Fallout Shelter outfits (2024)

This page lists all outfits in Fallout Shelter.
  • The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles.
  • For outfits in other Fallout games, please see "Armor and clothing".
  • For an overview of Fallout Shelter content, please refer to "Portal:Fallout Shelter."

Outfits within Fallout Shelter are used to clothe your vault dwellers and provide bonuses to their SPECIALs.

Since the introduction of craftable items, most outfits can be made in the outfit workshop. Raiders may drop an outfit.

There are a total of 133 (according to the Survival Guide as of version 1.15.15) or 138[verification overdue] available outfits.

These also come in 3 different levels of rarity: Common, Rare, and Legendary. Some outfits can only be worn by one particular gender.


  • 1 Outfits
    • 1.1 Base outfit
    • 1.2 Tiered outfits
    • 1.3 Common outfits
    • 1.4 Rare outfits
    • 1.5 Legendary outfits
    • 1.6 Power armors
  • 2 Cut content
  • 3 Notes


Base outfit[]

Most dwellers start with the Vault suit.[clarification needed]

ImageNameFallout Shelter outfits (1)
Fallout Shelter outfits (2)
SPECIALTotalSexFallout Shelter outfits (3)
Fallout Shelter outfits (4)Vault suitN/AFallout Shelter outfits (5)

Tiered outfits[]

ImageNameFallout Shelter outfits (6)
Fallout Shelter outfits (7)
SPECIALTotalSexFallout Shelter outfits (8)
Fallout Shelter outfits (9)Armored vault suitCommon10+33Fallout Shelter outfits (10)
Sturdy vault suitRare100+55Fallout Shelter outfits (11)
Heavy vault suitLegendary500+77Fallout Shelter outfits (12)
Fallout Shelter outfits (13)Battle armorCommon10+2+13Fallout Shelter outfits (14)
Sturdy battle armorRare100+3+25Fallout Shelter outfits (15)
Heavy battle armorLegendary500+4+37Fallout Shelter outfits (16)
Fallout Shelter outfits (17)Combat armorCommon10+2+13Fallout Shelter outfits (18)
Sturdy combat armorRare100+3+25Fallout Shelter outfits (19)
Heavy combat armorLegendary500+4+37Fallout Shelter outfits (20)
Fallout Shelter outfits (21)Formal wearCommon10+33Fallout Shelter outfits (22)
Fancy formal wearRare100+55Fallout Shelter outfits (23)
Lucky formal wearLegendary500+77Fallout Shelter outfits (24)
Fallout Shelter outfits (25)Handyman jumpsuitCommon10+33Fallout Shelter outfits (26)
Advanced jumpsuitRare100+55Fallout Shelter outfits (27)
Expert jumpsuitLegendary500+77Fallout Shelter outfits (28)
Fallout Shelter outfits (29)Lab coatCommon10+33Fallout Shelter outfits (30)
Advanced lab coatRare100+55Fallout Shelter outfits (31)
Expert lab coatLegendary500+77Fallout Shelter outfits (32)
Fallout Shelter outfits (33)Leather armorCommon10+1+23Fallout Shelter outfits (34)
Sturdy leather armorRare100+2+35Fallout Shelter outfits (35)
Heavy leather armorLegendary500+3+47Fallout Shelter outfits (36)
Fallout Shelter outfits (37)Merc gearCommon10+1+1+13Fallout Shelter outfits (38)
Sturdy merc gearRare100+1+2+25Fallout Shelter outfits (39)
Heavy merc gearLegendary500+2+3+27Fallout Shelter outfits (40)
Fallout Shelter outfits (41)Military fatiguesCommon10+33Fallout Shelter outfits (42)
Officer fatiguesRare100+55Fallout Shelter outfits (43)
Commander fatiguesLegendary500+77Fallout Shelter outfits (44)
Fallout Shelter outfits (45)NightwearCommon10+33Fallout Shelter outfits (46)
Naughty nightwearRare100+55Fallout Shelter outfits (47)
Lucky nightwearLegendary500+77Fallout Shelter outfits (48)
Fallout Shelter outfits (49)Junior officer uniformCommon10+1+23Fallout Shelter outfits (50)
Officer uniformRare100+2+35Fallout Shelter outfits (51)
Commander uniformLegendary500+3+47Fallout Shelter outfits (52)
Fallout Shelter outfits (53)Radiation suitCommon10+1+23Fallout Shelter outfits (54)
Advanced radiation suitRare100+2+35Fallout Shelter outfits (55)
Expert radiation suitLegendary500+3+47Fallout Shelter outfits (56)
Fallout Shelter outfits (57)Raider armorCommon10+1+23Fallout Shelter outfits (58)
Sturdy raider armorRare100+2+35Fallout Shelter outfits (59)
Heavy raider armorLegendary500+3+47Fallout Shelter outfits (60)
Fallout Shelter outfits (61)Initiate robeCommon10+2+13Fallout Shelter outfits (62)
Scribe robeRare100+3+25Fallout Shelter outfits (63)
Fallout Shelter outfits (64)Elder robeLegendary500+4+37Fallout Shelter outfits (65)
Fallout Shelter outfits (66)Wasteland gearCommon10+33Fallout Shelter outfits (67)
Sturdy wasteland gearRare100+55Fallout Shelter outfits (68)
Heavy wasteland gearLegendary500+77Fallout Shelter outfits (69)
Fallout Shelter outfits (70)Wasteland medicCommon10+2+13Fallout Shelter outfits (71)
Wasteland doctorRare100+3+25Fallout Shelter outfits (72)
Wasteland surgeonLegendary500+4+37Fallout Shelter outfits (73)
Fallout Shelter outfits (74)Treasure hunter gearCommon10+2+13Fallout Shelter outfits (75)
Bounty hunter gearRare100+3+25Fallout Shelter outfits (76)
Mutant hunter gearLegendary500+4+37Fallout Shelter outfits (77)
Fallout Shelter outfits (78)Flight suitCommon10+1+23Fallout Shelter outfits (79)
Advanced flight suitRare100+2+35Fallout Shelter outfits (80)
Expert flight suitLegendary500+3+47Fallout Shelter outfits (81)
Fallout Shelter outfits (82)BoS uniformCommon10+2+13Fallout Shelter outfits (83)
Fallout Shelter outfits (84)Advanced BoS uniformRare100+3+25Fallout Shelter outfits (85)
Fallout Shelter outfits (86)Expert BoS uniformLegendary500+4+37Fallout Shelter outfits (87)
Fallout Shelter outfits (88)Sturdy metal armorRare100+3+25Fallout Shelter outfits (89)
Heavy metal armorLegendary500+4+37Fallout Shelter outfits (90)
Fallout Shelter outfits (91)Advanced Institute jumperRare100+3+25Fallout Shelter outfits (92)
Expert Institute jumperLegendary500+4+37Fallout Shelter outfits (93)

