7 Best DPS Champions In League of Legends (2024)

League of Legends has different champion types and lots of different roles given to each player. It is a MOBA game which means there are two teams fighting for victory and victory is achieved when one side destroys the nexus of the other side.

Each team member has their own roles to play and to name a few, Tank champions are usually the ones played in the top lane where they are left to fend for themselves as they are the farthest teammate and are only ganked when junglers see the value in helping them get a kill. Mid laners are damage powerhouses that can either burst multiple enemies at once or champions that can survive skirmishes for extended periods of time.

Then comes DPS champions that can deal sustainable damage every second. Their damage is substantially improved by attack speed as attack speed determines how many times they can attack each second. With that thought, DPS champions are mostly composed of marksmen or fighter champions and based on my experience, I made a list of the top 7 best DPS champions in League of Legends.

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Table of Content

7. Master Yi

7 Best DPS Champions In League of Legends (1)

At the top of this list is none other than the master of Wuju style himself, Master Yi. His kit revolves around slashing enemies with his sword and finishing in style for each execution. Master Yi also depends on attack speed and it greatly synergizes with his spells as well as his passive. Each time Master Yi basic attacks an opponent, it reduces the cooldown of his Alpha strike.

Alpha Strike is Master Yi’s main source of damage, it can strike up to four nearby enemies or it can strike the same target four times with a reduced damage percentage for each succeeding strike. He is mostly played in the jungle which is really perfect for him as he can power farm in the jungle without having to think about an enemy killing him every minute.

Best Item

Duskblade of drakthar

This is a great item on Yi if he decides to make a lethality build and be an assassin. His Q is overpowered whenever he builds lethality items as it can literally one-shot squishy champions, so much so if he has the dark harvest rune. This item is heavily abused by smurf players in low elo as it can easily and quickly finish games on their smurf accounts.

Kraken Slayer

When building Master Yi as an on-hit anti-tank champion, Kraken Slayer is the way to go as he can easily proc its effect thanks to his passive that lets him strike an enemy twice whenever it is up. With high enough attack speed, Kraken Slayer will truly improve Master Yi’s damage per second.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle

During the early game, being a power farmer jungler, all you really have to think about is to clear camps as fast as you can so you can accumulate enough gold and build your core items. Make sure to ask for buff vision from your teammates as Master Yi can easily be countered jungled.

Mid Game Playstyle

Once you’ve built your first item, you can already gank a lane that needs your help. Take this as a reminder to never use Master Yi’s Q as your gap closer when engaging someone, use your ultimate to close the gap so that when the enemy decides to flash away, you can use your Q to get close to him again.

Late Game Playstyle

During the late game, Master Yi basically demolishes everyone in the game, it doesn’t matter if the enemy has a super durable tank, Master Yi will cut through everyone like a hot knife against a butter. Even Baron Nashor doesn’t stand a chance against Master Yi, given that he has enough lifesteal. Master Yi can solo any main objective as long as he has one or two lifesteal items.

6. Yasuo

7 Best DPS Champions In League of Legends (2)

DPS champions are not limited to ADC champions. Yasuo is a Fighter that heavily relies on attack speed as well, his attack speed determines how fast his Q comes off cooldown.

He can trade blows with enemies, especially in the late game, Yasuo’s DPS is very high but his early game says otherwise, most players find him really hard to use which leads them to lose more games on him, hence the famous statement 0/10 Yasuo power spike.

Best Item

Immortal Shieldbow

Being a DPS champion means you can stay fighting for extended durations because you deal damage every second. Immortal Shieldbow gives Yasuo very strong lifesteal stats making him last in the battle for extended periods of time. This item will improve Yasuo’s attack speed and life steal once its passive gets triggered.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle

Play safe when you are level as your trading is not that great with only your Q in your arsenal. Once you reach level 2 however, you can play extremely aggressively by poking your opponent with your Q and using your E as a gap closer and a way out. Playing aggressively will make your opponent lose confidence and won’t know what to do with your constant dashing and poking him with your Q.

Mid Game Playstyle

Mid game Yasuo heavily depends on his teammates to set a knock-up on the enemy so he can use his ultimate on them and finish them all off. Once Yasuo uses his ultimate, he will gain bonus armor penetration making him deal more DPS.

Late Game Playstyle

Late game Yasuo is what everyone is waiting for, with the famous 0/10 Yasuo power spike, Yasuo really gets stronger once he secures his core items. He can also set wombo combos up and wipe the entire enemy team in one fell swoop.

Also Check Out: Best Items Against Tanks

5. Vayne

7 Best DPS Champions In League of Legends (3)

Most champions that depend on attack speed are marksmen, this is because their main damage output comes from their basic attacks that can be improved by adding attack damage and attack speed, therefore increasing an ADC’s DPS.

Best Item

Kraken Slayer

There is no champion out there who synergizes with this item than Vayne. This item procs the bonus true damage on each third basic attack of the wearer. This works great with Vayne’s W as well as it has the same effect, which can also still be improved by taking the PTA or the press the attack rune.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle

Vayne’s kit is made for the late game so all you have to think about in the early game is how to perfect your CS without suffering so much from your enemy’s pokes and trades.

But despite Vayne’s weak start, if she manages to secure a lead on her opponent, she can easily take over the lane and snowball pretty hard until the late game, with season 12’s update on lethal tempo, Vayne has become even stronger as stacking lethal tempo doesn’t only increase her attack speed, it increases her range as well.

