Enabling EBS-Optimized Instances on Running EC2 Instances - N2WS (2024)

Enabling EBS-Optimized Instances on Running EC2 Instances - N2WS (1)

In this how to guide, you will learn how to convert your EC2 instances into Elastic Block Stock (EBS) optimized instances.

In this how to guide, you will learn how to convert your EC2 instances into EBS optimized instances. Imagine you are part of a media organization that is running a website on an EC2 instance and is storing all of its media files (e.g., images, videos) in an EBS volume.

In the beginning, everything goes smoothly, but as the organization gains more and more popularity, website traffic increases. As a result, image load times also increase. In efforts to identify the root cause behind this increase, you realize that the network throughput between EC2 instances and EBS volumes is fluctuating. Therefore, you need a solution that provides dedicated network throughput between EC2 instances and EBS volumes, consequently choosing to go with EBS optimized instances.


  • You are using an instance type that supports EBS optimized instances (you can find the list of EBS optimized instances here).

Step by Step

Step 1: Stop your EC2 instance

In order to convert an instance into an EBS optimized instance, you need to stop your instance.

Step 2: Convert your instance to be EBS optimized

If you are using the AWS Management Console, you can select your instance and click on ‘Actions’ at the top of your screen. Select ‘Instance Settings’ in the drop down menu, then select ‘Change Instance Type’. Enabling EBS-Optimized Instances on Running EC2 Instances - N2WS (2) You can then modify your instance type to the one that you prefer and click on EBS optimized. Some instance types are EBS optimized by default. For those instances, the checkbox is already enabled. Enabling EBS-Optimized Instances on Running EC2 Instances - N2WS (3) Once applied, your instance will be converted into an EBS optimized instance. If you are using the AWS command line interface tools, use the command below to modify your instance to be EBS optimized. # aws ec2 modify-instance-attribute –instance-id <instance-id> –ebs-optimized For example: Enabling EBS-Optimized Instances on Running EC2 Instances - N2WS (4) If you are looking to change an instance type, please use the following command:

# aws ec2 modify-instance-attribute --instance-id <instance-id> --instance-type “{\”Value\”:\”<instance-type>\”}” 

For example: Enabling EBS-Optimized Instances on Running EC2 Instances - N2WS (5)

Step 3: Start your instance

Once the EBS optimized attribute is enabled on the instance, you can start the instance. Afterwards, there will be a dedicated network throughput between your EC2 instance and EBS volume. The network throughput depends on the type of instance.

N2WS Backup & Recovery isan enterprise-class backup, recovery and disaster recovery solution for Amazon EC2 instances, EBS volumes, RDS databases and Redshift clusters. N2WS allows users to manage multiple AWS accounts and configure policies and schedules to take automated backups on the basis of native AWS snapshots.

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The easier way to recover cloud workloads

Allowed us to save over $1 million in the management of AWS EBS snapshots...

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Enabling EBS-Optimized Instances on Running EC2 Instances - N2WS (2024)


How do I enable EBS optimization in EC2? ›

Select 'Instance Settings' in the drop down menu, then select 'Change Instance Type'. You can then modify your instance type to the one that you prefer and click on EBS optimized. Some instance types are EBS optimized by default. For those instances, the checkbox is already enabled.

What are the benefits of EBS optimized EC2 instances in AWS? ›

EBS-optimized instances enable EC2 instances to fully use the IOPS provisioned on an EBS volume. EBS-optimized instances deliver dedicated throughput between Amazon EC2 and Amazon EBS, with options between 500 and 80,000 Megabits per second (Mbps) depending on the instance type used.

What is the difference between EBS optimized and non optimized? ›

EBS-optimized instances offer dedicated network connection to storage with throughput options from 500 Mbps to 4000 Mbps with a per instance maximum of 32,000 IOPS. With non-EBS-optimized instances, network traffic is shared by all traffic – storage and non-storage.

What are the maximum IOPS for an EBS volume and EC2 optimized instances? ›

SSD-based volumes

io1 is designed to deliver a consistent baseline performance of up to 50 IOPS/GB to a maximum of 64,000 IOPS and provide up to 1,000 MB/s of throughput per volume. To maximize the benefit of io1, we recommend using EBS-optimized EC2 instances.

What is EBS optimization in AWS? ›

If your SQL Server database handles I/O-intensive workloads, provisioning Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) optimized instances will help improve performance. An Amazon EBS-optimized instance uses an optimized configuration stack and provides additional, dedicated capacity for Amazon EBS I/O.

What is not EBS optimized? ›

On a non-EBS-Optimized instance, all the traffic including EBS and other traffic(internal & external) is handled through the network link. Other network traffic from your instance or your instance's neighbors can affect the EBS traffic which impacts performance.

Which use case is best suited to deployment with Amazon EC2 and Amazon EBS? ›

Choosing between Amazon EC2 Instance Store and Amazon EBS depends on specific needs. Amazon EC2 Instance Store is suited for temporary storage needs where high performance and low latency are critical. Amazon EBS, on the other hand, is ideal for long-term data storage with better durability and accessibility features.

What are the advantages of EBS over EFS? ›

Comparing EBS vs.

While EFS is a managed elastic file system designed for use across different machines and availability zones, EBS is designed as a fast and reliable block storage volume for single machines (although EBS multi-attach is an exception to this that applies only on very specialised scenarios).

How long does EBS volume optimization take? ›

In some cases, it can take more than 24 hours for a new configuration to take effect, such as when the volume has not been fully initialized. Typically, a fully used 1-TiB volume takes about 6 hours to migrate to a new performance configuration.

Does EBS encryption affect performance? ›

Will Encryption Impact Performance? AWS handles the encryption process transparently, and you should experience the same IOPS performance between EC2 and your EBS volumes with encryption as without. Even if there was a minor impact due to enabling encryption, it's not worth leaving your data unencrypted in the cloud.

Which Amazon EBS type is most performant? ›

Amazon EBS io2 Block Express offers the highest performance block storage in the cloud with 4x higher throughput, IOPS, and capacity than gp3 volumes, along with sub-millisecond latency.

How many EBS instances can be attached to a EC2 instance? ›

Multi-Attach enabled volumes can be attached to up to 16 instances built on the Nitro System that are in the same Availability Zone.

How many EBS can be attached to one EC2 instance? ›

Amazon Elastic Block Store or EBS is a durable block-based storage device that can be attached to your EC2 instance. AWS released a feature called Multi-Attach, which allows EC2 instances to share a single EBS volume for up to 16 instances and provide higher availability of your applications for Linux workloads.

How do I enable EBS optimization? ›

Using AWS CLI:
  1. Stop the running instance by using the following stop-instances command: aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids <value>
  2. Next, enable EBS optimization by running the modify-instance-attribute command: ...
  3. Now that you have updated your instance, you can run the start-instances command:
Dec 14, 2022

How to increase performance of EBS volume? ›

These tips represent best practices for getting optimal performance from your EBS volumes in a variety of user scenarios.
  1. Use EBS-optimized instances. ...
  2. Understand how performance is calculated. ...
  3. Understand your workload. ...
  4. Be aware of the performance penalty When initializing volumes from snapshots.

How do I enable AWS compute optimizer? ›

Opt in for Compute Optimizer

On the account setup page, review the default data settings and click “opt in.” Once you opt in, a service-linked role will be created automatically in your account.

How do I increase EBS volume size in AWS automatically? ›

If this is not your root volume and you are attaching the volume as an additional volume to a Linux instance, you should run the command “resize2fs ” to increase the size of the new volume. As for the root volume, AWS will automatically increase the file system according to the updated size.

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