Common outfits[]

ImageNameFallout Shelter outfits (94)Fallout Shelter outfits (95)SPECIALTotalSexFallout Shelter outfits (96)
Fallout Shelter outfits (97)Mechanic jumpsuitCommon10+1+12MFallout Shelter outfits (98)
Fallout Shelter outfits (99)RobCo factory uniformCommon10+2+24Fallout Shelter outfits (100)
Fallout Shelter outfits (101)Polka dot sundressCommon10+1+12FFallout Shelter outfits (102)
Fallout Shelter outfits (103)Pre-War suburbaniteCommon10+1+12MFallout Shelter outfits (104)
Fallout Shelter outfits (105)Rural schoolmarmCommon10+1+12FFallout Shelter outfits (106)
Fallout Shelter outfits (107)Spring casualwearCommon10+1+12MFallout Shelter outfits (108)
Fallout Shelter outfits (109)Vault socialiteCommon10+1+12FFallout Shelter outfits (110)
Fallout Shelter outfits (111)Accountant outfitCommon10+44MFallout Shelter outfits (112)
Fallout Shelter outfits (113)Agent provocateurCommon10+44FFallout Shelter outfits (114)
Fallout Shelter outfits (115)Bespoke attireCommon10+44MFallout Shelter outfits (116)
Fallout Shelter outfits (117)Business suitCommon10+44MFallout Shelter outfits (118)
Fallout Shelter outfits (119)Country girlCommon10+44FFallout Shelter outfits (120)
Fallout Shelter outfits (121)Waitress uniformCommon10+44FFallout Shelter outfits (122)

