Dynamic Programming vs Greedy Algorithms (2024)

DP vs Greedy Algorithms

Dynamic Programming vs Greedy Algorithms (1)

Both Dynamic Programming and Greedy are algorithmic paradigms used to solve optimization problems .

Greedy Approach deals with forming the solution step by step by choosing the local optimum at each step and finally reaching a global optimum. Therefore, Greedy Approach does not deal with multiple possible solutions, it just builds the one solution that it believes to be correct. In other words, the principle of Greedy is that we assume that choosing the local optimum at each stage will lead to form the global optimum.

Dynamic Programming(DP) does not deal with such kinds of uncertain assumptions. DP finds a solution to all subproblems and chooses the best ones to form the global optimum.

To read about each algorithmic paradigm, read these two blogs: What are Greedy Algorithms? and Idea of Dynamic Programming .

Dynamic Programming is guaranteed to reach the correct answer each and every time whereas Greedy is not.

This is because, in Dynamic Programming, we form the global optimum by choosing at each step depending on the solution of previous smaller subproblems whereas, in Greedy Approach, we consider the choice that seems the best at the moment.

Then why not use Dynamic Programming always?

We don’t use Dynamic Programming with all problems because Greedy is faster when it delivers the correct solution since it only deals with one subproblem. Also, Dynamic Programming works only when there are overlapping subproblems.

But how to choose between Greedy and DP?

Whenever an optimization problem has an optimal substructure property, we know that it might be solved with Greedy and DP. But how to choose between these two?

Well, if the problem holds the Greedy Choice Property, its best to solve it using the Greedy Approach.

And if it has overlapping subproblems, solve it with Dynamic Programming.

What if we can solve the problem using both Greedy and DP?

There are some problems that can be solved using both Greedy and DP like Coin Change Problems(can be solved using greedy for a certain type of input). In such cases, it is best to solve it using Greedy because it will be faster since it only solves one subproblem and DP solves multiple subproblems before reaching the final answer.


If an optimization problem has an optimal substructure, it may be solved using Greedy or Dynamic Programming. Now you need to look further for some other properties →

  1. If Greedy Choice Property holds for the problem, use the Greedy Approach. It will return the correct answer faster than DP.
  2. If Greedy Choice Property doesn’t hold and there are overlapping subproblems, use DP to find the correct answer

Happy Coding!

Dynamic Programming vs Greedy Algorithms (2024)


Dynamic Programming vs Greedy Algorithms? ›

The difference is that in a greedy algorithm, an irrevocable decision is made every time the greedy criterion is used, whereas in dynamic programming, it is also examined whether each optimal sequence of decisions contains an optimal subsequence.

What is the difference between dynamic algorithm and greedy algorithm? ›

In a Greedy Algorithm, we make our decision based on the best current situation. In Dynamic Programming, we select individually in every step, however, the selection may rely on the solution to sub-problems. In this technique, there is no assurance of obtaining the optimal solution.

Is dynamic programming more efficient than greedy? ›

Generally speaking, there are two approaches to solving programming problems: greedy and dynamic. Greedy programming focuses on solving problems quickly, whereas dynamic programming focuses on solving problems efficiently.

What is the greedy algorithm of dynamic programming? ›

Greedy algorithms only consider one subproblem at a time and do not compare their results to other options. Dynamic programming guarantees the optimal solution if the problem has overlapping subproblems and optimal substructure.

What is the difference between divide and conquer greedy method and dynamic programming? ›

Greedy algorithm and divide and conquer algorithm are generally faster and simpler, but may not always provide the optimal solution, while dynamic programming algorithm guarantees the optimal solution but is slower and more complex.

What is an example of a greedy algorithm? ›

Greedy Algorithm Examples:

Fractional Knapsack: Optimizes the value of items that can be fractionally included in a knapsack with limited capacity. Dijkstra's algorithm: Finds the shortest path from a source vertex to all other vertices in a weighted graph.

Can all greedy problems be solved by DP? ›

Very few hard problems can be solved directly using greedy, DP or any common algorithm. They are used, yes, but you can't solve most problems by simply deciding to use greedy. In most problems, you are presented with some structure (broadly speaking).

Why dynamic approach is preferred over greedy technique? ›

It is guaranteed that Dynamic Programming will generate an optimal solution as it generally considers all possible cases and then choose the best. A greedy method follows the problem solving heuristic of making the locally optimal choice at each stage.

Why dynamic programming is the best? ›

Dynamic programming has a wide range of advantages, including: Avoids recomputing the same subproblems multiple times, leading to significant time savings. Ensures that the optimal solution is found by considering all possible combinations. Breaks down complex problems into smaller, more manageable subproblems.

What is the main advantage of dynamic programming? ›

Advantages of Dynamic Programming:

Efficiency gain: For addressing difficult problems, dynamic programming may significantly reduce time complexity compared to the naïve technique. Dynamic programming ensures that issues that adhere to the notion of optimality find optimal solutions.

Is Dijkstra algorithm greedy or dynamic? ›

Dijkstra's algorithm is greedy because at each step it “greedily" selects the next nearest vertex from the priority queue.

What are the limitations of greedy algorithms? ›

Limitations of Greedy Algorithms. Sometimes greedy algorithms fail to find the globally optimal solution because they do not consider all the data. The choice made by a greedy algorithm may depend on choices it has made so far, but it is not aware of future choices it could make.

What are the advantages of greedy algorithm? ›

Advantages of Greedy Algorithm

They follow a step-by-step approach where the best possible decision is made at each stage based on the current information. This simplicity makes them easier to design and analyze compared to more complex algorithms.

Why is dynamic programming better than divide and conquer? ›

Dynamic programming is a popular algorithmic paradigm, and it uses a recurrent formula to find the solution. It is similar to the divide and conquer strategy since it breaks down the problem into smaller sub-problems. The major difference is that in dynamic programming, sub-problems are interdependent.

Is dynamic programming better than divide and conquer? ›

Dynamic programming is faster than divide and conquer because it is more efficient. Matrix chain multiplication and binary search tree optimization are performed via dynamic programming, whilst merge sort, quick sort, and binary searching, matrixes use divide and conquer.

When would you use dynamic programming instead of divide and conquer? ›

Difference Between Divide and Conquer and Dynamic Programming
Divide and ConquerDynamic Programming
Generally used when the subproblems are independentGenerally used when the subproblems overlap
Can have a higher number of recursive callsCan have a lower number of recursive calls
27 more rows
Jul 31, 2023

What is the difference between dynamic programming and greedy time complexity? ›

Problem characteristics: Dynamic programming is used for problems with optimal substructure and overlapping sub-problems, while greedy algorithms are used for problems with the optimal greedy choice property. Time complexity: Dynamic programming algorithms have a higher time complexity compared to greedy algorithms.

What is the difference between greedy and non greedy algorithm? ›

In general, non-greedy matching can be faster than greedy matching, because non-greedy matching stops as soon as it finds the first match, while greedy matching continues searching for additional matches until it reaches the end of the string.

What is the main difference between the greedy algorithm and the brute force algorithm? ›

By definition a greedy algorithm makes decisions at each step by choosing the locally optimal choice, with the hope of finding a global optimum, and a brute force algorithm tries every possible solution to a problem, in order to find the correct solution.

What is the difference between DP and divide and conquer? ›

Key Difference Between Divide and Conquer and Dynamic Programming. Approach: Divide and Conquer: Breaks a problem into smaller subproblems and solves them independently. Dynamic Programming: Breaks a problem into overlapping subproblems and solves them recursively or iteratively, storing their solutions.

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