Average Salary in Germany 2022 [Region, Gender, Education] | GSF (2024)

Average Salary in Germany 2022 [Region, Gender, Education] | GSF (1)

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The average salary in Germany varies greatly – depending on the industry, region, and gender. How much do Germans earn on average, and how is this figure calculated?

And how significant are the salary differences?

German employees earn an average of 47,700 Euros gross per year.

However, occupational groups such as nurses or child and youth care workers are far from such an average salary, even though they are among the system-relevant professions.

How does this sum come about, and what is the average income anyway?

The average salary in Germany is only a statistical value

Let’s first take a closer look at the statistics provided by the Federal Statistics Office.

The question is whether there is something wrong with the numbers.

The Federal Statistical Office calculates the arithmetic mean gross income of all employees. The arithmetic mean shows what everyone earns divided by the number of employees.

According to a German friend of mine, it would be more meaningful if that gross income were calculated by the median.

The median is the central value that lies precisely in the middle of all individual datasets. If they had used the median, there would be no effects on the average.

Thus, salaries of high earners would not fall into the calculation.

For example, let’s say that one employee earns 500,000 Euros per year. Seven earn 50,000 Euros, and one 25,000 Euros.

The statistics would show that they make, on average, almost 64.000 Euro per year.

So, my advice is to be careful when looking at statistics.

Main topics in this article

Does the average salary cover the cost of living in Germany? >>

The average salary in Germany – How much does a German make in one year? >>

The average salary in Germany by region >>

How high are the average salaries in Germany by profession >>

Average salaries in Germany by gender >>

What are the average salaries in Germany by education >>

Does the average salary cover the cost of living in Germany?

Your salary might not be enough depending on the region you live in, your situation, or your life-quality expectations. This can be due to the increasing costs for housing, food, and health insurance premiums.

Often, difficulties start when one parent can no longer work because it’s impossible to get childcare. Imagine if that family lives in one of the most expensive cities in Germany.

Rents and other expenses are higher there, so the situation would be more challenging for them.

The latest study from the private research institute empirica uses data from the first quarter of 2021.

It shows that Munich is the most expensive city in Germany, followed by Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Berlin, and others.

High rents are usually the most significant burden for singles and families.

But there are also costs for public transport or the commute to work, food, and other living costs. It’s recommended that your rent eats up no more than 30% of your salary.

Let’s take a closer look at the average cost of living in Germany.

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How high is the average cost of living in Germany

Only on 07th June 2021, the Federal Statistical Office (DESTATIS) published current figures in a compilation on the cost of living in Germany. According to this, private households in Germany as a whole spend approximately EUR 2.574 as the cost of living.

The value is somewhat higher in the old federal territory (approx. 2,668 Euro) in the new federal states. The value lies with approx. 2,214 Euro.

The cost of living in Germany is made up:

  • food
  • beverages
  • tobacco products
  • clothing and footwear
  • housing
  • energy
  • home repairs
  • interior furnishings
  • household appliances and household goods,
  • health care expenses
  • transportation
  • postal services and telecommunications
  • recreation and culture
  • education
  • restaurant services
  • other goods or services.

Rent occupies the highest amount here, averaging 33% of the cost of living.

How much of the average salary will go on the income tax in Germany

Germany has about 41 million people who are liable to pay income tax, either employees or freelancers.

Since the amount of income tax depends on the amount of income and the federal state, the religious affiliation, and the solidarity surcharge, the calculation is often not quite simple.

This progressive tax rate is calculated on average as follows:

Average tax rateUnmarriedMarried couples
Basic tax-free amountUp to 9,744 €Up to 19,488 €
12%Up to 14,754 €Up to 29,508 €
21%Up to 57,918 €Up to 115,836 €
42%Up to 274,612 €Up to 549,224 €
45%From 274,613 €From 549,225 €

The average tax rate is only used for more straightforward calculations. This means that everyone has an individual tax rate in Germany, and the tax rate defined in the table is only used for more accessible analysis.

The Federal Ministry of Finance has published an Official Income Tax Handbook for this purpose.