Rare outfits[]

ImageNameFallout Shelter outfits (123)Fallout Shelter outfits (124)SPECIALTotalSexFallout Shelter outfits (125)
Fallout Shelter outfits (126)NCR Ranger outfitRare100+4+26Fallout Shelter outfits (127)
Fallout Shelter outfits (128)RobCo R&D suitRare100+2+46Fallout Shelter outfits (129)
Fallout Shelter outfits (130)Robot armorRare100+2+2+26Fallout Shelter outfits (131)
Fallout Shelter outfits (132)Bowling shirtRare100+66MFallout Shelter outfits (133)
Fallout Shelter outfits (134)Clergy outfitRare100+4+15MFallout Shelter outfits (135)
Fallout Shelter outfits (136)Swing dressRare100+66FFallout Shelter outfits (137)
Fallout Shelter outfits (138)Comedian outfitRare100+2+2+15MFallout Shelter outfits (139)
Fallout Shelter outfits (140)Doo-wop singerRare100+1+1+1+14FFallout Shelter outfits (141)
Fallout Shelter outfits (142)Drag racerRare100+1+1+1+14MFallout Shelter outfits (143)
Fallout Shelter outfits (144)Post-War CasanovaRare100+1+1+1+14MFallout Shelter outfits (145)
Fallout Shelter outfits (146)Soda fountain dressRare100+1+1+1+14FFallout Shelter outfits (147)
Fallout Shelter outfits (148)Elf outfitRare100+3+25Fallout Shelter outfits (149)
Fallout Shelter outfits (150)Engineer outfitRare100+2+2+15FFallout Shelter outfits (151)
Fallout Shelter outfits (152)Ghost costumeRare100+2+35Fallout Shelter outfits (153)
Fallout Shelter outfits (154)Greaser outfitRare100+2+2+15MFallout Shelter outfits (155)
Fallout Shelter outfits (156)Horror fan outfitRare100+4+15MFallout Shelter outfits (157)
Fallout Shelter outfits (158)Knight armorRare100+2+2+15MFallout Shelter outfits (159)
Fallout Shelter outfits (160)Librarian outfitRare100+4+15FFallout Shelter outfits (161)
Fallout Shelter outfits (162)Mayor outfitRare100+2+2+15MFallout Shelter outfits (163)
Fallout Shelter outfits (164)Medieval ruler outfitRare100+2+2+15MFallout Shelter outfits (165)
Fallout Shelter outfits (166)Motorcycle jacketRare100+66Fallout Shelter outfits (167)
Fallout Shelter outfits (168)Movie fan outfitRare100+4+15FFallout Shelter outfits (169)
Fallout Shelter outfits (170)Ninja outfitRare100+4+15MFallout Shelter outfits (171)
Fallout Shelter outfits (172)Nobility outfitRare100+2+2+15MFallout Shelter outfits (173)
Fallout Shelter outfits (174)Pilgrim outfitRare100+3+25Fallout Shelter outfits (175)
Fallout Shelter outfits (176)Professor outfitRare100+4+15MFallout Shelter outfits (177)
Fallout Shelter outfits (178)Republic robesRare100+4+15FFallout Shelter outfits (179)
Fallout Shelter outfits (180)Santa suitRare100+3+25Fallout Shelter outfits (181)
Fallout Shelter outfits (182)Sci-fi fan outfitRare100+2+2+15MFallout Shelter outfits (183)
Fallout Shelter outfits (184)Skeleton costumeRare100+2+35Fallout Shelter outfits (185)
Fallout Shelter outfits (186)Soldier uniformRare100+2+2+15FFallout Shelter outfits (187)
Fallout Shelter outfits (188)Sports fan outfitRare100+4+15MFallout Shelter outfits (189)
Fallout Shelter outfits (190)Surgeon outfitRare100+2+2+15FFallout Shelter outfits (191)
Fallout Shelter outfits (192)Survivor armorRare100+2+2+15MFallout Shelter outfits (193)
Fallout Shelter outfits (194)Wrestler outfitRare100+2+2+15MFallout Shelter outfits (195)
Fallout Shelter outfits (196)Baseball uniformRare100+4+15Fallout Shelter outfits (197)
Fallout Shelter outfits (198)Lifeguard outfitRare100+4+15Fallout Shelter outfits (199)
Fallout Shelter outfits (200)SwimsuitRare100+2+2+15Fallout Shelter outfits (201)

