5 Facility Risk Management Issues for Facilities Managers (2024)

Risk management is not just for risk managers anymore. For multi-site retail, restaurant and convenience store brands, facility risk is a critical component that has implications throughout the customer experience. With hundreds of locations, thousands of commercial contractors, and millions of customers, there are all kinds of formal and informal touchpoints outsiders have with a company. And there is potential risk inherent in the management of every touchpoint.

5 Facility Risk Management Issues for Facilities Managers (1)

What makes this a challenging issue for the FM professional is the diverse array of risks that the facilities manager could — or should — be responsible for, regardless of stated job definitions.

Evidenced by recent data security breaches at leading retailers, technology is certainly a risk facing organizations, though not the only one. But what areas of risk impact facility management?

IT Security Risk

The first, though not always most obvious, source facility risk is IT/security-related. Most facilities managers now understand the benefits of moving to some type of FM software or system (e.g., CAFM, CMMS, IWMS). Running an FM program of any size and complexity manually or using a spreadsheet-based approach is not only virtually impossible, but likely a recipe for near-term failure.

Adding a level of sophistication to facility operations with an FM technology platform can bring newfound visibility, cost savings, and service improvements. But depending on the system’s approach to security and its underlying technology deployment, this can come unforeseen corporate-level (“front page”) risk factors.

Over the past months, major retailers, among others, have experienced significant data security breaches. The impact has gone far beyond the companies themselves and their proprietary data. The latest hacks have directly hit consumers as personally identifiable information as well as credit and debit card data have been stolen and sold on the black market. However, in most of these cases, hackers have gained access by leveraging valid third-party users.

How? To facilitate collaboration and increase efficiencies, companies often provide direct access through their secure barriers to partners (e.g., for efficient invoicing or payment processing).

The problem arises when these third parties have credentials stolen (e.g., via online phishing scams), allowing hackers direct access into a retailer’s hosted system. But the problem doesn’t stop at the billing system. Once inside a hosted system for vendors on the retailer’s network, hackers can then gain unfettered access to all of a retailer’s systems across its entire geographic footprint. Thus, a facility team could put the entire organization and its reputation at risk through its FM system.

However, with the segregation of customer data from contractor access and the deployment of cloud-based technologies, third parties and external (to the company) users can still exchange key data but not serve as conduits to illegal digital access.

By utilizing cloud-based deployment for such collaborative systems, contractors and vendors can still access key operating data, submit invoices and proposals, and perform other necessary online tasks. But only the cloud-based system has access into the retailer’s system, through an encrypted and secure single point of communication. Through such a “cloud-based isolation” approach, contractors and vendors never directly access a retailer’s system and compromised external accounts can’t gain entry to sensitive customer data.

In addition, with modern FM systems, companies can actually perform financial transactions on the platform. Related materials and supplies can be ordered directly from some systems, thus necessitating controls over who can order what, spending and purchasing authority, budget limits, etc.

Actually making service payments to third-party contractors directly from an FM system is a powerful tool for companies to gain efficiencies and save money when done properly. However, it’s important to manage this process properly to not bring undue risk into the picture.

With lax controls around payment functionality, there is a risk of fund misappropriation. Companies need to monitor access, both from internal sources as well as external parties, to watch for abuse of invoicing capabilities or more blatant hacking. Through cloud-based approaches and careful controls, security risks via FM technology can be minimized.

Contractor Management Risk

FM groups are responsible for hiring a range of commercial contractors to address their ongoing repair and maintenance issues.

5 Facility Risk Management Issues for Facilities Managers (2)

But are these on-site contractors in compliance with corporate policies? Are they currently insured and properly credentialed? And is this being monitored on a monthly basis?

It’s quite costly and difficult to maintain all of this information on all of a firm’s contractors all of the time. Service providers’ insurance may have been up to date when they were first contracted, but how do you ensure it remains current? If not managed properly, a Pandora’s Box of potential risk issues relating to uninsured or uncredentialed contractors accessing a company’s locations can arise.

Companies often find that their contractors were on site without valid insurance or current certification only after the incident. There’s also risk from unqualified or poorly performing contractors, or simply contractors sourced locally without adherence to corporate standards. Firms relying on contractors also run into operational or performance risk without an objective method to compare contractors against key performance indicators.

There are a number of ways to reduce such contractor risk. Some FM platforms provide the ability to monitor a company’s own private network of contractors. This approach ensures that all relevant information is documented, contracts are signed and insurance/credentials are in place. The most advanced systems track credentials in real-time and provide alerts and notifications to all parties before an insurance expiration so renewals can occur or improperly insured contractors can be substituted.

