0.25mm Derma Roller – No Pain feel – numbing cream will not be necessary
- Not intended for collagen induction good for improving creams & serums absorption – suitable for daily use.
- Can be used on thin skin
- Can be used to reduce big pores, oily skin and smoothes skin texture
- Can be used on all areas of the face, neck and body
0.5mm Derma Roller – Very little pain feel – numbing cream will not be necessary
- Fades fine lines and wrinkles
- Reduces not very deep acne scars
- Improves the appearance of uneven skin tone
- Reduces aging spots, sun spots and light hyper-pigmentation
- Prevents aging
- Smoothes out lines and skin texture
- Improves the absorption of skincare product
- Can be used on all areas of the face, neck and body
0.75 and 1mm Derma Roller – Numbing cream may be necessary if you have a sensitive feel
- Removes deep lines and wrinkles
- Reduces acne scars
- Removes stretch marks
- Improves the appearance of uneven skin tone
- Reduces aging spots and hyper-pigmentation
- Smoothes skin texture
- Improves the absorption of skin care products
- Can be used on all areas of the face, neck and body
1.5 and 2.0mm Derma Roller – Numbing cream will be necessary
- Removes deep lines and wrinkles
- Reduces acne scars
- Removes stretch marks
- Improves the appearance of uneven skin tone
- Reduces aging spots and hyper-pigmentation
- Smoothes skin texturec
- Improves the absorption of skin care products
- Stimulates skin regeneration
- Can be used on all areas of the face, neck and body
- 0.25mm long needles can be used daily on the same skin area.
- 0.5mm long needles can be used once a week on the same skin area.
- 0.75mm long needle can be used once every second week on the same skin area.
- 1 mm can be used every 4 weeks on the same skin area.
- 1.5mm can be used every 5 weeks on the same skin area.
- 2.0 mm can only be used once every 5 to 6 weeks on the same skin area
You may believe that by derma rolling more often you will get the results you want sooner. In fact rolling too often will do your skin more harm than good because:
- Your skin needs time to recover from the inflammation caused by derma rolling
- Rolling too often will break down the collagen in your skin before it has had a chance to form properly
- Collagen is a slow process, so have patients! results will come and remember your skin will continue to repair and renew even for months after your last rolling session
The first thing that comesto mind when looking ata dermaroller is – does it hurt? Derma rollers are madeup of tiny micro pins that pierce the skin.
Is dermarolling painful depends on what needle length rollersare used.
After dermarolling your skinyoumay feeltightness, you skin will beslightly red and inflamed – it will feel like sunburn and sensitive to the touch.
These sensations are normal and will fade after a few hours. It will takeapproximately 24 to 48 hours for the redness tofadeand your skin to feel normal again, but with longer needle lengths it may take up to 2-3 days for your skin to calm completely.
Our skin requires time to regenerate and repair after stimulation with a dermaroller. Always give enough timeto enable the new collagen to grow, whichwill boost cell growth and improve blood circulation.
You will see visible changes in your skin after the first dermaroller session,but takes about 4-6 weeks before you noticereal signs of improvement in your skin. Once the changes start to occur, the improving of your skin will continue over the next few months.
The human skin has an average thickness of 1.5mm, so normally needles longer than 1.5mm is notnecessary to achieve results from rolling.
There are topical numbing creams that can be used to numb the skin, make sure that you do not apply them to any open wounds as this can cause complications – always read the instructions that come with the purchased numbing cream.
Dermaroller needle length vs pain factor:
This will give you a slight overview of what to expect when using the dermaroller at home.
- 0.2 mm:Mild tingling sensation, no pain or discomfort
- 0.5mm:Moderate discomfort, tolerable for most users
- 0.75mm:Very uncomfortable & causes pain, pre-numbing recommended
- 1.0mm:Painful, numbing necessary
- 1.5mm:Very painful, numbing necessary
- 2.00mm:Very painful, numbing necessary
Is dermaroller painful depends on what needle length rollers are used.
The daily use 0.25mm dermaroller is specifically designed to penetrate deep enough to be effective, and yet not deep enough to touch nerves and cause pain. When used according to the directions, the ultra-sharp needles will penetrate only the upper layers of skin without causing bleeding.
When using a 0.25mm or 0.5mm dermaroller, usually no topical numbing cream is necessary. Longer needles (0.75mm, 1.0mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm) can cause pain but also produce significantly better results.
The longer the dermaroller needles the more discomfort. However, the first dermarolling session is usually perceived more painful than further rolling sessions.