Fallout Shelter outfits (202)

Vault 33 suitRare+3+25Fallout Shelter outfits (203)

Legendary outfits[]

ImageNameWorn byFallout Shelter outfits (204)Fallout Shelter outfits (205)SPECIALTotalSexFallout Shelter outfits (206)
Fallout Shelter outfits (207)Abraham's relaxedwearAbraham WashingtonLegendary500+1+2+2+27MFallout Shelter outfits (208)
Fallout Shelter outfits (209)Tattered longcoatOld LongfellowLegendary500+2+2+2+28MFallout Shelter outfits (210)
Fallout Shelter outfits (211)Autumn's uniformAugustus AutumnLegendary500+2+2+2+17MFallout Shelter outfits (212)
Fallout Shelter outfits (213)Bittercup's outfitBittercupLegendary500+2+2+2+17FFallout Shelter outfits (214)
Fallout Shelter outfits (215)Confessor Cromwell's ragsConfessor CromwellLegendary500+2+2+1+27MFallout Shelter outfits (216)
Fallout Shelter outfits (217)Elder robeElder LyonsLegendary500+4+37Fallout Shelter outfits (218)
Fallout Shelter outfits (219)Eulogy Jones' suitEulogy JonesLegendary500+2+2+1+27MFallout Shelter outfits (220)
Fallout Shelter outfits (221)Heavy synth armorLegendary500+4+37Fallout Shelter outfits (222)
Fallout Shelter outfits (223)Incognito leisurewearLegendary500+2+2+2+28Fallout Shelter outfits (224)
Fallout Shelter outfits (225)Minuteman uniformPreston GarveyLegendary500+2+2+2+28MFallout Shelter outfits (226)
Fallout Shelter outfits (227)Piper's outfitPiperLegendary500+2+2+2+28FFallout Shelter outfits (228)
Fallout Shelter outfits (229)Scribe Rothchild's robeScribe RothchildLegendary500+2+1+2+27MFallout Shelter outfits (230)
Fallout Shelter outfits (231)Sheriff's dusterLucas SimmsLegendary500+2+57MFallout Shelter outfits (232)
Fallout Shelter outfits (233)Tenpenny's suitAllistair TenpennyLegendary500+2+2+2+17MFallout Shelter outfits (234)
Fallout Shelter outfits (235)Three Dog's outfitThree DogLegendary500+2+57MFallout Shelter outfits (236)
Fallout Shelter outfits (237)Tunnel Snakes' outfitButchLegendary500+2+1+2+27MFallout Shelter outfits (238)
Fallout Shelter outfits (239)Rackie Jobinson's JerseyLegendary500+4+4+4+416Fallout Shelter outfits (240)
Fallout Shelter outfits (241)Detective outfitLegendary500+4+4+4+416MFallout Shelter outfits (242)
Fallout Shelter outfits (243)Original Santa suitLegendary500+4+3+411Fallout Shelter outfits (244)
Fallout Shelter outfits (245)Death's jacketLegendary500+4+4+4+416Fallout Shelter outfits (246)
Fallout Shelter outfits (247)Famine's vestmentLegendary500+4+4+4+416Fallout Shelter outfits (248)
Fallout Shelter outfits (249)Pestilence's platingLegendary500+4+4+4+416Fallout Shelter outfits (250)
Fallout Shelter outfits (251)War's armorLegendary500+4+4+4+416Fallout Shelter outfits (252)
Fallout Shelter outfits (253)Alien space suitLegendary500+2+4+28Fallout Shelter outfits (254)
Fallout Shelter outfits (255)Alien space suit (variant)Legendary500+1+2+2+2Fallout Shelter outfits (256)

Power armors[]