Many retail and restaurant chains have also embraced the concept of rating or scorecarding their contractors. Using objective measures allows a company to be confident that standards are being met consistently across the enterprise, regardless of geography, store, trade, etc.

In addition, by gaining visibility into contractor performance, more work can be directed to those delivering the best service, and review of those underperforming can also be based on hard data, rather than subjective opinions and anecdotal evidence.

Financial Risk

Another contractor-related issue is the level of financial health, not only of a company’s current network of contractors but of the ongoing array of prospective contractor partners. There can be any number of potential financial liabilities in dealing with contractors big and small.

Why is this important? Retail and restaurant chains can find themselves managing hundreds to thousands of third-party contractors. Some may be large, publicly held firms with nationwide service coverage; others can be regional or hyper-local businesses that may only support a small number of locations or even a single store. Regardless of contractor size, however, it’s important to be cognizant of business partners’ financial health and strength.

Avoid a situation in which a contractor involved in a long-term project and on whom you are dependent for specific repair and maintenance services suddenly goes out of business and is no longer able to provide the quality of service (or even the service itself) on which you’re relying. There have been cases in which contractors providing regularly scheduled maintenance services have ceased operations suddenly without notice, leaving the client without delivery of the service and making payments for months. This can open up risk issues with non-serviced equipment or unperformed maintenance in addition to the potential difficulty in payment recovery.

Financial risk also comes into play with prospective partners. During the RFP process, the FM group needs to not only consider service capabilities, experience, references, etc., but also whether a firm is financially sound enough to earn the business. While previously under the purview of a company’s finance function, managing the financial risk from all these contractors can very well end up under the FM group’s umbrella.

Today there are a number of tools that a facility team can use to monitor the financial condition of its contractors. Credit risk management providers can assess overall financial, payment, and going concern risk associated with a specific contractor’s business. This can provide decision-impacting information not only on prospective partners but on an existing network of contractors as well. By addressing this risk factor early and often, a facility team can ensure there are no surprises emanating from its operations.

Brand Risk

Leading organizations know that their physical, customer-facing sites leave the biggest brand impression on the consumer. Branding is typically thought of as solely a marketing or other corporate function — certainly not one within the domain of facility management. But maintaining a company’s brand image in the mind of its customer can, in fact, be one of the most crucial responsibilities of an FM organization.

A company’s physical sites (stores, restaurants, kiosks, carts, etc.) are the most direct touch point with its customers. Keeping facility locations clean, conditions safe and equipment in good working order is paramount to a store or restaurant’s brand uptime, much like a website’s uptime.

Alternatively, a store (or other physical location) with an inconsistent and neglected appearance leaves the same impression on a consumer as a website that has not changed for long periods of time is damaged or simply “down.”

However, a store being out of commission impacts more than simply that store. Customers may form negative opinions of a store due to ceiling leaks, faulty air conditioning, broken lights, parking lot potholes, etc., but the negative experience doesn’t end there. These opinions will likely help form a more general perception of the company, its other locations, and even its seemingly unrelated products and services, harming the brand itself. Thus, a company’s store uptime is directly related to its brand uptime.

Brand uptime is a new way to think about physical infrastructure and the positive or negative impact it has on overall company performance. Infrastructure and how it is perceived, whether or not the perception is accurate, leads directly to how a customer experiences a brand. Customers see a store or restaurant being down as equivalent to the brand being down. And that experience correspondingly has a direct and quantifiable impact on corporate results. Bottom line: How well facilities are maintained — or not — can put a brand at risk.

This potential revenue impact from failing to maintain an exemplary level of brand uptime is making facility management increasingly crucial, not only as a needed line item to monitor, but as a core component of an overall brand strategy.

But how can facility teams guarantee brand uptime? Most important, visibility is paramount. As is said, you can’t improve what you can’t measure. It’s critical to have insight as to the state of all physical assets, active service orders, level of contractor compliance, problem resolution metrics, outlier locations, etc. Facilities managers need this to respond effectively to issues as they arise and proactively maintain equipment on schedule as necessary. Only by being in a position to maintain a smooth running physical infrastructure can one ensure uptime and minimize brand risk.

Emergency Preparedness/Health And Safety Risk

A company’s facilities and related equipment and supplies can prove to be a critical way to respond to dangerous safety issues as well as the unforeseen emergencies that can arise. However, with responsibilities for employee, contractor and customer safety across its locations, the FM team needs to manage and prepare for any and all potential facility risks that could arise, no matter how unlikely.