The difference between gross salary and net income in Germany

The gross salary is your monthly payments without any deductions. It also includes the sum agreed in your employment contract!

The net salary remains after taxes, and other payments are taken out of the total amount paid into an account. Income tax ranges from 30-50%.

In general, you could say that it’s around 35%, depending on how much one earns and where one lives (since every country has different income tax rates).

Calculate your net salary with the help of the salary calculator Germany

Suppose you are thinking of moving to Germany or changing your job or residence within Germany and starting a new career.

In that case, it is helpful to know your net income to better enter into salary negotiations.

With the salary calculator Germany, you can easily calculate your net income in Germany.

Once you have calculated your net income, you can compare your income with the average income in Germany.

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Average salary Germany – How much does a German make in one year?

Germany’s gross average income is around 4,146 € per month for men and 3,578 € per month for women. Here it is assumed that the respective persons work full time.

The value was averaged across the individual federal states.

I have compiled another list with more exact details to allow you to evaluate your salary even better, depending on the place of residence.

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What is the average salary in Germany by region?

To get a better overview of the distribution of salaries in Germany in relation to the federal states, below is a list of all 16 federal states in Germany divided between men, women and an overall average value of monthly salaries:

Hamburg5,330 €4,253 €4,966 €
Hesse5,076 €5,386 €4,835 €
Bavaria4,916 €4,001 €4,652 €
Baden-Wuerttemberg4,961 €3,883 €4,646 €
Berlin4,735 €4,136 €4,502 €
North Rhine-Westphalia4,641 €3,917 €4,429 €
Bremen4,665 €3,863 €4,422 €
Rhineland-Palatinate4,360 €3,761 €4,186 €
Lower Saxony4,311 €3,681 €4,135 €
Schleswig-Holstein4,117 €3,581 €3,963 €
Saarland4,127 €3,555 €3,959 €
Brandenburg3,583 €3,561 €3,575 €
Saxony3,634 €3,399 €3,561 €
Saxony-Anhalt3,567 €3,482 €3,539 €
Thuringia3,451 €3,302 €3,401 €
Mecklenburg Western Pomerania3,409 €3,322 €3,379 €

The original list can be found at statista.de. The statistics show the average gross monthly earnings (with special payments) of full-time employees in Germany’s manufacturing and service sectors by state and gender in 2020.

In 2020, the average salaries and salaries for male employees in Thuringia were around 3,451 Euros.

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How high are the average salaries in Germany by profession

In Germany, there are currently about 324 different recognized professional groups.

The actual number of occupational groups is significantly higher, as some occupations do not require recognized training and are nevertheless in demand and occupied by companies.

I have summarized the most important occupational groups here and listed their average salaries per month.

Occupational GroupAverage Salary (monthly)
Information and communication4,919 €
Energy Supply4,906 €
Financial and insurance services4,895 €
Freelance, scientific and technical services4,327 €
Manufacturing industry3,998 €
Mining and quarrying3,993 €
Real estate and housing3,861 €
Manufacturing (total)3,860 €
Public administration, defense, social security3,789 €
Education and training3,694 €
Manufacturing and services (total)3,501 €
Water supply3,487 €
Services (total)3,352 €
Arts, entertainment, and recreation3,320 €
Construction3,230 €
Health and social work3,112 €
Other services3,005 €
Trade2,967 €
Transport and storage2,847 €
Other economic services2,251 €
Hospitality1,403 €

The positive development in recent years shows that salaries and salaries in Germany have risen steadily in recent years. This applies particularly to the salaries of specialists and skilled workers, whose jobs are challenging to fill (shortage of skilled workers).

What is the average salary of an engineer in Germany

Engineers in Germany currently earn a gross base salary of around 60,000 Euros per year.

This figure is from 2021 and is calculated based on 439 salaries that were published anonymously on glassdoor.

However, this can vary significantly in individual cases. It depends on the industry, company, experience or federal state in which the person is employed.

The average salary in IT in Germany

An average salary of an IT consultant/expert is 54,522 € per year, whereby the salary range can be between 41,000 € and 82,000 €.