ImageNameFallout Shelter outfits (257)Fallout Shelter outfits (258)SPECIALTotalGenderFallout Shelter outfits (259)
Fallout Shelter outfits (260)T-45a power armorLegendary500+2+35Fallout Shelter outfits (261)
T-45d power armorLegendary500+2+46Fallout Shelter outfits (262)
T-45f power armorLegendary500+2+57Fallout Shelter outfits (263)
Fallout Shelter outfits (264)T-51a power armorLegendary500+3+14Fallout Shelter outfits (265)
T-51d power armorLegendary500+3+25Fallout Shelter outfits (266)
T-51f power armorLegendary500+4+37Fallout Shelter outfits (267)
Fallout Shelter outfits (268)T-60a power armorLegendary500+2+35Fallout Shelter outfits (269)
T-60d power armorLegendary500+2+46Fallout Shelter outfits (270)
T-60f power armorLegendary500+1+1+57Fallout Shelter outfits (271)
Fallout Shelter outfits (272)X-01 Mk I power armorLegendary500+3+1+15Fallout Shelter outfits (273)
X-01 Mk IV power armorLegendary500+4+1+16Fallout Shelter outfits (274)
X-01 Mk VI power armorLegendary500+5+1+17Fallout Shelter outfits (275)

Cut content[]

ImageNameFallout Shelter outfits (276)Fallout Shelter outfits (277)SPECIALTotalSexFallout Shelter outfits (278)
Fallout Shelter outfits (279)Cross' power armorCommon500+5+2+29FFallout Shelter outfits (280)
Fallout Shelter outfits (281)Lyon's Pride armorCommon500+4+3+18FFallout Shelter outfits (282)
Fallout Shelter outfits (283)Jericho's leather armorCommon500+2+68MFallout Shelter outfits (284)
Fallout Shelter outfits (285)Elder Lyon's robeCommon500+2+1+6+211MFallout Shelter outfits (286)
Fallout Shelter outfits (287)Harkness' security uniformCommon500+5+3+210MFallout Shelter outfits (288)
Fallout Shelter outfits (289)Moira's RobCo jumpsuitCommon500+3+1+26FFallout Shelter outfits (290)
Fallout Shelter outfits (291)Mr. Burke's businesswearCommon500+4+48MFallout Shelter outfits (292)
Fallout Shelter outfits (293)Amata's jumpsuitCommon500+2+2+26FFallout Shelter outfits (294)
Fallout Shelter outfits (295)Dad's lab uniformCommon500+5+27MFallout Shelter outfits (296)
Fallout Shelter outfits (297)Doctor Li's outfitCommon500+3+25FFallout Shelter outfits (298)


  • By adding an appropriate outfit it is possible to get a dweller's SPECIAL attribute to increase to above level 10.
  • In case of outfit requirements for a quest, all outfits of the same type will fulfill the requirement, e. g. when you need to wear formal wear, Lucky formal wear will also be allowed.
  • In the files of the game, you can find the following outfits:
    • Metal armor ("When leather just won't do. Can stop one bullet, or a hundred.")
    • Synth armor ("Basic protection for Institute synths.")
    • Sturdy synth armor ("Institute-sanctioned armor for Wasteland operations.")
    • Silver Shroud uniform ("Perfect for dealing out justice, pre-war style.")
    • Silver Shroud armor ("Who said comics were just for kids?")
    • Kent's Silver Shroud armor ("Death has come for you evildoer, and I am it's Shroud!")
  • Unused textures for outfits in the game files include a unique variant of the Elder's Robe that closely resembles the robe of Owyn Lyons in Fallout 3, and a hockey mask based on Ledoux's.
  • On steam, some outfits are not available do to Steam's lack of update support.
Fallout Shelter outfits (299)

Expansion required (add table with all outfits, add another column with order per Survival Guide)

This article is too short to provide more than rudimentary information about the subject. You can help Nukapedia by expanding it.