When considering health and safety risk, facilities managers need to make sure not only that any potential hazard is addressed but that it’s done on a timely basis and by qualified tradesmen. Having specified procedures in place and systematically recording all actions taken can help mitigate risk should incidents occur resulting in legal action.

Ensuring safety inspections occur across all locations is another important FM task. This can be challenging to perform on a consistent basis; however if not done properly can also lead to increased risk. Using a mobile-based site auditing tool can make sure that whoever is conducting the review covers every item on the checklist, records every problem and in some cases even creates a work order on the spot to facilitate its timely remediation.

Today, being prepared for on-site emergencies, whether man-made or not, is another role that falls under the FM umbrella. With contractors working at a company’s behest (and often in not readily visible locations) there’s potential danger in an emergency situation. Again, facilities managers can take advantage of the latest technology to minimize facility risks. There are GPS-based tools that track contractors’ presence. Such mobile apps can provide contractors who are unfamiliar with a facility with emergency procedures and location maps with exit locations and evacuation routes.

Making sure repairs can be made quickly, comprehensive site audits are completed consistently, exit routes and emergency procedures are made readily available, and contractors’ on-site status can be monitored, are just some of the ways facility staff can manage this risk.

Minimizing Your Facility Risk

There are various risk factors inherent in virtually any company, and they impact organizations and their facility management teams. By understanding potential threats and implementing the strategies and actions discussed, facility professionals can reduce, minimize or eliminate risk.

Ready to take your risk management to the next level? Contact us for a free demo.

5 Facility Risk Management Issues for Facilities Managers (2024)


What is a facility risk? ›

Facility risk is the potential for failures of a facility such as a data center or office building to result in a loss or business disruption. Overview: Facility Risk.

Why is risk management so vital to facility managers? ›

Risk Management is a critical role of Facility Managers, whether you realize it or not. you can't leave it up to other functions within your company. Managing any facility carries risk, whether to the facility, occupants or the corporation as a whole through action or inaction.

Who is responsible for risk management in a facility? ›

Staff. Every staff member is responsible for effective management of risk including the identification of potential risks. Risk management processes should be integrated with other planning processes and management activities.

What are 3 challenges that you may face working as a support worker in LTC? ›

Efforts to Solve the Problem

While working as a PSW offers satisfaction and fulfillment, you have to be prepared to face numerous challenges including workplace violence, unpredictable hours, and a relatively low pay rate.

What are the challenges of working in a care home? ›

5 of the Challenges Care Workers Face and How to Overcome Them
  • When the Service User Resists Care. ...
  • Arranging Transport to Each Appointment. ...
  • Managing Varied Shifts and Hours. ...
  • Communicating with External Healthcare Professionals. ...
  • Coping with a Decline in Health. ...
  • Start Your Care Worker Career.
9 Jan 2017

What are some of the key issues a manager needs to examine when implementing a facility maintenance program? ›

4 Biggest Building Maintenance Challenges and Solutions
  • 1) Controlling Costs.
  • 2) Record Keeping and Data Analysis.
  • 3) Emergency Response and Safety.
  • 4) Extending Asset Lifespan.
5 Jun 2018

What are the new trends in facility management? ›

Facility Management Trends in 2022
  • The growing importance of predictive maintenance.
  • Mobile applications gain in focus.
  • Increasing responsibility for the environment and society.
  • Making the most of IoT, AI, and connected devices.
  • More advanced data analytics and cloud-based data collection.
  • Remote monitoring of FM.
29 Apr 2022

What is the future of facility management? ›

The future of facilities management is technology-enabled, and the effects of COVID-19 will continue to accelerate the adoption of digital technology in the facility management space. The way we manage facilities has changed as there are fewer employees, visitors and people coming and going.

What is Facility management? ›

Facilities management can be defined as the tools and services that support the functionality, safety, and sustainability of buildings, grounds, infrastructure, and real estate. Facilities management includes: Lease management, including lease administration and accounting. Capital project planning and management.

What is compliance in facilities management? ›

It is a function that is tasked with keeping a workspace functioning so that other employees can concentrate on delivering their role, with pre-planned and proactive maintenance as important as dealing with issues as they arise.

What is the risk assessment? ›

What is a risk assessment? Risk assessment is a term used to describe the overall process or method where you: Identify hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm (hazard identification). Analyze and evaluate the risk associated with that hazard (risk analysis, and risk evaluation).

What does operational risk include? ›

Operational risk is the risk of loss resulting from ineffective or failed internal processes, people, systems, or external events that can disrupt the flow of business operations. The losses can be directly or indirectly financial.