Often, the high differences occur due to work experience, company, and state of residence.

What is the average salary of a hairdresser in Germany?

To determine the average salary of a hairdresser in Germany, you need to take a closer look at the profession and employment trends.

Salaries range from €570 per month for hairdressers in training to €1,990 per month as a salon manager.

The more experience a hairdresser has, the more salary he can expect.

This can end up at an average of over €2,300 per month in a permanent position. However, or precisely for this reason, many hairdressers have chosen the path of self-employment.

They often rent a chair in a store and earn significantly more, with an established clientele.

Also, the choice of the federal state can still play a decisive role here, as can be read in the article from Jobs Regional.

How much does a waiter make in Germany?

Many employees, especially waiters and service staff, often have a meager base salary in the restaurant / hospitality industry.

At present, one assumes a gross annual income of approx. 25,526 Euro in the catering trade, which would hardly be sufficient in such a way regarded as salary in Germany.

With which waiters can improve however frequently in the catering trade clearly, is the tip, which is usual in Germany.

This tip is often not listed in the tax as a salary but is usually paid out in cash and therefore does not appear in any statistics.

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Average salaries Germany by gender

Currently, the gender pay gap is frequently reported in the press.

This refers to the salary gap between men and women in the same professions, same positions with the same areas of responsibility.

A recent study by the German Federal Statistical Office (DESTATIS) states that in 2020, women in Germany will earn 18% less on average.

While this is a 1% lower average than in 2019, it cannot consider shortfalls due to COVID-19 and deviations due to short-time work.

Hourly earnings for men were €22.78 in 2020 and €18.62 for women.

This difference should not be justified by downtimes such as maternity leave, childcare, and parental leave.

It is also interesting to note that the gender pay gap is more significant in the old states than in the new states.

There it is only 6%, which may also be because salaries are generally lower there.

YearGermanyWest Germany(including Berlin)East Germany(without Berlin)
201022% 24%7%

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What are the average salaries in Germany by education

A general distinction is made between vocational training (so-called master artisans, specialists, or apprenticeships) and academic professions in Germany.

According to a study conducted by Statista in February 2021, on average salaries in Germany by educational level, 18.5% of the population with academic degrees earn more than those with vocational training. 250,000 data records were used for this study.

Vocational trainingThe average salary in Germany (per year)
Completed apprenticeship / training43,471 €
Master craftsman / Fachwirt55,222 €
Doctorate83,668 €
Master’s degree61,906 €
Bachelor’s degree54,210 €
University diploma78,687 €
University of Applied Sciences diploma77,696 €
2nd state examination81,580 €
Magister61,876 €

As you can see, the average salary in Germany can vary a lot. It depends on the region you are living in, your profession, your experience, your education, and your gender.

I hope that I can make things a bit easier for you when you either consider moving to Germany, finding some work there, or moving from one state to another.

You can always use my salary calculator Germany to fully understand your income tax as well as your salary tax.

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average salaries Germany, Average salary in Germany, what is the average salary in germany

About the Author


Alex works in product management and has been living in Germany for more than 12 years. He has been speaking German for more than 22 years. His passion is to help people, who want to live a good life in a German speaking country, to learn German super fast. Want to connect with him? Send him an email and he'll get in touch with you.

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Average Salary in Germany 2022 [Region, Gender, Education] | GSF (2024)


What is the minimum wage in Germany 2022? ›

From 1 October 2022 onwards, the minimum pay amounts to gross 12.00 euros per hour worked.

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The classic among the part-time jobs is the minijob. You may earn up to 450 euros per month. With a minimum wage of 9.50 euros per hour (as of Jan. 2021), you have to work a maximum of around eleven hours per week or around 47 hours per month for this amount.

Is 70k good salary in Germany? ›

60.000 euros a year in Germany is considered a good gross salary as it is well above the average salary of 47.700 euros a year for the whole country. Most Germans who earn 60.000 euros or more are very happy with their salary.

