10 Energy-Saving Tips: Energy Conservation And Energy Efficiency (2024)

Saving energy is at the top of everyone’s mind as electricity prices get higher and higher. You can save energy in your home in two ways: energy conservation and becoming energy efficient.

Energy conservation is reducing the amount of energy you use by changing habits, allowing you to use less electricity, save money, and help the environment. Conserving energy can be as easy as opening your curtains to get more natural light or opening the windows instead of pumping the AC.

Energy efficiency is less about your habits and more about the technology in your home and various upgrades you can make, like having Energy Star appliances or properly insulating your home.

Changing your daily habits and starting home projects can be daunting, but don't worry; we're here to help. Here are 10 energy-saving and energy-conserving habits that you can work into your routine:

Energy conservation at a glance:

  • Energy conservation is the act of changing a habit to reduce the amount of energy you use.

  • You can practice energy conservation by relying more on natural light, using less hot water, turning up the temperature on your fridge, and making energy-efficient home upgrades.

  • Integrating energy conservation into your routine and installing solar panels can drastically reduce (or even eliminate!) your electricity bill.

Top 5 energy conservation tips

Energy conservation is all about changing your habits. Saving energy can seem like just another thing to add to your to-do list, but it doesn’t have to be! The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that the average American home spends $2,000 a year on home utility bills, which can be reduced by 25% by taking energy conservation measures.

Watch the video below to get a better idea of how to utilize these tips.

1. Embrace the sun and enjoy natural lighting

On sunny days, opening your curtains reduces the need for artificial light. Relying less on lights is one of the easiest ways to conserve energy. Natural light doesn’t just help lower your energy usage; it boosts your mood too! According to doctors at the University of California, Las Angeles, natural light increases overall happiness!

With this simple technique, you’ll be saving money and feeling a bit better in the process - just by following nature’s light schedule.

2. Unplug appliances you're not using

Believe it or not, appliances still draw small amounts of electricity when plugged in, even if they’re not on! Often called phantom loads, devices can suck up eight to nine kilowatt-hours of electricity in a year simply by being plugged in. While that’s not going to break the bank - it can add up for all of the appliances in your home!

The best solution to phantom loads? Unplugging your devices when not in use. While this may be difficult for things like your TV or desktop computer, you should absolutely keep chargers and easy-to-reach lights unplugged when not in use.

Alternatively, you could get a smart powerstrip that automatically disconnects devices that aren’t in use to reduce the impact of phantom loads.

3. Turn down the thermostat!

The majority of electricity bills go towards heating and cooling a home. If you really want to save energy, your thermostat is the place to start.

In the summer, opt for opening the windows on days with a cool breeze. When the heat is too hot to handle, try keeping the air conditioning a few degrees higher when you’re not home so you aren’t blasting the AC when no one is there to enjoy it.

The same goes for the winter months. Instead of cranking the heat all day, keep it low when you’re not home and turn it back up once you get home from work. If you have a fireplace, consider using it to heat your space when you can!

If you don’t want to think about changing your thermostat every day, get a smart thermostat!

Smart thermostats automatically adjust settings for your heating and air conditioning units, set a schedule for energy use, and turn off the lights when you’re not at home.

4. Use less hot water

Wash your clothes in cold water, and yes, turn down the shower heat! A quick way to ease into this habit is by reducing the highest temperature on your water heater. Heating up water for dishes, laundry, and showers is a significant energy thief.

While hot water is necessary in some cases, most of the time, your laundry and dishes won't notice the difference, thanks to new detergents meant to be used with cold water. Better yet, install a solar water heater to get your water heating needs pollution-free.

5. Turn your refrigerator temperature up

It is safe to keep your refrigerator temperature at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below, so consider turning it up to save some energy. Turning up the temperature is a simple way to conserve energy while still keeping your food safe and fresh.

Most of these energy conservation examples are quick fixes to save you a large amount of energy and, in turn, lower your electric bill. If you want to get your electric bill to $0, adding solar panels can help you get there by generating electricity for free.

Find out how much you can save annually by installing solar panels

5 best energy efficiency upgrades

1. Replace your light bulbs

Energy-efficient lightbulbs, specifically LED light bulbs, use 75% less energy than traditional incandescent light bulbs because they don’t release as much heat.

Switching out your lightbulbs is one of the easiest things to increase your home’s energy efficiency, and it doesn’t involve much upfront cash either.