What are the effects of bad facility planning to companies business? ›

Poor Facilities Management Increases Product Costs: Regardless of the business, inadequate management of facilities raises the facility and assets' overall cost ownership. This leads to lower profit margins, which causes rises in the price of commodities to compensate for the lack of profits.

What are the roles and responsibilities of a risk manager? ›

The role of the Risk Manager

Provide a methodology to identify and analyze the financial impact of loss to the organization, employees, the public, and the environment. Examine the use of realistic and cost-effective opportunities to balance retention programs with commercial insurance.

What are the risk managers roles within the institutions? ›

The role of a Risk Manager is to communicate risk policies and processes for an organisation. They provide hands-on development of risk models involving market, credit and operational risk, assure controls are operating effectively, and provide research and analytical support.

What are some common challenges of working as an assistant in a long-term care facility? ›

Problems In Long-term Care Work
  • Excessive work pressure. In surveys, many nursing assistants say that they routinely do not have enough time to complete their basic tasks. ...
  • Understaffing. ...
  • Problems in supervision. ...
  • Lack of appropriate training. ...
  • Wages. ...
  • Injury.

What are the challenges working in aged care? ›

4 Key Challenges Facing The Australian Aged Care Sector
  • Challenge 1. Changing demographics. Australia's on track to have close to 2 million people over the age of 85 by 2050. ...
  • Challenge 2. Staffing difficulties. ...
  • Challenge 3. Increasingly demanding government policies. ...
  • Challenge 4. Digital disruption.
26 Nov 2021

What are 3 of the most important qualities a good home support worker possesses? ›

To help you hire the perfect fit, look for a person with these common traits found in Great PSWs.
  • Adaptable. A PSW that can easily adapt to new obstacles and challenges is one you want on your side. ...
  • Understanding. ...
  • Friendly and Motivated. ...
  • Compassionate. ...
  • Trustworthy and Honest. ...
  • Great Communication Skills. ...
  • Professionally Trained.
20 Dec 2018

What do you find most challenging in home health care? ›

Previous studies have shown that home care has been faced with challenges such as caring problems, inadequate nurses' ability, poor management, lack of adequate infrastructure, cultural difficulties, payment models, coordination and inter-professional cooperation, and lack of job satisfaction in home care.

What would you say are the key issues facing carers? ›

Challenges as a carer and how to cope
  • Common feelings.
  • Depression. Depression is a treatable condition that has often been found amongst carers. ...
  • Anger. ...
  • Guilt. ...
  • Isolation. ...
  • Getting a break. ...
  • Dementia awareness.

What kind of challenges do you expect to face during your studies? ›

7 Common Study Problems and How to Deal with Them
  • You're experiencing low motivation. ...
  • There are too many distractions. ...
  • You have difficulty concentrating. ...
  • You have difficulty remembering facts and figures. ...
  • You don't enjoy the subject you're studying. ...
  • You lack the right resources. ...
  • You struggle with time management.

Which One is these is the biggest challenge of studying abroad? ›

One of the most common challenges of studying abroad is the language barrier. You may have spent the last five years studying the language, but once you arrive in the country, it seems completely foreign. Locals are using slang you're unfamiliar with and several words can be used to describe the same thing.

What do you think you might find challenging when training internationally? ›

The Key Challenges
  1. Understanding cultural differences. One of the greatest challenges is understanding the cultural differences between global regions. ...
  2. Keeping consistency. ...
  3. Managing different time zones. ...
  4. Breaking through the language barrier. ...
  5. Who needs to know what? ...
  6. Taking advantage of innovations in e-Learning technology.

Why should facilities issues be addressed within a strategic plan? ›

Strategic facility planning helps facility managers do a better job and ensures that all employees are working toward the same goals and objectives.

What are the 4 types of maintenance? ›

4 types of maintenance strategy, which one to chose?
  • Corrective maintenance.
  • Preventive maintenance.
  • Risk-based maintenance.
  • Condition-based maintenance.

What are 4 successful maintenance programs? ›

This blog cover four key elements for a successful maintenance program:
  • Work order management.
  • Empowering with technology.
  • Gaining asset and maintenance intelligence.
  • Transitioning from reactive to proactive maintenance.

What are the functions of facilities management? ›

Four Main Functions of FM
  • Supporting people.
  • Establishing processes.
  • Facilities upkeep and improvement.
  • Technology integration.
  • Putting it all together for facilities management.