Mid Game Playstyle

During mid game, if you manage to get a lead then feel free to kill everyone you see, but if you don’t, here’s what you should do. Never go on fights if you know you can’t win them, nothing good will happen if Vayne accumulates lots of deaths. Only fight enemies if you have more than 2 of your teammates to help you.

Late Game Playstyle

Vayne is one of the strongest late-game champions out there as she really becomes unstoppable once she builds all of the items she needs to counter every champion in the opposing team.

She can even go as a one-man team against 5 enemies and still come out on top. Just remember that Vayne is really squishy even in the late game so you’re gonna have to practice your positioning and cooldowns.

4. Jinx

7 Best DPS Champions In League of Legends (4)

Another late-game champion that goes crazy whenever she racks up on core items and attack speed. I just said crazy and I really mean crazy, Jinx is an insane character that has a passive that gets her excited whenever she scores a kill, this passive lets her move faster and attack faster.

Best Item


Everybody is just abusing galeforce nowadays, not only does it have impressive stats, it also has an active effect that lets her dash a short distance and deal tons of damage. Jinx also lacks mobility spells making him an easy target for skill-shot-based champions like lux or Morgana. With Galeforce equipped, she basically defeats every other ADC DPS champion out there.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle

In the early game, focus on perfecting your CS just like Vayne, your power spike will come if you have built your core items already. But if your jungler and your support decide to score an early takedown for you, commit as Jinx can snowball once she earns a lead against her enemy.

Mid Game Playstyle

During mid game, you’re going to have to team up with your team to score takedowns. Help your jungler secure permanent dragon buffs for you that will surely help you in the late game.

Late Game Playstyle

Jinx can wipe entire enemy teams in the late game especially if she has a Runaan’s.

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3. Tristana

7 Best DPS Champions In League of Legends (5)

There is a difference between a burst and a DPS, burst immediately deals tons of damage to an enemy within the second it is cast while DPS deals damage to an enemy repeatedly over a few seconds. Tristana can do both which makes her a really unpredictable opponent.

Best Item

Kraken Slayer

This item works great as it synergizes with Tristana’s PTA damage, it also allows Tristana to deal damage to tank champions as this item deals true damage every third strike.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle

In the early game, Tristana can play highly aggressively thanks to her abilities. She can jump towards an enemy and slow them down, she can trade much better than the opponent as she can increase her attack speed for free with her Q and she can also deal burst damage with her E. She is a really terrifying champion to face whenever you are in a 1v1 situation.

Mid Game Playstyle

Tristana likes to dive in the middle of an enemy team, she does this because she slows enemies down when she lands. This strategy is pretty risky so make sure that you buy a Broken Stopwatch from time to time.

Late Game Playstyle

Tristana’s main value is at its peak during the mid game, er damage falls off in the late game so try to finish your games faster to bring out the best in Tristana.

2. Kog’Maw

7 Best DPS Champions In League of Legends (6)

The best champion to ever wield the Lethal Tempo rune, even back when Lethal Tempo hasn’t been updated yet, Kog’Maw has already been using it and abusing it. Kog relies on his basic attacks and using his W alone can demolish tanks.

Best Item


With Lethal tempo’s new update, Kog’s attack speed is not only increased, but his attack range is also increased as well. Galeforce is the best item for Kog simply because he can use it as an engage ability to close the gap between him and an enemy and slow them down using his E.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle

Kog’Maw has a pretty basic kit in the early game and can be compared to a ranged minion, all eh can do is basic attack enemies and throw some of his skill shots. Don’t worry however because Kog’s basic kit is definitely devastating in the late game with all the on-hit damage he accumulates.

Mid Game Playstyle

This is the phase where you need to build the first item to counter an enemy, usually, if there are tanks, Blade of the Ruined King is the best option as it synergizes not only with your attack speed but also helps you deal more HP percentage damage.

Late Game Playstyle

Late game Kog is just broken, he can simply stand in one spot and act as a long ranged artillery barrage for your team. If he builds Runaan’s Hurricane, he can easily wipe out 3 or more people within 5 seconds.

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1. Jax

7 Best DPS Champions In League of Legends (7)

Jax does not depend on attack speed but he really becomes out of control if he has both attack speed and on-hit damage in the late game.

Best Item

Divine Sunderer

This might be an item that is made when you are playing tank champions, what most people don’t know is Jax is a hybrid fighter and a stunner.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle

Played mostly in the top lane, Jax surely loves to be left behind and comes out in the late game demolishing teams of five. You can trade with your enemy as early as level 3, when you have all of your abilities. Be careful however because if Jax falls behind it will be really hard for him to bounce back.

Mid game playstyle

You should roam in the mid game because your teammates will need you to achieve kills. Jax is a pretty tanky champion especially when he uses his ultimate just before a fight erupts.

Late game playstyle

You are a tank fighter hybrid that can take shots and deal damage to enemies all at the same time. This means that you will be on the frontline of your team every time a fight happens.

Final Thoughts

DPS champions easily rule the mid to late game this is because their damage output is heavily decided by attack speed. Having high attack speed means you can damage an opponent twice the rate of how much you damaged an enemy before.

7 Best DPS Champions In League of Legends (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.