Delete, disable & manage unused apps on Android (2024)

You can uninstall apps you've installed on your phone. If you remove an app you paid for, you can reinstall it later without buying it again. You can also disable system apps that came with your phone.


Delete apps that you installed

  1. Open the Google Play Store app Delete, disable & manage unused apps on Android (1).
  2. At the top right, tap the Profile icon.
  3. Tap Manage apps & devices Delete, disable & manage unused apps on Android (2) Manage.
  4. Select the name of the app you want to delete.
  5. Tap Uninstall.

Tip:If you delete or disable an app, you can add it back to your phone. If you bought an app, you can reinstall it without buying it again. Learn how to reinstall and re-enable apps.

Disable apps that came with your phone

You can’t delete some system apps that came pre-installed on your Android phone. But on some phones, you can turn them off so that they won't show on the list of apps on your phone. To learn how to disable apps, contact your device manufacturer.

Unused apps

If you haven't used apps for a long time, Android optimizes it by:

  • Freeing up space by deleting temporary files
  • Revoking app permissions
  • Stopping the apps from running in the background and sending any notifications

You can go to AppsDelete, disable & manage unused apps on Android (3)Unused apps to review apps that were unused and have been optimized.

If you want to exclude any specific app from this feature, go to App Info Delete, disable & manage unused apps on Android (4) Unused apps Delete, disable & manage unused apps on Android (5) Pause app activity if unused toggle, then turn this off.

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Delete, disable & manage unused apps on Android (2024)


Delete, disable & manage unused apps on Android? ›

Open Android device settings. Scroll down and click on Apps. From the list of applications, choose the one you wish to disable. Tap on the app then hit the Disable button.

How do I disable unused apps on my Android phone? ›

Open Android device settings. Scroll down and click on Apps. From the list of applications, choose the one you wish to disable. Tap on the app then hit the Disable button.

What happens if you disable an app? ›

A disabled app is not much different from an uninstalled one — it vanishes from the set of icons on the startup screen and won't run manually or when the phone boots up. Should you need it later, you can easily turn it back on with a single tap on that same App Info screen.

How do I find disabled apps on Android? ›

Android 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
  1. Find and tap Settings > Apps & notifications > App info.
  2. Tap All apps > Disabled apps.
  3. Select the app that you want to enable, then tap Enable.
Oct 29, 2023

What is unused app settings in Android? ›

If you haven't used apps for a long time, to optimize the app, Android will: Delete temporary files to free up space. Revoke app permissions. Stop unused apps from running in the background.

How do I turn off disable unused apps? ›

Go to App Store > Offload Unused Apps. Toggle off the “Offload Unused Apps” feature to turn it off.

How do I disable unused apps? ›

Delete unused apps and free up space
  1. On your Android device, open Files by Google .
  2. Tap Menu Clean .
  3. If you don't find "Delete unused apps" card, scroll to "Free up more space" card and tap Search for apps.
  4. On the confirmation dialog, tap Continue.
  5. On the “Usage access” screen, tap Files by Google.

Is it better to force quit or disable an app? ›

The reason why using Force Stop is recommended when trying to fix a misbehaving app is 1) it kills the currently running instance of that app and 2) it means that the app will no longer be accessing any of its cache files.

What is the difference between deleting and disabling apps? ›

Uninstalling an app will remove it entirely from your phone. Disabling an app will remove it from the apps screen and stop it from running in the background. Disabled apps will no longer receive updates. Depending on where you bought your device, different apps may be preinstalled.

Should I disable apps on Android? ›

So disabling apps not harmful and will not affect your system's performance in any way. But, If you disable any important system app, it could be dangerous. Disabling some system apps may cause unstability and even crash your smartphone!

Does disabling an app free up space? ›

Disabling the app won't give you the storage space, but could free up some memory and increase the performance.

Can I disable Google app on Android? ›

Yes, it is possible to disable the Google app on Android devices. However, disabling the Google app can have some consequences. Here are some of the things that may happen if you disable the Google app: Google Assistant may not work properly: The Google app is required for the Google Assistant to function correctly.

How do I enable a disabled Google app? ›

On your device, touch and hold the Home button or say "Hey Google." If the Google Assistant is off, you'll be asked to turn it on.

Why should you delete unused apps? ›

Deleting old apps and files from your devices not only helps them run faster, it can also save you from a cybercriminal attack. Read this UFIT article and learn how to clean out your storage and protect your device.

Do you delete unused apps? ›

Old apps you no longer use (also called zombie apps) can present a security risk because you might not have updated your privacy settings on them.

What does it mean to remove permissions if app is unused? ›

Its a privacy feature that runs automatically for apps which haven't been used for 3 months or more. By default its on for all apps.

Is it safe to disable apps? ›

If there is vulnerability found in the app that is disabled, could it be exploited? Yes, you can mostly safely disable System Apps. And no, if you never open the disabled app, it is unlikely (not an impossibility) a vulnerability in it can be exploited.

Does disabling an app delete data? ›

When you Disable an app, it just prevents the app from running resident in memory. The app isn't actually deleted and its data isn't removed from your phone.

Should I disable an app? ›

You don't need to disable most applications, but disabling the ones you don't always need or ones that are demanding on your computer's resources can make a big difference. If you use the program every day or if it's necessary for the operation of your computer, you should leave it enabled on startup.

Can you enable an app after disabling it? ›

If you turn off an app that comes with your device, you can turn it back on. Learn how to manage unused apps on Android. You can also reinstall an app that you bought but deleted.

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.