2. Upgrade to energy-efficient appliances

Switching from traditional appliances to energy-efficient ones is another great way to lower energy consumption. Energy-efficient appliances are easy to find - just look for the Energy Star sticker.

Don’t worry; you won’t sacrifice your appliance’s performance to use less energy. Energy-efficient models are designed to use less energy to get the same job done. Sometimes, they even outperform their energy-hungry counterparts!

3. Insulate your home

Insulating plays a huge role in how much energy your home needs to heat up and cool down. If your home isn’t properly insulated, you’re paying more money than you need to on electricity. According to the Department of Energy, adding insulation to the proper areas of your home can save up to 10% on energy bills!

If you find that it takes a while to heat your home in the winter or it doesn’t hold heat well, that could be a sign you need to upgrade your insulation. You can also take a peak by looking behind outlet covers, in your attic, or in your basem*nt or crawl space to see if the insulation looks sparse.

4. Replace or reseal windows and doors

Drafty windows aren’t just giving you a chill - they’re emptying your wallet! If you live in an older home or have not replaced your windows for years, you might be wasting energy trying to keep your home’s temperature regulated if air leaks from the windows, letting the cool or warm air escape.

One option is two-pane energy-efficient windows, which can keep the energy inside your home. Although replacing your windows could be a little pricey, it will pay off in the long run because your home will not be losing energy out of the window.

If you’re not up for a big project like a window replacement, you can weatherstrip areas you find drafty to reduce energy loss!

5. Get a home energy audit and regular tune-ups

If you really want to have the most energy-efficient house possible, get a home energy audit. A professional auditor can identify all areas where you’re losing energy. Then, you can address them based on your budget or how much energy you’re looking to save.

Download: DIY Home Energy Audit Checklist

You should also consider getting regular tune-ups for your appliances and HVAC systems. While most modern appliances don’t require much maintenance, you should have a professional inspect your HVAC system. Not only will this fix any leaks and improve efficiency, but it can also make your HVAC system last longer!

What's the difference between energy conservation and energy efficiency?

It is important to recognize that energy conservation and efficiency are different methods to achieve the same goal - saving energy!

Energy conservation is a form of energy management that takes place when you perform actions that lead to lower energy consumption. These actions include unplugging electronics when not in use or turning a light off when you leave a room.

Energy efficiency involves using energy-saving technology that uses less energy to complete a task. For example, energy-efficient appliances use less energy to complete the same job.

Though the two are different, energy efficiency helps achieve energy conservation. Energy-efficient products help make your home more sustainable overall since they use less energy to complete the same task as their non-energy-efficient counterparts.

Calculate what the solar payback period is for your home

Solar panels are the ultimate way to save on energy bills

Solar panels are the number one way to save on energy bills. With solar panels, you don’t have to worry about changing your habits for a cleaner and cheaper lifestyle. Instead of relying on your utility, you can generate your own power right on your roof and potentially eliminate all of your electricity costs! Oh - and they create clean energy. What’s better than that?

10 Energy-Saving Tips: Energy Conservation And Energy Efficiency (2024)


10 Energy-Saving Tips: Energy Conservation And Energy Efficiency? ›

Turning off the light when you leave the room, unplugging appliances when they're not in use and walking instead of driving are all examples of energy conservation.

What are 100 ways to conserve energy? ›

100 Ways To Save Electricity
  • Turn off fans when your pet is home. Little Savings Little Work Pets. ...
  • Seal windows and doors for tropical pets. ...
  • Wash pet bedding in cold water. ...
  • Use energy saving power strips. ...
  • Make sure air vents are not blocked. ...
  • Don't leave the door open. ...
  • Have disconnected time. ...
  • Use Alexa.

What are energy saving tips? ›

Our top 10 energy saving tips
  • Switch off lights and electrical appliances when not using them. ...
  • Switch to energy-saving LED light globes. ...
  • Shut doors and close curtains. ...
  • Save energy in how you wash and dry clothes. ...
  • Understand and improve your home's energy use. ...
  • Save energy in the kitchen. ...
  • Manage your heating and cooling.
Nov 17, 2023

What are 4 ways you can conserve energy at home? ›

  • If there is sufficient ventilation at home, then switch off the fans and do not use Air Conditions.
  • Switch off the lights at day time, and use lights only wherever required.
  • Make use of energy efficient lighting bulbs.
  • Use solar sources of energy.
  • Dry clothes in the sunlight rather than using electric dryers.

