying Prince Rasler of Nabradia at the young age of seventeen. Though their marriage is intended to be one of convenience and duty, the princess and her new husband are truly in love.

Is FF12 grindy? ›

This is actually one of the least grindy FF games, because you don't ever need to grind for XP (levels are the weakest part of character progression), and LP never diminish (so most people will effectively max their LP well before the end of the game).

Does slow wear off FF12? ›

If no duration is listed, the status will not wear off over time. Haste and Slow do not affect the length other status effects will last, but Stop will halt the duration of other statuses.

What race is Fran ff12? ›

Fran (Japanese: フラン, Hepburn: Furan) is a fictional character in the Final Fantasy series of video games. She is a member of the Viera race, a group of rabbit-like humanoid people. She appears in Final Fantasy XII, having left her tribe and worked as a copilot to the pirate Balthier.

Does ff12 have multiple endings? ›

There are two endings, considered a "bad ending" and a "good ending." Playing through and beating the game normally actually unlocks the bad ending, which is an essential condition for continuing to unlock the game's good ending.

How do I make Dustia appear? ›

Dustia appears in the Dalmasca Westersand the Corridor of Sand when at least one party member has less than 10% of their max HP remaining.

How do you get Mithuna? ›

Mithuna is obtained from the Mudslinger bazaar set alongside the Earth-elemental Mudshot. To get it at the bazaar the player must sell Emperor Scales x2, Silver Liquid x3, and Earth Crystal x8. The set then costs 120,000 gil.

How do you get Tournesol in ff12 Zodiac Age? ›

The Tournesol requires several rare pieces of loot to be synthesized. It can also be stolen from Gabranth in the Zodiac versions' Trial Mode in Stage 100, but items obtained in the final stage cannot be brought to the main game.

Who can equip Zodiac Spear? ›

The Zodiac Spear can only be equipped by the Uhlan job.

This one has pretty obvious implications thanks to the more rigid way in which the International Zodiac Job System handles weapons and other equipment - where anyone could use it before, in The Zodiac Age you'll need to be the correct class.

How do you get Ultima Blade in ff12? ›

The Ultima Blade is a greatsword in Final Fantasy XII. It is found in treasures, or made in the bazaar. To make it in the bazaar, the player needs to sell two Adamantites and Death Powders as well as a Gnoma Halcyon. Adamantites are obtained from Adamantitan and Thalassinon, as well as a reward for the Darksteel Hunt.

Are Penelo and Vaan a couple? ›

The official Brady Games strategy guide refers to Vaan and Penelo, "like brother and sister". In Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, Penelo's relationship with Vaan becomes ever closer, suggesting a romantic connection.

Why did Vaan see Rasler? ›

The reason why Vaan can also see “Rasler” is unexplained. The best explanation we ever get is that Vaan, like Ashe, is also desperately seeking some sort of revenge for Rasler's death. He may not be the Occuria's chosen, but perhaps their omen can be seen by him because he and Ashe currently have similar goals.

How old is Penelo? ›

Penelo (パンネロ, Pannero) is a 17-year-old (16-year-old in the Japanese version) Hume orphan and Vaan's childhood friend, being the voice of reason to keep him out of trouble. She dreams of being a dancer, and learned martial arts from her older brothers.

What class should I make Balthier? ›

This is the class combo I chose for Balthier during my last playthrough and I absolutely LOVED it. Bushi/Red Battlemage or Time Battlemage: Since Bushi buffs the magick stat so much, it makes sense to pair with a caster class. Either Red Battlemage or Time Battlemage add a layer of support to an already fast DPS class.

What level should I be for Zodiark FF12? ›

HP: ~350,000. Weaknesses: Light. Absorb: Dark. Recommended level: 65+

Is Ashe married lol? ›

Tryndamere's story has been minimally changed and brought in line with Ashe's, confirming that they are both politically married and legitimately romantically entwined.

Does Ashe have a husband lol? ›

Therefore, Ashe decided to wed Tryndamere, who was from a small mountain tribe. He would be her first and only Bloodsworn and eventually, the two would also be attracted to one another. What had started off as a political marriage, blossomed into something more.

How old is Fran in ff12? ›

Fran's age and birth year are unknown, despite Vaan's "surprisingly rude" questioning, but she left Eruyt Village 50 years prior to the events of the game.

Can you continue ff12 after you beat it? ›

You can easily go through 100 stages of Trial Mode once you've beaten the game due to your party's level. At the 100th and last stages of Trial Mode, you will fight all the Judges of Ivalice.

Should you sell all your loot ff12? ›

Some is useful. You'll need to look up each item individually to determine what each is used for. its a good idea to check before you sell loot, some can be sold in a set quanity, to obtain better stuff. So I wouldn't sell all your loot, hang back on some of it and sell once you have the other items.

What's the point of new game plus ff12? ›

After completing the game once, players choose a New Game+ option, which allows them to replay the game with all the same items, materia, level, and equipment they had when they finished the game the first time.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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