What is a teacher's salary in Germany? ›

Primary & secondary British & United States international school teacher in salary Germany €35,000 to €55,000 per annum F/T depending on experience before tax & social insurance. Teacher benefits could include: Relocation allowance including flight to Germany up to 1,500 euros for single teachers.

What is a good salary in Germany 2022? ›

What is a good average salary in Germany in 2022? A good annual average salary in Germany is between €64,000 to €81,000. This gross salary (salary before taxes or social contributions) depends on your profession, industry, and education.

How much does Germany pay per hour? ›

Minimum wage in Germany
DateMinimum wage (gross)
January 1 - June 30, 20219,50 euros per hour
July 1 - December 31, 20219,60 euros per hour
January 1 - June 30, 20229,82 euros per hour
July 1, 2022 onwards10,45 euros per hour

How much can a student work in Germany? ›

Student jobs and internships

Students from EU/EEA countries are allowed to work for up to 20 hours per week during the semester, just like German students are. There is no limit to how much they can earn during semester breaks.

Which degree is best in Germany? ›

Highest Paid Degrees in Germany
  1. Medicine and Dentistry. Doctors and dentists are valuable professionals throughout the entire world. ...
  2. Law. Lawyers are also highly important. ...
  3. Industrial Engineering. ...
  4. Engineering. ...
  5. Mathematics and Computer Science. ...
  6. Natural Sciences. ...
  7. Business and Economics. ...
  8. Architecture.

Can I work more than 20 hours on a student visa in Germany? ›

You can work up to 20 hours per week while studying. If you exceed this, you'll be required to pay into the German social security system, and there could be a negative impact on your studies. Non-EU/EEA students are also able to work in Germany alongside their studies, for 120 full days or 240 half days per year.

Is 2500 Euros good salary in Germany? ›

What Is a Good Salary in Germany in 2022? In Germany, a monthly net income between 2,500 EUR and 3,500 EUR is considered to be a good salary. You can afford a decent life in a large German city with that income, including renting a 2 bedroom apartment, regularly eating out, and weekends away.

How much is rent in Germany? ›

On average, to cover your living expenses in Germany you will need around 934 euros per month (around $906 US dollars) or 11,208 euros per year (around $10,876 US dollars).
Which region has the highest cost of living in Germany?
Munich1,094.30€ -1
Berlin795.90€ – 4
Hamburg838.94€ – 3
Frankfurt868.91€ – 2
9 more columns

How much is the lowest salary in Germany? ›

Germany's minimum wage is €12 per hour, pre-tax since 1 October 2022. The legislation (German: Gesetz zur Regelung eines allgemeinen Mindestlohns) was introduced on January 1, 2015, by Angela Merkel's third government, a coalition between the SPD and the CDU.

Are teachers in Germany paid well? ›

On September 1, 2021, “Deutsche Welle” published an article titled “How much do school teachers earn in Germany and can they be granted gifts?” Its author, Xenia Safronova, a journalist, claims that German teachers are paid 3 to 5 thousand euro per month on average, and this meets the benchmark of «higher than average» ...

How many hours do teachers work in Germany? ›

Working hours are generally 40 hours per week. During the lecture period, the employee holds courses amounting to up to 600 hours per year.

Which job has highest salary in Germany? ›

Top 10 Highest Paid Professions in Germany 2022 - 23
  • Researchers in Biotechnology and Neuroscience. ...
  • Surgeons and doctors. ...
  • Judges. ...
  • Bank managers. ...
  • Director of Finance. ...
  • Tourism and hospitality professionals. ...
  • Engineering professions. ...
  • Sales managers.
3 Aug 2022

Is 70k a good salary in Munich? ›

Long story short. Yes it's a good salary. It's more than enough to make bigger purchases, enjoy travelling for vacation, have some savings, and have a good quality of life. TL;DR: You will make roughly 3500€ net monthly.

Is 70k a good salary in Hamburg? ›

Yes, definitely. Average income income in Hamburg was below €36k p.a. in 2014, so today might be closer to €40k p.a. — but you're still comfortably above this with €70k p.a.

