Breaking Up Scar Tissue | Physical Therapy | SOL Physical Therapy (2024)

Breaking Up Scar Tissue | Physical Therapy | SOL Physical Therapy (1)

It’s not uncommon for people to have scars on their skin. A kitchen knife slips and cuts you. Falling and badly scraping your knees. These are just a few of the ways that people commonly develop scars.

However, scars can also develop inside the body, too. Often, this type of scar tissue develops around surgery sites or injuries to soft tissue. For instance, research shows that up to 100% of patients develop scar tissue, called adhesions, after gynecologic surgery. Physical therapy is an option that can help break up scar tissue naturally.

One type of physical therapy that effectively breaks up scar tissue

There are several physical therapy methods that can help with breaking up scar tissue. One of the most effective methods is called instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM). This technique makes use of metal tools. The tools are designed to fit specific areas of the body, and they allow therapists to apply therapeutic pressure. It’s this pressure that helps break up adhesions.

Additionally, IASTM can offer several other important benefits. Three of the benefits it can provide include:

  1. Reducing pain at the site of the scar — IASTM has been shown to increase blood flow to the area where the adhesion is located. This can help wash away substances in the body that trigger pain. One study shows that four IASTM sessions reduced the pain of female collegiate volleyball players enough to allow them to return to playing.
  1. Improving soft tissue function — Soft tissue makes up many structures of the body. This means that adhesions can develop in various areas. Studies reveal that IASTM helps improve the function of soft tissue where scar tissue has developed. Researchers from one study found that five IASTM sessions increased functional scores by up to 44% in basketball players with patellar tendon injuries.
  1. Increasing joint range of motion — Often, scarring in soft tissue near a joint can make it more difficult to move the joint normally. Medical research has shown that IASTM can help increase joint range of motion (ROM). One study reveals that just one IASTM session helped increase shoulder ROM by more than 11 degrees in collegiate baseball players.

SOL Physical Therapy offers physical therapy for breaking up scar tissue

At SOL Physical Therapy, you’ll find physical therapy that can help break up scar tissue. Our team will start your recovery process by performing a free screening. The information gathered during your screening will then be used to design a therapy plan that’s personalized to your needs.

Worried about leaving home for physical therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic? You don’t have to. Our team is currently offering virtual care appointments. Both services allow you to get the therapy you need without leaving home. Even better, you can use any of our services without waiting to get a doctor’s referral.

Ready to start getting help with your adhesions? Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.

Breaking Up Scar Tissue | Physical Therapy | SOL Physical Therapy (2024)


Can a physical therapist break up scar tissue? ›

The physical therapist will knead around the scars, feeling for the tissue adhesions. They can then use their hands to help break up the adhesions, which can then promote healthy tissue growth. Stretches and exercises — Certain stretches and exercises can help break up new scar tissue.

What is the best therapy for breaking up scar tissue? ›

One of the most effective methods is called instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM). This technique makes use of metal tools. The tools are designed to fit specific areas of the body, and they allow therapists to apply therapeutic pressure. It's this pressure that helps break up adhesions.

What is the physical therapy tool to break up scar tissue? ›

Astym is a tool used to break up scar tissue and damaged soft tissue to promote regeneration of healthy tissue to improve one's function. Scar tissue can cause muscle tension, limited flexibility, and range of motion restrictions.

Can you break up scar tissue with exercise? ›

Stretching and flexibility exercises are other common ways to help scar tissue repair. It can aid in the lengthening of wounded tissues as well as their general mobility.

When is it too late to break up scar tissue? ›

Any kind of pull, restriction or distortion on the body's tissues will force your body to work harder. It is never too late to receive a scar tissue release massage. You may just need a couple of sessions to feel confident and comfortable to do this on yourself at home.

When is it too late to massage scar tissue? ›

Typically, scar massage is recommended 2-3 weeks after surgery once the scar is fully closed with no scabbing, but it can be done between 6 weeks to 50 years after surgery. During the initial healing phase, the body is focused on closing the wound and preventing infection.

Does massaging scar tissue break it up? ›

Massaging your scar helps increase circulation and encourages healing by breaking down scar tissue, which can lead to a smoother, softer appearance. It also increases flexibility in the skin and decreases inflammation, which can help alleviate discomfort or redness around your wounds.

What happens if you don't massage scar tissue? ›

You should carry on massaging your scars for at least three to six months after your surgery or injury. What happens if I do not do anything? Your scar could become hard and inflexible or adhesions may form. Scars that cross a joint could stop you being able to bend or straighten the joint (a contracture).

Does massaging scar tissue break it down? ›

Medical and scientific research has shown that manual therapy, such as massage, has the ability to break down scar tissue, reduce associated pain and increase the range of motion.

Can you massage scar tissue too much? ›

During your scar massage, keep an eye out for blistering, open areas, or a rash. You may be applying too much pressure or being too rough. If this happens, stop massaging in this area and allow it to heal. Scars are more susceptible to sunburn than regular skin.

Is there a machine that breaks scar tissue? ›

Shockwave Therapy for Scar Tissue

SoftWave Tissue Regeneration Technologies delivers non-invasive, low intensity, acoustic shockwave that accelerates healing and has been demonstrated to reduce scars and associated complications.

Does KT Tape help with scar tissue? ›

Kinesiology Tape. Kinesiology tape is a newer tool used by physical therapists to stretch scar tissue in the remodeling process. When the kinesiology tape is applied correctly, it holds the skin a stretched position to create a space between the dermis, fascia, and muscle.

Does vibration break up scar tissue? ›

Vibration can help with scars that are very sensitive, therapists use vibration to break up scar tissue. When introducing vibration for scar management, allow the patient to be in charge of doing the massage as they are able to identify if the vibration is too painful.

What does scar tissue feel like when it breaks up? ›

Scar tissue can have a local area of pain when touched or stretched or it can produce a referred pain that feel like that of a nerve which is a constant annoying burn that occasionally turns sharp.

How much force does it take to break up scar tissue? ›

A very old study actually looked at the amount of force required to “break up scar tissue”. That number was 10,000 -30,000 psi (lbs per square inch) (1).

What does physical therapy do to scar tissue? ›

The techniques physical therapists use to break up scar tissue are known as manual therapy. Manual therapy involves the use of your physical therapist's hands to help mobilize and gently manipulate the soft tissue and joints to reduce pain, improve your range of motion and break up scar tissue.

How do you break up deep scar tissue? ›

There are many types of therapies for scar tissue, but the standard treatment commonly involves exercise and massage — specifically, stretching and pulling the scar tissue to soften, align and elongate it.

Does massage actually break up scar tissue? ›

During a massage an increase in blood flow occurs, rising the temperature of muscles and tissues. A rise in temperature decreases tissue inelasticity of tissues decreasing restriction and allows the scar tissue to be broken down more easily.

Can therapy help with scar tissue? ›

Scar tissue therapy is a treatment for reducing pain and functional limitations, improving pliability, reducing hyperpigmentation, pruritus, fascial adhesions, to reduce scar thickness and smooth surface area. Scar tissue massage is a form of rehabilitation that uses pulling and stretching to remodel scar tissue.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.