Outfits in Fallout Shelter

CommonAccountant outfit· Agent provocateur· Armored vault suit· Battle armor· Bespoke attire· BoS uniform· Business suit· Combat armor· Country girl· Flight suit· Formal wear· Handyman jumpsuit· Initiate robe· Junior officer uniform· Lab coat· Leather armor· Mechanic jumpsuit· Merc gear· Military fatigues· Nightwear· Polka dot sundress· Pre-War suburbanite· Radiation suit· Raider armor· Rural schoolmarm· Spring casualwear· Treasure hunter gear· Vault socialite· Waitress uniform· Wasteland gear· Wasteland medic
RareAdvanced BoS uniform· Advanced flight suit· Advanced Institute jumper· Advanced jumpsuit· Advanced lab coat· Advanced radiation suit· Baseball uniform· Bounty hunter gear· Bowling shirt· Clergy outfit· Comedian outfit· Doo-wop singer· Drag racer· Elf outfit· Engineer outfit· Fancy formal wear· Ghost costume· Greaser outfit· Horror fan outfit· Knight armor· Librarian outfit· Lifeguard outfit· Mayor outfit· Medieval ruler outfit· Motorcycle jacket· Movie fan outfit· Naughty nightwear· Ninja outfit· Nobility outfit· Officer fatigues· Officer uniform· Pilgrim outfit· Post-War Casanova· Professor outfit· Republic robes· Santa suit· Sci-fi fan outfit· Scribe robe· Skeleton costume· Soda fountain dress· Soldier uniform· Sports fan outfit· Sturdy battle armor· Sturdy combat armor· Sturdy merc gear· Sturdy leather armor· Sturdy metal armor· Sturdy raider armor· Sturdy vault suit· Sturdy wasteland gear· Surgeon outfit· Survivor armor· Swimsuit· Swing dress· Vault 33 suit· Wasteland doctor· Wrestler outfit
LegendaryAbraham's relaxedwear· Autumn's uniform· Bittercup's outfit· Commander fatigues· Commander uniform· Confessor Cromwell's rags· Death's jacket· Detective outfit· Elder robe· Eulogy Jones' suit· Expert BoS uniform· Expert flight suit· Expert Institute jumper· Expert jumpsuit· Expert lab coat· Expert radiation suit· Famine's vestment· Heavy battle armor· Heavy combat armor· Heavy leather armor· Heavy merc gear· Heavy metal armor· Heavy raider armor· Heavy synth armor· Heavy vault suit· Heavy wasteland gear· Rackie Jobinson's Jersey· Lucky formal wear· Lucky nightwear· Minuteman uniform· Mutant hunter gear· Original Santa suit· Pestilence's plating· Piper's outfit· Scribe Rothchild's robe· Sheriff's duster· T-45a power armor (Fallout Shelter)· T-45d power armor·T-45f power armor (Fallout Shelter)· T-51a power armor (Fallout Shelter)· T-51d power armor (Fallout Shelter)· T-51f power armor (Fallout Shelter)· T-60a power armor (Fallout Shelter)· T-60d power armor (Fallout Shelter)· T-60f power armor· Tattered longcoat· Tenpenny's suit· Three Dog's outfit· Tunnel Snakes' outfit· War's armor· Wasteland surgeon· X-01 Mk I power armor (Fallout Shelter)· X-01 Mk IV power armor (Fallout Shelter)· X-01 Mk VI power armor (Fallout Shelter)
CutAmata's jumpsuit· Cross' power armor· Dad's lab uniform· Doctor Li's outfit· Elder Lyon's robe· Harkness' security uniform· Jericho's leather armor· Lyon's Pride armor
1.15 updateAlien space suit· Incognito leisurewear· NCR Ranger outfit· RobCo factory uniform· RobCo R&D suit· Robot armor
Fallout Shelter outfits (2024)


How do I get more outfits in Fallout Shelter? ›

There are a total of 128 unlockable Outfits; some of which can be obtained while exploring the Wasteland or through Cards found in Lunchboxes. While others can only be obtained through crafting. Additionally Rare or Legendary Dwellers may come equipt with Outfits.

Does Armour do anything in Fallout Shelter? ›

Armor doesn't actually help other than it's bonus to stats. There is NO armor rating in this game.....

How do you get legendary outfit recipes in Fallout Shelter? ›

Upgrading the Outfit Workshop will allow you to craft better outfits. The 1st upgrade requires 55 Dwellers in your vault and unlocks rare outfit crafting. The 2nd upgrade requires 90 Dwellers in your vault and unlocks legendary outfit crafting.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.