How can I increase my salary in Germany? ›

The best approach to asking for a raise in Germany is to highlight your value and your contributions to the company. Any improvement in efficiency or skills such as language skills, training, courses and certifications is a plus.

How many hours work in Germany? ›

Minimum and maximum working time

The maximum daily amount of working time must not exceed ten hours. However, the law stipulates that the working hours on business days (Monday until Saturday) must not exceed an average of eight working hours per day, ie 48 hours per week, over a period of six months or 24 weeks.

Which city in Germany has more job opportunities? ›

Berlin - one of the economic hubs of the world

The capital city of Germany offers some of the best employment opportunities in Berlin. It is one of the economic hubs of the world and attracts a growing number of expats each year that come in search of better career options.

How many hours is a part time job in Germany? ›

Part-time work in Germany

Anyone working in Germany for less than 30 hours per week is considered a part-time employee. Once you have been at your company for six months, you have the right to request a reduction to your weekly working hours (as long as the company employs more than 15 people).

What is the minimum salary to get work permit in Germany? ›

If you apply for a Blue Card, your salary must be at least 56,400€ per year (before taxes). If there is a shortage of skilled workers in your field, your salary must be at least 43,992€ per year. This list shows which fields have a shortage of skilled workers. If you can, find a job before you come to Germany.

What is the highest paying part-time job in Germany? ›

Highest paying part-time jobs in Germany
  • Research scholars.
  • Research assistants/academic assistants.
  • Support staff.
  • Teaching English as an English tutor.
  • Industrial production assistants.

How much does it cost to live in Germany as a student? ›

Students in Germany usually spend roughly 850 Euros every month on average as living costs. You will require approximately 10, 300+ Euros annually in living costs and close to 40% of global students will want to find student residences owing to lower costs hovering around 300 EUR per month.

Which job is easy in Germany? ›

TOP FIVE Jobs in Demand in Germany – Get jobs easily NOW!
  • Electronics Engineer.
  • Computer Science, IT professionals and Software Developers.
  • Mechanical Engineering.
  • Account Managers / Business analysts.
  • Civil Engineer / Architecht.
2 Aug 2022

Which course is high demand in Germany? ›

Which course is in demand in Germany? Engineering is by far the most popular and one of the best degrees to study in Germany, and it usually leads to an MS degree. Mechanical engineering, automotive engineering, and electrical engineering are among the engineering disciplines chosen by students.

Which course is popular in Germany? ›

By far the most popular and one of the top courses to study in Germany, engineering mostly translates into an MS degree. Some of the engineering specializations that students opt for are Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering and Electrical Engineering, among others.

Can I convert my student visa to work visa in Germany? ›

Staying in Germany after obtaining your degree

You are allowed to perform any job while searching for qualified employment. As soon as you have received a job offer, you can apply to have your residence permit for study purposes converted into a work permit for qualified professionals or into an EU Blue Card.

How long can I stay in Germany after my student visa expires? ›

Extension of residence permit for study

The residence permit is usually issued or extended for a period of 2 years (though shorter periods of validity are available for guest students etc.), provided the course of study is still ongoing and the permitted period of study has not been exceeded.

How much is tax in Germany? ›

It's a progressive tax: if you earn more, you pay a bigger percentage of your income. If you earn less than 10,347€ per year, you don't pay income tax. The median income tax rate is around 18%. The maximum income tax rate is 45%1.

How much does Mcdonald's pay in Germany? ›

McDonald's in Berlin, Germany Area Salaries
Job TitleLocationSalary
Mc Donalds Crew Member salaries - 4 salaries reportedBerlin, Germany Area€21,667/yr
Cashier salaries - 3 salaries reportedBerlin, Germany Area€22,256/yr
Schichtleiter salaries - 3 salaries reportedBerlin, Germany Area€27,178/yr
17 more rows

What is take home salary in Germany? ›

The median gross salary in Germany is €44,074 per year or €3,673 per month, according to figures from GEHALT.de for 2022. This means that half of people earn more while half earn less.