What are five 5 easy steps you can take to start saving energy? ›

How to Save Energy at Home?
  • Turning off the lights when leaving a room. ...
  • Use LED lights. ...
  • Switching to efficient appliances. ...
  • Unplug devices. ...
  • Lessen water usage. ...
  • Keep the thermostat at a lower temperature. ...
  • Use smart automated devices. ...
  • Use double glazing door.

What are 10 examples of conservation of energy? ›

  • A pendulum: As the pendulum swings down: ...
  • A ball tossed up in the air: During the throw: ...
  • A skier slides down a hill: gravitational potential energy of the skier → ...
  • A compressed spring launches a ball in a pinball game: Elastic potential energy of the spring → ...
  • Inside of a nuclear power plant:
Oct 5, 2015

What are 3 ways of conserving energy? ›

Turning off the light when you leave the room, unplugging appliances when they're not in use and walking instead of driving are all examples of energy conservation.

What are 7 ways that you can reduce your own personal consumption of energy? ›

40 Ways to reduce household energy use
  • Shut down your computer at night or set it to sleep when not in use.
  • Choose the right light. ...
  • Unplug electronics. ...
  • Unplug the charger. ...
  • Use a power strip. ...
  • Turn off lights when you leave a room, hallway light too.
  • Use natural light.
Aug 4, 2020

What can saving energy at home do? ›

There are many ways to save energy in your home so you will not only enjoy lower energy bills but also increased comfort with fewer drafts and a good feeling that you are making energy choices that count for the environment, your family and future generations.

What are the best energy saving times? ›

Electricity is often cheaper late at night or early in the morning, so you can save on your electric bill if you run your heaviest loads during those times. These are typical off-peak hours when not as many people are using electricity.

What are 5 ways energy can be stored? ›

Energy can be stored in a variety of ways, including:
  • Pumped hydroelectric. Electricity is used to pump water up to a reservoir. ...
  • Compressed air. Electricity is used to compress air at up to 1,000 pounds per square inch and store it, often in underground caverns. ...
  • Flywheels. ...
  • Batteries. ...
  • Thermal energy storage.
Oct 11, 2023

What are 5 ways to reduce electricity use? ›

Tips for Saving on Your Electric Bill
  • Turn Down Your Thermostat. It's one of the most effective ways to cut your energy usage. ...
  • Take Care of Your Furnace. ...
  • Keep the Cold Out. ...
  • Turn Down the Tank. ...
  • Cook Smart. ...
  • Think Before You Wash and Dry Clothes. ...
  • Reduce Phantom Load.

What are 6 ways in which you use energy every day? ›

Residential uses of energy

They include watching television, washing clothes, heating and lighting the home, taking a shower, working from home on your laptop or computer, running appliances and cooking. Residential uses of energy account for almost forty percent of total energy use globally.

What is the 5 source of energy? ›

The primary sources of energy in the environment include fuels like coal, oil, natural gas, uranium, and biomass. All primary source fuels except biomass are non-renewable. Primary sources also include renewable sources such as sunlight, wind, moving water, and geothermal energy.

What is a simple way to save energy and money? ›

Other ways to save include using ceiling fans, energy star appliances, energy-efficient light bulbs and turning off home electronics when they aren't in use. You can set up your shower, faucets, and toilets to use less water, and can change or empty your furnace filters to keep the unit at its most efficient.

How can I conserve resources? ›

Ten Simple Things You Can Do to Help Protect the Earth
  1. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away. ...
  2. Volunteer. Volunteer for cleanups in your community. ...
  3. Educate. ...
  4. Conserve water. ...
  5. Choose sustainable. ...
  6. Shop wisely. ...
  7. Use long-lasting light bulbs. ...
  8. Plant a tree.
Aug 11, 2021

How to conserve water? ›

25 ways to save water
  1. Check your toilet for leaks. ...
  2. Stop using your toilet as an ashtray or wastebasket. ...
  3. Put a plastic bottle in your toilet tank. ...
  4. Take shorter showers. ...
  5. Install water-saving shower heads or flow restrictors. ...
  6. Take baths. ...
  7. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. ...
  8. Turn off the water while shaving.

What conserves resources and saves energy? ›

Recycling saves energy and other resources

For example, using recycled aluminum cans to make new aluminum cans uses 95% less energy than using bauxite ore, the raw material aluminum is made from.

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