What are the skills needed to be an effective facilities manager? ›

Technology skills

Technology plays a critical role in facilities management and the employee experience. You should have a good understanding of how to use software to plan spaces and moves, manage buildings, maintenance, and service requests, and make it easy for employees to find and reserve space.

What is a digital twin in facilities management? ›

Digital twin facility management software brings together dynamic and static data from multiple sources in 3D models, providing valuable insights into energy and water consumption patterns, room occupancy, HVAC utilization, and other essential aspects of facility operations.

What is commercial facility management? ›

A facilities manager (FM) is responsible for maintaining an organization's valuable assets, such as property or building. An FM would also manage all facility locations and their needs, such as the local supply vendors for maintenance, health and safety, sustainability, and security services.

What are the 4 pillars of facilities management? ›

The four pillars of facility management are people, processes, the building and technology.

What are the six main functions of a facility? ›

The 6 key management functions of Facilities Management
  • Workload planning.
  • Appraisals.
  • Disciplinary & Grievance.
  • Stress.

What are hard facilities management? ›

Hard Facilities Management / Hard Services

Unlike soft services, hard services are ones that cannot be removed from the premises and directly related to the fabric of the building. These services ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees are adhered to and most are required by law.

What is a facility risk? ›

Facility risk is the potential for failures of a facility such as a data center or office building to result in a loss or business disruption. Overview: Facility Risk.

What is risk register in facilities management? ›

A risk register is a document that records all of your organisation's identified risks, the likelihood and consequences of a risk occurring, the actions you are taking to reduce those risks and who is responsible for managing them.

Who is responsible for keeping your facility in compliance? ›

First and foremost, the compliance officer is responsible for making sure that the facility follows OSHA rules closely.

What are the 5 identified risks? ›

There are five core steps within the risk identification and management process. These steps include risk identification, risk analysis, risk evaluation, risk treatment, and risk monitoring.

What are the 5 things a risk assessment should include? ›

You can do it yourself or appoint a competent person to help you.
  • Identify hazards.
  • Assess the risks.
  • Control the risks.
  • Record your findings.
  • Review the controls.

What is facility management? ›

Facilities management can be defined as the tools and services that support the functionality, safety, and sustainability of buildings, grounds, infrastructure, and real estate. Facilities management includes: Lease management, including lease administration and accounting. Capital project planning and management.

What is compliance in facilities management? ›

It is a function that is tasked with keeping a workspace functioning so that other employees can concentrate on delivering their role, with pre-planned and proactive maintenance as important as dealing with issues as they arise.

What are the effects of bad facility planning to companies business? ›

Poor Facilities Management Increases Product Costs: Regardless of the business, inadequate management of facilities raises the facility and assets' overall cost ownership. This leads to lower profit margins, which causes rises in the price of commodities to compensate for the lack of profits.

What are the 4 main functions of a facility manager? ›

Four Main Functions of FM
  • Supporting people.
  • Establishing processes.
  • Facilities upkeep and improvement.
  • Technology integration.
  • Putting it all together for facilities management.

What are the 4 pillars of facilities management? ›

The four pillars of facility management are people, processes, the building and technology.

What are the six main functions of a facility? ›

The 6 key management functions of Facilities Management
  • Workload planning.
  • Appraisals.
  • Disciplinary & Grievance.
  • Stress.

Who is responsible for keeping your facility in compliance? ›

First and foremost, the compliance officer is responsible for making sure that the facility follows OSHA rules closely.

What are the statutory compliance? ›

What is statutory compliance? There's a pre-defined legal framework within which any given organisation must function. This framework is termed as statutory compliance. Basically, the organisation must treat its employees in a way that is in adherence to various central and state labour laws.

What is statutory maintenance? ›

What is Maintenance Statutory Compliance? Statutory compliance refers to laws which are set out by the government and enforced by the government that your business or facility must adhere to. These laws tend to be static aren't don't often change.

What are facility failures? ›

Facility failure means that a machine or other equipment becomes inoperable because of such factors as breakdown, material supply shortage, and operator breaks. Such malfunction is known to be an immediate cause of a decrease in productivity on a manufacturing shop floor [10].

What are the consequences of having a poor facility manager? ›

Poor Facilities Management Increases Product Costs

Regardless of your industry, poor facilities management increases total cost ownership of your facility and assets. This leads to decreased profit margins, which spur increases in per-product pricing to make up for missing revenue.

What happen if the organization does not have an accurate facilities management? ›

Without an FM to perform preventative and reactive maintenance, any of these could stop working at any given moment, costing company thousands of dollars in lost productivity and revenue. On the employee side, a half-functioning facility would make working difficult, if not altogether impossible.

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.