Can you live with 2000 euros in Germany? ›

For non-students, even if you're living in a smaller city you would be hard-pressed to get by on less than 1000 Euros a month. 2000 Euros a month would be more typical for an adult eyeing frugality. On the high end, budgets of 4000 Euros a month aren't unusual in many cities.

Which is the cheapest city to live in Germany? ›

Cost of living in Berlin

Despite being the capital, Berlin is one of Germany's cheapest cities. Rental prices vary massively, but as a rule of thumb, the west remains much more expensive than the east. You can rent a one-bed flat in Berlin for €00 upwards.

How much is a car in Germany? ›

Car Prices In Germany

The average price of a new car in Germany is around 36.300 euros, while the average price of a used car in Germany is around 18.750 euros. But, of course, these numbers vary highly, depending on the car's make, model, and configuration.

Are houses cheap in Germany? ›

At about 46 percent, it is the lowest in the entire European Union. There are no legal restrictions on non-Germans purchasing property and German real estate offers unique opportunity for foreign buyers. German cities have an increase in demand and compared to other European cities are still offer lower house prices.

How much is a waiter paid in Germany? ›

1.430 € (EUR)/yr

The average waiter/waitress gross salary in Germany is 27.039 € or an equivalent hourly rate of 13 €. In addition, they earn an average bonus of 1.430 €. Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in Germany.

Can I get a job in Germany without speaking German? ›

In short: yes, there are English-speaking jobs in Germany. Foreigners who look for jobs in tech startups or digital departments have a higher chance of finding work in Germany without speaking German.

Where do the rich live in Germany? ›

Cost of Living

Hamburg has the highest density of millionaires and its vast corporations in the media, entertainment and commercial industry have established a strong economy. Therefore, the costs of living are higher than in other German cities: Hamburg is 9% more expensive than Berlin.

Which country pays teachers the best? ›

Luxembourg. According to an OECD report, Luxembourg (a European country) has the highest-paid teachers in the world. Another source indicates that a bachelor's degree holder is entitled to an initial salary of €67,000 (US $70,323.20) per annum at the start of their teaching career.

Are teachers in demand in Germany? ›

Germany set for shortage of teachers

This is expected to be alleviated by 2030, with the shortage dropping to 14.000. The other study, commissioned by the Education and Training Association (VBE), was headed by Klaus Klemm and came to the conclusion that the teacher shortage in Germany would be far more severe by 2030.

Which country gives highest salary to teachers? ›

The United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Generally speaking, the highest-paid ESL teaching salaries globally are found in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the two biggest cities in the UAE. Salary packages for teachers in the United Arab Emirates can range between $3,500-$5,500 (12,300-22,000 AED) per month, depending on experience.

Do teachers pay taxes in Germany? ›

a) Taxability of employment income

If you are employed in Germany for research and/or teaching purposes and stay here for more than six months, your (globally-earned) income will be taxable in Germany.

Can I work two jobs in Germany? ›

Secondary employment is generally permitted in Germany and does not have to be approved by the 'main' employer. Secondary employment can take the following forms: another salaried employment relationship with another employer; or. a freelance employment relationship (self-employed secondary employment).

Can a foreigner be a teacher in Germany? ›

Those who have been granted 'teaching competence' ('Befähigung für ein Lehramt') can work as teachers in Germany. You can also work as a teacher in Berlin, if you acquired your professional qualifications abroad. To be able to do so, you must seek recognition of your professional qualifications.

What is a good salary in Germany for a family of 4? ›

According to Statista, in 2021, the average gross annual salary in Germany was 47.700 euros a year, or 3.975 euros a month. The numbers above are for all of Germany. However, the average gross salary will depend greatly on your location, professional experience, education, size of the company, and gender.

Which jobs are needed in Germany? ›

According to deutschland.de, these are the most highly demanded jobs in Germany in 2022:
  • Software developers, architects, and programmers.
  • Electronics engineers, electricians, and electrical fitters.
  • Nurses.
  • IT consultants and analysts.
  • Economists and business management experts.
  • Customer advisors and account managers.
31 Jan 2022

What is the minimum monthly wage in Germany? ›

What is minimum wage in Germany? Minimum Wages in Germany increased to 12 EUR/Hour (1889.764 USD/Month) in 2022. The maximum rate of minimum wage for employees was 9.5 EUR/Hour and minimum was 8.5 EUR/Hour. Data published Yearly by DESTATIS.

What is the minimum wage in Germany in US dollars? ›

Germany increased its national minimum wage to 10.45 euros per hour ($10.59) in June 2022. It applies to all workers over 18, with the exception of people working on a freelance basis and some trainees and interns.

How much is euro per hour in Germany? ›

Employees earn 19.37 euros per hour

Employees in Germany earned an average of € 19.37 per hour in April 2018. The wage level of € 16.27 in the New Länder was € 3.57 less and well below the average earnings in the Former territory of the Federal Republic (€ 19.84).

Which country has the highest minimum wage? ›

Australia maintains the world record as the country with the highest minimum wage. As fixed by the Fair Work Commission under the Australian Federal Government, the minimum wage in Australia is estimated at $18.29 (including taxes and other charges), which is equivalent to the weekly minimum wage of $694.90.

How many hours work in Germany? ›

Minimum and maximum working time

The maximum daily amount of working time must not exceed ten hours. However, the law stipulates that the working hours on business days (Monday until Saturday) must not exceed an average of eight working hours per day, ie 48 hours per week, over a period of six months or 24 weeks.

What is the lowest paid job in Germany? ›

Lowest Paying Jobs in Germany in 2022
  • Waitress.
  • Backer.
  • Dental Assistant.
  • Call Center Agent.
  • Receptionist.
  • Chef/Cook.
  • Salesperson/Customer Advisor in Retail.
  • Cashier.

Which city in Germany has more job opportunities? ›

Berlin - one of the economic hubs of the world

The capital city of Germany offers some of the best employment opportunities in Berlin. It is one of the economic hubs of the world and attracts a growing number of expats each year that come in search of better career options.

How much is rent in Germany? ›

On average, to cover your living expenses in Germany you will need around 934 euros per month (around $906 US dollars) or 11,208 euros per year (around $10,876 US dollars).
Which region has the highest cost of living in Germany?
Munich1,094.30€ -1
Berlin795.90€ – 4
Hamburg838.94€ – 3
Frankfurt868.91€ – 2
9 more columns

How much tax do I pay in Germany? ›

It's a progressive tax: if you earn more, you pay a bigger percentage of your income. If you earn less than 10,347€ per year, you don't pay income tax. The median income tax rate is around 18%. The maximum income tax rate is 45%1.

How many hours is a part time job in Germany? ›

Part-time work in Germany

Anyone working in Germany for less than 30 hours per week is considered a part-time employee. Once you have been at your company for six months, you have the right to request a reduction to your weekly working hours (as long as the company employs more than 15 people).

Can I work full time as a student in Germany? ›

You can work up to 20 hours per week while studying. If you exceed this, you'll be required to pay into the German social security system, and there could be a negative impact on your studies. Non-EU/EEA students are also able to work in Germany alongside their studies, for 120 full days or 240 half days per year.

Is 2500 Euros good salary in Germany? ›

What Is a Good Salary in Germany in 2022? In Germany, a monthly net income between 2,500 EUR and 3,500 EUR is considered to be a good salary. You can afford a decent life in a large German city with that income, including renting a 2 bedroom apartment, regularly eating out, and weekends away.

How much is a waiter paid in Germany? ›

1.430 € (EUR)/yr

The average waiter/waitress gross salary in Germany is 27.039 € or an equivalent hourly rate of 13 €. In addition, they earn an average bonus of 1.430 €. Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in Germany.

Which country gives good salary in Europe? ›

The average salary in Norway allows you to live quite at a decent level. In 2021, the average salary of a person working in Norway was 4,400 euros.

Which European country pays more? ›

The three countries in Europe with the highest minimum wage in 2022 are Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Belgium.

Which country is best salary? ›

These are the countries with the Highest Average Salaries, 2022
RankCountryAverage Monthly Net Salary (US$)
4United States3721.64
101 more rows
15 Aug 2022

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.